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Version: 1.2.1

Version: 1.1.1

Version: 1.0

Version: 0.1

Orchard Online: Merchant Mode v1.2!



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Orchard Online: Merchant Mode a story about a guy who got trapped in a game world in 2112, called Orchard Online. His dream was to be a merchant, so he grinded low-level mobs for a LONG time (12 years, so it is now 2124) before being able to buy a store. Due to a lack of insight, he falls into debt. Follow Xx_Dude_xX (name tba) as he follows his dream while his debt collector sneakily pushes him in a specific direction. Will he be able to pursue his dream of becoming a merchant, or will he give up, or find a new dream swallowed by lust and desire?


  • Merchant mode! Set a price and haggle to get your way. Set it too high and people will walk away. Set it too low, and you won't make any profit. The system is heavily inspired by Recettear and other merchant simulators.
  • Skill tree: use a... certain currency to unlock useful abilities to make haggling easier.
  • Tug of War: selling items is like a tug of war, your enemies might have abilities and force your hand to lower the price of an item... or you can offer them some "favors".
  • Paperdoll! Doesn't look familiar, you are imagining it


Stretch Goals:

- 100 likes: Add images to some of the player's attacks

- 200 likes: New Game +

- 300 likes: ending images




Version 1.2:

As promised, here's New Game +. It retains money as well as all your powers/unlocks, and looks (and can skip the tutorial).


- New Game + (you need to win to unlock it)

- Bug and typo fixes

Hotfix 1.2.1:

- NG+ should be accessible

- Cancelling bug is fixed 


- Icarue: Director

- Ryusake: Artists

- Plugins: Visuestella, Hakuen Studio
- Special Thanks: 6Six6, Kaytzota, and my Patreons

Changelog 1.2.0:

- New Game + (you need to win to unlock it)

- Bug and typo fixes


Changelog 1.1.0:

  • 6 Skill images

  • Changed Merchant Mind to raise Excitement cap, and eliminate willingness

  • Tutorialized Gossip

  • Added some explanations to the tutorial (and fixed it)

  • Other smaller bug fixes


Changelog 1.0:

- 5-6 more weeks of content, including 6 scenes for the main story, debt increases, and saleable items. 

- 28 new upgrades: 8 body upgrades, 2 outfit changes, 6 sex skills, 6 "hobby" skills, 6 lust skills. 

- 4 endings depending on a choice at the end + how lustful you are

- 6 difficulty modes

- Added a recycling store for stuff you don't want anymore


Changelog: 0.1:

- Initial release

Review by linkpeerer

Version reviewed: 1.1.1 on 03/30/2024

Pleasing art and novel concept, but writing is a bit threadbare for a complete game (losing, for example, is merely "Something bad happens!"). This is important because the non-easy difficulties seem to fall prey to the creator knowing exactly how their mechanics work, while failure to understand them is punished to the degree where you can easily not know your run is over and that you should have done better two saves ago.

Review by Meruvio

Version reviewed: 1.0 on 03/25/2024

Give this one a try and a like folks, it will be a very good game once the stretch goals are reached. As it is, I think its a pretty good game.

The gameplay loop is okay and there is room to play around abit with the system.

Transformation: The first couple of ones are great because of dialogue, the rest are ok but will become better when stretch goals are reached.

A minor quirk: The gameday loop: I really disliked the UI flashing off and on while looping the "time passes uneventfully". Would be nice if that just became scrolling text and we can se MC all the time :)


I played the game until I got endgame credits, and I sure hope Icarue is okay. Very good creator and I wish them the best of luck in the future.

Review by 2ndSqueeze

Version reviewed: 1.0 on 03/25/2024

I actually liked it, it's pretty cool.

However, once you get boobs there's no dialogue, no reaction, no story.

Furthermore there's no reaction to giving clients a handjob / bj etc.

Based on what the dev said, it's probably future content though, so it seems like there's only about 20 minutes of content at the moment. 

Review by DirtyWolf11

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 01/26/2024

The start of the game is solid, with interesting mechanics and fun dialogue. Slow corruption is fine with me so I don't mind the game design, but given that a lot of this author's work has slow changes, it would be nice if some older projects, like Resident Maiden, got more content before a new idea is jumped to. I can barely advance the TG in that game or this one given how early in alpha they are...

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