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Beast Control

Visual Novel where you control a Beast Boy that embraces his animal side and his newfound powers!
Use your powers to control other people, and transform them into animals too!
Create your Beast Harem!

For now, the focus is to finish doing the main Raven paths, and the main Harley Quinn path.
After those are done, the game will open up! With Raven and Harley acting as your assistants to help you create your Beast Harem! With characters from all over DC (And maybe some from outside of DC, with the help of Raven's magic) being available in the future!

For years people called you Beast Boy, and you always wanted to fit in society.

But now, you're tired of it, and you're starting to embrace more of your beast side! And you think that other people would also enjoy their beast side too.

Beast Boy - You

Raven - Magic User that lives with you.

Harley Quinn - Crazy clown woman, villain.

None needed. Game is straight forward and have tips for all steps.

v0.6.0 - Starfire

  • Starfire is here!
    Her intro scene and first lewd scene has been added, she'll have more fun/different scenes than previous! With her transformations later being focused on different fetishes.
    Just talk to Harley to start her content, Harley will be the main hub for new characters!
  • Cow Raven Breeding Scene!
    For Patreons, enjoy the new Cow Raven breeding scene! And for free users, enjoy access to the Werewolf TF scene!
  • New Sounds! New Code!
    A lot of code has been rewritten for better compatibility with mobile phones, and slower computers, and more audio on previous scenes!


v0.5.0 - Just the Beginning

  • Final Transformation of Raven's Routes!

It's finally here! The final transformation scenes!
Don't worry, this won't be the last time you will see these Raven like this, or the last you'll interact with her! More of planned releases and finally, the Road Map, should be coming soon!

  • Fixes and QoL changes

Sounds! Music! You guys asked, and now it's here and added.
Saves were ruined because of this new add, so be sure to make a new save, and see even more new content in previous scenes too!
'tho, be noted, that sounds weren't added for all scenes! Some have it, some don't, this will be fixed as we continue!

  • Beast Training is now What If!

As we start making more wild scenes, I changed the name!
I remade the Tea Making bad ending, it was too tame, and too close to the TG BBW Cow What If Scene, so it's remade! I hope y'all like Tomboys.
So now it's viewable on the What If menu in the Bedroom, for free users, you can see it right now with also the previously Patreon Exclusive, TG BBW Cow scene!
And for Patreons, enjoy the Werewolf scene! The one with the most amount of images in the game!



v0.3.0 - New and old scenes:

  • New Scenes

More than a 100 new Renders! A new scene each for the BBW Cow path, and the Femboy Bunny path, and now for non-patreons, access to the Bimbo Bunny Path!
Harley Quinn also gets a new scene with her first transformation!

  • New Renders and Old Scenes Remade

I heard the feedback, and we now have new Beast Boy renders! All of his Renders ingame have already been changed to this new one! With the exception of the Tea Making Bad Ending, and the Bomb Making scene, which should be added on the next release.
Old scenes also got remade for better flow and dialogue! With images now better fitting the screen!

  • Fixes and QoL changes

Android builds now will be done! And images now better fit the screen!

  • Patreon Exclusive Scene

Beast Training is the new feature that the game will have! With that, I'll explore "What If" scenarios in which Beast Boy uses his power on himself, but training never goes well, and we can explore some "Bad Ends" together!
The first one is already available for Patreons! The BBW Hucow scene for Beast Boy, with Horse Raven doing a special appearance at the end!
Every update will have a new Beast Training scene, with the previous one exclusive to Patreons being released to everyone.





v0.2.1 - Bug Fixed:

  • Fixed Bug where Crime Fighting wasn't available.


v0.2 - First Release!

  • Tutorial and Introduction done.
  • First part of BBW-Cow TF and Femboy-Bunny TF done for Raven.
  • First part of Pet TF done for Harley.
  • One Bad End and three solo scenes for Beast Boy.


Review by BingusBangus

Version reviewed: 0.3.0 on 03/28/2024

A pretty good start, perhaps sound background music will be nice, the AI art is great, a solid 8.5/10

Review by docgod

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 on 03/12/2024

   So far, I really like what's here, even if not much. Wish there was a bunny girl option, though I get that there's probably a demand for the femboy. Would appreciate maybe both? In games like this, I really appreciate options. The more the better, allowing for more people to find their personal likes, and makes for more replayability. I have a bad habit of having to see every possible outcome. I hate linear games that force you to follow a set path. Any options to vary outcomes is greatly appreciated by me at least. Regardless, I look forward to seeing more. I do hope this game is continued, and not dropped like so many games on here that had great starts, then are left forgotten.

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Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 20,833
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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