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Version: 1.3301

Version: 1.3300

Version: 1.3200

Version: 1.3100

Version: 1.3000

Version: 1.2901

Version: 1.2900

Version: 1.2800

Version: 1.2700

Version: 1.2600

Version: 1.2500

Version: 0.9900

Perverted Education

Perverted Education is an erotic game in which the main character, an ordinary student of indeterminate (but legal) age, is slowly pulled from his ordinary life into the twisted depths of a female-led, submissive lifestyle. The corrupting tutelage of three influential women - his Teacher, Guardian and Therapist - will take him on a gradual, yet life-altering journey of physical and psychological transformation.

The game centers on the themes of forced feminization, corruption, humiliation and submission. A range of other fetish content is also implemented that can be toggled according to player tastes. While not yet feature or story complete, Perverted Education is a highly mature project with approximately 3 million characters of source code and 50,000 lines of existing content, continually expanding through active development.


Important: The restored content update (1.3300) is incompatible with previous versions and will require starting a new game.


We have a discord for game discussion and bug reporting!
Please join our student body at: https://discord.gg/TfZFTCZ

Note: The online-hosted version tends to lag behind download releases for about a week.

27-Jan-2019: For an update on the game's development, please see our announcement by ~ X ~ here https://tfgames.site//phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8387&start=5000#p522986

If you're having trouble with the game, be sure to check out the excellent FAQ post by shiningmonkeyenergy located http://www.tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8387&start=930#p346816]


General tips:

There are a few very simple rules for progressing in PE:

1) Do what the teacher says,

2) Don't rush through the game,

3) Follow any suggestions/hints that appear in a different color text,

4) Don't skip your chores.

If you follow these rules, you shouldn't have any trouble keeping up with your debt and progressing through the content[/spoiler]

Cheat code

There is not a cheatcode, per se, however if you really, want to be a little cheat.

On the screen that has the 'Let's Get Started' link, scroll down to find the link to activate debug mode.


Therapist deviancy:

Get your guardian deviancy to 2, unlocks therapist visits.
Perversion 1 - Set on first visit
Perversion 2 - Set after you visit and Teacher perversion is at 1
Perversion 3 - Set after the first time you watch the sissy hypno for her experiment
Perversion 4 - Set after you repeatedly watch the sissy hypno for her experiment
Perversion 5 - Set after yet more sessions watching the sissy hypno for her experiment

Teacher deviancy:

Perversion 1 - Try to bribe teacher, daring must be at 2
Perversion 2 - Wear a g-string to school. You MUST wear a chastity cage to school now, and you can wear a buttplug for a further discount
Perversion 3 - Go to school without masturbating for a few days and check out the girls' locker room when prompted. Chastity cage will now remain locked during the week, and only gets unlocked on weekends if you maintain good behavior.
Perversion 4 - Don't wear panties to school. You can get an event where your guardian puts your panties in the wash with hers as a hint to do this.
Perversion 5 - Agree to remain locked in chastity for the weekend
Perversion 6 - Pose for the Coach
Perversion 7 - Suck off the bullies in the bathroom for a few days, then buy the stun gun and zap them.
Perversion 8 - Win the Coach minigame and have him f*** your ass
Perversion 9 - When the teacher gives you the choice of what you want, ask her to feminize the bully.
Perversion 10 - When the teacher gives you the choice of what you want, choose to become the school slut.

Deviancy 9 and 10 for the teacher are from diverging paths. You can go right from 8 to 10 by choosing to become a slut, but I don't think you can become a slut after asking the teacher to get revenge on the bully.

