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 » Welcome to the TFGamesSite IGDB!

This database contains the games that were originally found in the wiki and the forums, but in a nice, clear, and concise format that is easily searched. Forum members may add new game listings, write reviews, hold contests, and much more.

 » Featured Community Favorites

   Blood Magic for RPG Maker MV by Novin has 416 likes from the community
   The Underworld for Other by SkyCorp has 361 likes from the community
   Costume Drama - Bad end update for HTML by manofhisword has 317 likes from the community
   Town of Magic for Ren'Py by Deimus has 283 likes from the community
   Giggle Night: Trixie's Trial for Ren'Py by Anaximanes has 194 likes from the community
   Bikini Scam for HTML by Blauz. has 157 likes from the community
   Autumn Boulevard for RPG Maker MV by DiscipleOfVirginia has 138 likes from the community
   Motel T~rance for RAGS by Kairos V has 96 likes from the community
   The Fool of April!!! for HTML by Munchman has 92 likes from the community
   Blackjack and Bodymorphing for HTML by Austellus has 53 likes from the community
   The Curse of the Gypsy for RAGS by ivanoff has 34 likes from the community
   Brands of Desire for RPG Maker MV by crims114 has 32 likes from the community

 » Recent Game Submissions

   ufjoif has released City of the Dead on 03/25/2025 for HTML
   CoderGuy111 has released One Potion Please on 03/25/2025 for Other
   cyberpunkdreams has released cyberpunkdreams on 03/22/2025 for Other
   Waterthose has released How hard can it really be? on 03/18/2025 for Ren'Py
   LuckyFox has released Wheel of Surrender on 03/16/2025 for HTML
   adastra4 has released Road to Alivir on 03/15/2025 for HTML
   BingusBangus has released Zendaria's Corruption on 03/10/2025 for RPG Maker MV
   FemboyTemptation has released Temptation: Become Femboy on 03/08/2025 for Ren'Py
   Sorrow has released Chance Encounter on 03/05/2025 for Ren'Py
   SuperCali has released Trapped In Paradise on 03/02/2025 for HTML
   Ascension Simulation has released GODDESS MAKER “Lab of God” on 02/28/2025 for Ren'Py
   Breezes has released Diapergatory on 02/28/2025 for Ren'Py

 » Recent Game Updates

   OutsiderArtisan has updated Succubus Stories on 03/25/2025 for HTML
   nikociant has updated Dominas of the Forsaken Planet on 03/25/2025 for Ren'Py
   icarue, SpyrousMonk has updated Magisit 2: That Time I Escaped Hell by Sitting on a Demonic Hat on 03/24/2025 for RPG Maker MZ
   logan.scodini has updated Summer of Shame on 03/23/2025 for HTML
   Dahakma has updated I Was Enslaved by an Evil Witch and Turned into Her Maid! on 03/23/2025 for HTML
   mdqp has updated Caliross on 03/23/2025 for RPG Maker VX Ace
   Eropixel has updated Descendants of the Forest on 03/23/2025 for RPG Maker VX Ace
   TheRedArtist9000 has updated Prison on 03/22/2025 for HTML
   tinypastry has updated A Prince's Tale on 03/22/2025 for HTML
   3ad35630 has updated Play Things on 03/22/2025 for HTML
   vegatg has updated DNAReorg Students on 03/22/2025 for HTML
   RaxDG has updated Debasing Grounds on 03/22/2025 for HTML

 » Latest reviews from the community

   SolDC reviewed One Potion Please on 03/25/2025
   Lrdxenoth2 reviewed City of the Dead on 03/25/2025
   aloopy reviewed The Secrets of Charlton School on 03/24/2025
   aloopy reviewed I Was Enslaved by an Evil Witch and Turned into Her Maid! on 03/24/2025
   awkwardcultism reviewed Video Influence on 03/23/2025
   Seleroan reviewed Zendaria's Corruption on 03/22/2025
   XPrience reviewed Under-Control on 03/22/2025
   shellyv reviewed The Princess Trap on 03/22/2025
   lukiluk4444 reviewed Descendo on 03/21/2025
   LovesickJo reviewed Kawaii on 03/21/2025
   Manceba reviewed A Mirror's Curse on 03/20/2025
   CugleTheClever reviewed Waves of Change on 03/20/2025

Total Games: 2,277
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,606
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,097,082

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