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Game Information
RPG Maker VX
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 1.0.1

His First Adventure!

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to announce what may be the final update to "His First Adventure!"

The game starts off with a young man eager to set off on his first adventure! Shortly after seeking passage on a ship to pursue this dream, the ship unexpectedly sinks during a storm. This leaves our hero trapped in an unknown land. His first goal being simply to recover from what has transpired and figure out where he has found himself. This slowly turns into a mission to find a way back to where he is from. His first adventure has officially began! Even if it is not in the way he had originally intended...

The current update includes eight bad endings and four final endings for you to choose from upon completion! I have fully play tested the current version and hope it will prove to be bug free but please let me know if anyone finds anything wrong and I will take care of it. I may potentially clean up a few things here or there but all in all this will most likely end up being the full complete game. Thank you all for playing and I hope you enjoy!

You can download the game here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pu5fnnv3xtg6g1i/His_First_Adventure.exe/file
Please note you will have to have the run time package (RTP) for rpg maker vx downloaded to play the game.
Also, if you are warned about malicious content during the download, this happens for me as well and you have nothing to fear I assure you!

The game starts off with a young man eager to set off on his first adventure! Shortly after seeking passage on a ship to pursue this dream, the ship unexpectedly sinks during a storm. This leaves our hero trapped in an unknown land. His first goal being simply to recover from what has transpired and figure out where he has found himself. This slowly turns into a mission to find a way back to where he is from. His first adventure has officially began! Even if it is not in the way he had originally intended...

Review by dandan1234

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 04/30/2024

Great game all around really liked it, hope for more of those type!

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 08/19/2022

Unexpected surprise on my binge playing old RPGmaker games. An entertaining and COMPLETE adventure.

Another reviewer said: "Each scene is nearly 15-30 minutes in length with rarely any time to save."

I don't know what game he played, but there are no long scenes, I completed the game with 2:30h on my timer, and the story progressed through multiple areas with their own little stories and a main plot guiding you through it all. As far as I remember before every game over except one there came a promt like "are you really sure you want to do this?" so you can select no, save, and then watch the ending and reload.

Quite a charming little story, and the overall pacing feels nice. 

For the DLL error: I had this too at first, but I only had the RPGmaker VX Ace rtp installed. RPGmaker VX requires it's own RTP.

Review by Goldendawn

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 08/13/2022

I wanted to add a comment about this game since I believe the last review was a little harsh in some of the cons, but spot on with the Pros.


1) The cut scenes I have experienced are not that long and tell good little stories and follow good plot progression. I probably (if doing it myself) have more multiple-choice interactions; I continued screaming, "JUST TELL HIM YOU ARE A MAN!" but that wasn't something to spoil it for me.

2) There are a LOT of transformations, some mind control, and just sometimes out-and-out silly moments that cause a chuckle. This is expected in Transformation-focused games, but the point is that this includes the transformations in the narrative, which is nice.

3) Save often; that is the rule on almost all RPGMaker Games - if you get an end over, it will be because you typically picked something from a list you shouldn't have.

4) From what I can see, there aren't any long-impacting decisions that impact your character growth. So your decisions through the game are really (at this point that I can see) limited to your direct possible outcome of that encounter.

5) It Would have been lovely to see an "End of game gallery" or something like that for those people (like me) who like to see all of the ends of games and how to get to them.

6) Combat isn't essential in this game (other than a couple of places), which is fine; that is the type of gameplay the author was after. Heavy combat RPGMaker games bore me because it makes it hard to continue with the story, since most people can't balance their gameplay, and there typically aren't difficultly settings.

7) Saving is when you are not in a CutScene, and mostly it was perfectly open for me. As stated, I found the cutscenes okay in length (compared to my attempts at RPGMaker and other ones out there). I would, however state that it could have been good to use a script to expand the Save Slots.

8) Each scene in this game isn't more about goals but more about continuing the story's plot. The main goal is to get the Main Character to the north to find a way home. Everything in between is the filler in the story.


Overall I liked this game... I played this over a number of days, and enjoyed the story, the twists and also the "fillers" that told the larger narrative.


One of the gems in my opinion for story-driven RPGMaker content.




Review by SnowCones

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 07/17/2022

Where Do I Even Start?


His First Adventure! is fantastic. I respect the amount of work and effort that was put into it resulting in a near 2 and a half hour game. This is great but most of the time comes from very long and very tedious segments that could be either half as long or not there entirely.


The Cons:

  1. Very long and slugish scenes.
  2. Battle system is nearly non-existant (Which may be a pro for some)
  3. Each scene is nearly 15-30 minutes in length with rarely any time to save.
  4. Little to no payoff for each scene. *Most are to pick up an item or travel between rooms.
  5. Don't play this in a single sitting like I did. 


The Pros:

  1. Very cute characters
  2. Enjoyable Story
  3. Mostly enjoyable scenes (The starts of them are the best part)
  4. Lots of content to enjoy
  5. Funny dialog

Overall I liked it. The scenes are my biggest issue since I am tired and I lost my cool at one scene in particular where Jack (Jackie) gets sent to multiple timelines for nearly 35 minutes and each section feels like it loops with similar dialog.

Review by Dranylis

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 05/17/2022

So, I downloaded the game file and didn't manage to play the game because a .dll was missing. The game does sound interesting and would actually like to give it a try. Let me know if there's and update or alternative download for it. Thanks.

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