Guardian deviancy:

The first two Guardian points can be done in any order.
Perversion 1 - Replace your guardian's alarm clock batteries and get caught snooping in her room.
Perversion 2 - Buy an alarm clock and attempt the dream game at perversion 1.
Perversion 3 - Can be done at perversion 1 or 2. Wake up on a weekday while wearing women's sleepwear, or work at the guardian's clinic while wearing a dress, or wake up with b cup breasts.
Perversion 4 - Anally masturbate with a vibrator (requires a locked chastity cage, event only triggers at perversion 3).
Perversion 5 - Fulfill all of the camwhore requests.
Perversion 6 - Refuse to give bj to the guardian's boyfriend while doing the maid cleaning and blame him for the activity afterwards.
Perversion 7 - Any other choices with guardian's boyfriend.

Guardian Minigame Guide
You'll know you made the correct decision when you see your guardian 'breathing more deeply,' and you'll see blue text telling you what to do once you've successfully responded to a prompt once. After a while the text at the top of the screen will prompt you to do a specific action, which you can do regardless of the regular prompt.

Coach Minigame Guide
The first time you get a prompt in this game the coach tells you which response to give, but after that you have to remember it yourself. He'll give you specific feedback after each selection to let you know if you made the right choice or not.

Our Trello board is our main "To Do" project board, and a good place to follow our plans and progress without having to wait for changelog updates. It has links to our other tools as well.

The latest development version of the code is hosted on our GitHub repository and can be always be downloaded and compiled using Tweego. A relatively recent .html file for testing is usually also available on the repository. Since these are development versions, however, you should expect to encounter bugged and incomplete features, often game-breakingly so.

Onoging discussion of the game takes place on the TFGS forum and through the chat channels on our Discord Server (invite here). Please report any bugs you discover on the bug-reporting channel for prompt attention.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented progression when visiting the park with friend.

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to be unable to do chores after buying the corset for the maid outfit.

  • Fixed several images.


Content Restoration - All content previously removed has been restored to the game, particularly focusing around hypnosis.



New additions:

  • Cheerleading Side Event 9 - The final side event between the protagonist and cheer friend sees them going on a shopping trip to the mall in preparation for an upcoming cheer event.  To see this event, you must have completed at least 2 of the second set of 3 cheerleading side events.


New additions:

  • Friend task: School uniform - Friend helps protagonist find his first school uniform by taking him to a swanky boutique to purchase it.
  • Cheerleading Episode 11 - The protagonist joins the cheerleaders on an excursion to the mall to be pampered at a massage parlor.  This sequence plays out very different depending on your relationship to the cheer friend and Ashley.


New additions:

  • Friend task: Girly dessert - the protagonist and his friend go on a quest to fulfill teacher’s requirement of eating a decadent, girly dessert.

Bug fixes:

  • Corrected several instances of "dessert" from "desert"

1.2901 BUGFIX

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented progression through some paths of Cheer SE8

  • Fixed a bug that caused clothing not intended to be for sale to show in the mall.


New additions:

  • Cheer Friend Side Event 08 - Cheer friend invites the protagonist over to watch a movie at her house, with things getting more intimate than the protagonist expects.


Bug fixes:

  • Several cheer friend affinity levels were adjusted to make it easier to obtain higher results..


New additions:

  • Friend Computer Game Hangouts - Friend and protagonist dive into the world of online gaming, where protagonist adjusts to his distinctly female avatar and the game’s unique features.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that did not update Ashley’s affinity in cheer Ep 10.

  • Fixed a bug that caused Friend to not remember seeing Protaganist’s anal toy.

  • Fixed several bugs around breast size in the check yourself page.

  • Fixed an error that allowed PC to masturbate with a vibrator when vibrator had not been obtained.

  • Fixed a bug that was not resetting PC’s punishment counter when choosing detention as a punishment.

  • Several text fixes.


New additions:

  • Cheerleader Episode 10 - With another competition on the horizon, Rachel puts the new rookies through their paces in order to get them ready.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a slutty dress that had been marked as not slutty

  • Fixed several bad variable references

  • Fixed an issue where receiving the anal smoothing after not paying was incorrectly changing future payment and preventing progress the next Monday


New additions:

  • Friend Board Game Hang Out - A fun, lengthy sequence in which friend decides to show our protagonist his new game, designed to allow the protagonist experience many formative female experiences.  This release is significantly different for those with the ABDL fetish on, so make sure your kinks are set accordingly.


New additions:

  • Cheerleader Episode 9 - It’s the big competition, and the protagonist tags along to support the team as their manager, but what will happen when one of the girls suffers an injury?


Bug fixes:

  • Error in friend reactions fixed

  • Comparison error in walk around block with friend scene fixed.

  • Error in sidebar avatar when not wearing earrings fixed

  • A few instances where the cheer friend was called by the default name instead of the player given name have been fixed.

  • Maid clothing chore check now works correctly when wearing a corset.

  • More fixes to maid uniform backwards compatibility

  • Several missing end of school day options have been added to lesser-used pages.

  • Cheer briefs now show in underwear list.

1.2401 HOTFIX

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that sent players to the wrong page when choosing to ignore Ashley during minigolf trip
  • Adjusted progress needed for certain responses from cheer friend during mini golf trip
  • Fixed a bug during cheer side event 7
  • Players using old saves should have missing maid items.
  • Maid stockings should now be marked correctly


New additions:

  • Cheerleader Episode 8 - The protagonist joins the cheer team on an outing to the local fun park for an afternoon of mini golf and arcade games before the big competition.


Bug fixes:

  • Maid outfit is now made up of multiple pieces.  All pieces must be worn together now to perform chores, including the corset if you have added it to your maid outfit.

  • A mis-formed link in Ashley’s ending should be fixed now.

  • Check yourself should now work correctly with the maid outfit.


New additions:

  • Ashley Trophy Wife Ending - Our protagonist chooses to marry Ashley, the bitchy, but stunning, rival from the cheer squad.  There are a few ways this ending can go, with some fun surprises based on how some of the other cheerleaders feel about you.


Bug fixes:

  • Curly hair and pigtails should be working correctly now.

  • Buying facial softening and facial surgery now gives the correct procedure.

  • Phantom clothing sets should no longer be created when reloading a save.


New additions:

  • Cheer side event 6 - The protagonist and his friend from cheerleading visit one of her old hang out spots and encounter someone from her past.

  • Cheer side event 7 - The protagonist accompanies his friend from cheerleading to an event in honor of her mother.

  • Both events should play on wednesdays if you continue advancing the cheerleader story.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issues with one of the slutty cheerleader uniforms

  • Several high heels are now tagged with the correct color.

  • The correct heels are now given when increasing teacher’s story via debug mode.

  • The player can no longer buy an alarm clock or quality batteries after the appropriate point in guardian’s progression.

  • Stealing the stun gun now works correctly.

  • Fixed an error during the therapist’s sleep remedy.

1.2101 HOTFIX

  • Fixed an error that prevented some players from seeing the Roxy wedding content.


New additions:

  • Roxy Trophy Wife Ending - The main character decides to marry Roxy, the spunky girl from the electronics shop, and true to Roxy form, the wedding promises to be anything but conventional.


Bug fixes:

  • A few items had properties corrected.

  • Places where new checks for items were causing errors have been corrected.

  • Earrings should now show in the sidebar correctly.

  • Not wearing flats no longer causes an error in the sidebar

  • Several errors with the friend “wear stockings” task have been fixed

  • Errors with socks and stockings on the friend “walk around block” task have been fixed

  • Friend reactions page now properly detects if protagonist is wearing a bra gifted by the friend.

  • Girliness check now properly detects buttplug

  • Teacher no longer increases tuition after player wears chastity over the weekend for the first time.

  • Body are not properly detected for teacher punishments.

  • Fixed errors when removing male clothes

  • Corsets have been readded to the inventory/

  • Game now detects when wearing lacy underwear for the first time.

  • Male eyewear can now be worn outside at lower daring values.

Review by Sewblon

Version reviewed: 1.3301 on 03/23/2024


1. This game has good sex scenes, good masturbation scenes, and good torture. So you can fap to it, if sissification is your thing.

2. There is variety in the content, there is girl on girl, girl on guy, and solo content.

3. This game, more than anything else, helped me realize that I am a transfeminnine bottom.



1. This game is too grindy, especially in the early game.

2. Drawn artwork would have been better than live actors.

3. This game has been in development for 7 years, and

4. it still has missing endings, text glitches, and no end for the

cheer content. The game can't make up its mind on what the coache's pronouns are.

I want to be a cheerleader till the end of the game and marry my best friend and/or mother (My mother

in the game. Not my real life mother.) 


5. This game is a victim of "Seinfeld is unfunny" syndrome.

It may have been daring and original back when it came out.

But now, in 2024, its cliche and pedestrian.

6. Most importantly, the story doesn't actually make much sense.

Why does everyone in MC's life want them to be a trans feminine bottom sex worker?

If MC is of the age of majority, then why are they putting up with this?

Is MC supposed to be a trans woman or a cis man?

If he is a cis man, then how is he enjoying presenting as a woman full time?

If she is a trans woman, then why does she think of herself as a sissy instead of

as a woman? And why is there no option to get bottom surgery and get a vagina?

Your teacher says that you tried to bribe her, even when you never tried to bribe her

and agreed to her extra instruction right away.


Overall: 7/10 Its porn. You can fap to it. Its fit for purpose. But there is superior content out there that fills

the same niche, like Secretary.


Review by user210

Version reviewed: 1.3301 on 10/25/2023

This game is good but not something which I personally like much. This will be a personal biased review.

Game mechanics are fine but they become too grindy in middle to late game, so grindy that even after weeks in game a crucial stat needed for progression didn't change and I had to cheat and increase it. Besides that game is relatively well fleshed out with a lot of clothes, and emphasis on matching undergarments and clothes.

Events are good, incest element is good. But problem starts when you look at Story. Yes its just a porn game, it can be mindless, but there are some serious plot holes here. Our MC is not a bright one, we can improve his gaming skills and make him a pro, we can train him to be highly muscular cheerleader doing stunts but he can never even concentrate on class for 1 hour. It feels strange, he was not wearing panties, not doing anything strange, but he kept on sleeping in front of a mistress like teacher who then caught his one mistake and forced his Feminization route. Okay, I get it that its just porn. But then come his Mom and Therapist, both appears as if they care for him but they act even worse than the teacher.

His Mother talked with Teacher and listened to her arrangements, his punishment for making a girl quit school while, surprise surprise, she never even thought about quitting and even appear in future events. His mother, sole parent, did not listen to her only child, MC tried to talk but it felt so bad that she just ignored him and angered on him. I am not having momma issues here, but it felt really bad when Author made a plot when entire world is against MC. Therapist also appears good but she give him a dildo and drugs, and kept on brainwashing him with hypnosis. The whole world is on the race to see who will Feminize him first. There is no suspense of corruption and no tension of choice as one way and another MC will become a trophy wife or a slut altogether.

Game is good overall, but characters don't feel fleshed out. They move as Author wants them to move, they never move like they really want to, and this create disharmony. Maybe the worst things were the reason Feminization started, it is bad plot device, and every single woman trying to push something in his ass without having a proper reason or buildup.

Review by ProjectAprilDev

Version reviewed: 1.3301 on 09/15/2023

This is easily one of the best games on the site, it may not be complete but has so much content and well written scenes.

I love the development of the mc and the bodily changes you can do


Review by Silky_Layla

Version reviewed: 1.3301 on 08/08/2023

Getting back to the roots of the game. Bravo!

Review by GallagherPJ

Version reviewed: 1.3300 on 08/06/2023

While I enjoy the game, and played on and off for quite some time, I do have an issue with the potential endings. 

The teacher offers training paths or routes, but there is only one route actually offered... Trophey Wife. 

And this has been the case for years, with no real changes being made. 

While a very good game, this is a major failing... 

With more options it would improve vastly. 

Total Games: 2,272
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,608
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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