A NSFW time-management/rpg/visual novel in which you play as Jake Hart; a somewhat average young man. One day, he's given a mysterious spellbook and accidentallyreleases a succubus. Embark on a journey of complete and utter degeneracy as you mind control, swap bodies, birth demons, and order your personal succubus to possess those around you.
Fetishes so far:
-Mind Control
-Body swap
-Hentai Dialogue
There will be Male/Male and Female/Female pairings, but I wanted to try keep them optional. You won't see any of these unless you actively start looking for them.
Jake in (Possessed) Olivia's room.
Your demon possessing Cassandra.
Swapping Bodies with Olivia.
TFGames thread here
Most of what's available and isn't available to do is in the Read Me.
Use the Save Salvage Button incase I break the saves again. Load up a broken save file, go to options and click the button. It'll reset the game but you'll keep all your exp.
Assume the role of a wolf named Jake Hart. A spell book falls into your possession and when you decide to open, you unleash a succubus into the world. You deal with the consequences. It seems as though not all consequences are bad.
Jake Hart - The protagonist and the current owner of the Book of Lust.
Cassandra Hart - Your older sister. Attends the university that Jake applied to.
Olivia Hart - Jake and Cassandra's mother. Is possessed by the succubus when Jake opens her book.
Mel Price - Cassandra's boyfriend. Wears a school hoodie a lot.
Valerie Price - Mel's sister.
Mia Woods - One of the Hart's neighbors. Married to Donovan Woods.
Donovan Woods - One of the Hart's neighbors. Married to Mia Woods.
Julia Woods - The neighbor girl. Daughter of Mia and Donovan.
Succubus - Was released from the Book of Lust by Jake. Both her true name and extent of her power are unknown.
Caroline Waters - A strange bunny girl.
Book of Lust v0.1.29.1a (SubscribeStar Version)
-Added sex scene with Katherine as Jake. Flirt with her when she's in her bedroom, and you'll have the option to visit her on Sunday Late Nights for some fun.
-Fixed missing set of lines in Valerie's dream while getting creampied as June.
-Fixed various typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.28.1a
-Added second option for Valerie dream sequence to play as Julia.
-Added another segment of Valerie's Veronica the Knight dream.
Book of Lust v0.1.27.1b
-Fixed various portrait issues.
-Fixed some lines auto-skipping when Mel visits while playing as Olivia.
-Fixed Valerie sex scene with Valerie as Jake showing incorrect animation at night.
-Fixed typos in the intro.
Book of Lust v0.1.27.1a
-Added memory of Valerie's first time with Olivia after having used soul passenger to have Valerie sleep with Olivia.
-Fixed some portrait issues.
-Fixed some typos.
-Fixed soul link triggering during meeting with Blue Lightning.
-Fixed being able to visit Blue Lightning at any other time than the morning.
Book of Lust v0.1.26.1c
-Fixed some of Mel's sex scene being included in Valerie's Soul Passenger scene with Olivia.
-Fixed some typos.
-Fixed Cum Hotkey not working in Valerie's Soul Passenger.
-Fixed some portrait issues in Valerie's Soul Passenger scene with Mel.
Book of Lust v0.1.26.1b
-Fixed Character Sprites Overlaying dialogue menu.
-Fixed Character Portraits showing up on Narrative Dialogue.
Book of Lust v0.1.26.1a
-Added Valerie x Olivia scene in Valerie's Soul Passenger.
-Fixed a few typos.
-Fixed Pregnant Cass not showing up during Mel's visit in her Soul Passenger.
Book of Lust v0.1.25.1a
-Lined and Colored Valerie's School lounge soul passenger scenes.
-Added Valerie x Mel sex scene in Valerie's Soul Passenger.
-Fixed a few typos.
-Fixed compelling Valerie to have sex with Mel not taking mana in her soul passenger.
Book of Lust v0.1.24.1d
-Fixed softlock when entering the Hart residence under certain conditions.
Book of Lust v0.1.24.1c
-Fixed softlock when loading into certain areas.
-Fixed not watching Succubus Hunger scenario triggering morning mana/stamina gain twice under certain conditions.
-Fixed various typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.24.1b
-Fixed softlock when loading into certain areas.
-Fixed not watching Succubus Hunger scenario triggering morning mana/stamina gain twice under certain conditions.
-Fixed various typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.24.1a
-Added Valerie's Soul Passenger.
-Changed a bit of Valerie's room background.
-Changed background in Valerie's room while playing as Jake and having sex with her.
-Small change to the script that handles loading in locations from save files and new games.
Book of Lust v0.1.23.1a
-Lined and colored Jake x Valerie sex scene.
-Added a continuation to Chapter 2's questline. Both are started from 'Discussing' Blue Lightning with Caroline.
-Fixed Rooftop ui not scaling with UI resizing.
-Fixed some anatomy on vanilla Olivia and preg Olivia's sprites.
-Fixed some portrait issues with Olivia and Cassandra after the Raven Fair.
Book of Lust v0.1.22.1c
-Fixed being able to initiate the conversation about Akasha's Dream Realm from anywhere with Caroline while bodyswapped with her.
-Fixed being able to cast Akasha's dream realm in front of Caroline repeatedly.
-Fixed Soul Passenger location bug on days when playing as Julia or Mel during their visitation days.
-Fixed Olivia's portrait not showing up during Mel's Memory during his dreamwalk.
-Fixed Julia's memory triggering Soul Link orgasms.
-Fixed Valerie's memory and Veronica story triggering Soul Link orgasms.
-Fixed Genderbent Mel's Wayward One's scene triggering a Soul Link orgasm.
-Fixed some typos.
-Fixed various speaker portrait errors.
-Fixed some dialogue box errors.
Book of Lust v0.1.22.1b
-Added university Day background with bystander silhouettes.
-Fixed a few graphical issues in the Mel Visiting Cass scene.
-Fixed fem-mel's portrait not displaying correctly in Mel's dream when changed into a girl.
-Fixed possessed Olivia and Valerie's speaker portraits showing up through dream sequence.
-Fixed redundant line in Mel visiting Cass Scene.
Book of Lust v0.1.22.1a
-Lined and Colored Mel's visit to Cass.
-Added conversation with Lust about BlightFire.
-Added Memory in Valerie's Dream sequence after meeting Blue Lightning on the Roof.
-Fixed inability to load game when saved on Raven Mother's Roof.
-Fixed various typos.
Book of lust v0.1.21.1b
-Fixed Blue Lightning's speaker portrait not showing up on the rooftop scene.
-Fixed Rooftop being accessible before meeting Blue Lightning.
-Fixed Game over not triggering during first Blue Lightning dialogue.
Book of Lust v0.1.21.1a
-Added continuation of Chapter 2 and meeting Blue Lightning on the Rooftop.
-Added Rooftop area in the Raven Mother's Field.
-Lined and Colored the Raven Mother Festival scene.
-Lined and Colored Valerie's Dream sequence.
-Added Lined and Colored scene of Caroline Visiting Gnisi on her own if sleeping next to her while her end of the spell is active and Jake's isn't.
-Added some silhouettes of people to various public backgrounds to make the world feel a little more 'lived in'.
-Backgrounds updated are (generally the day versions) Reggie's bar, the Coffee Shop, University's Courtyard, the Mall, Maple Street, Mia's Office.
-Added ability to cancel dreamwalk/visit akasha rather than just overwriting them with a new instance.
-Fixed Valerie's Pregnant sprite.
-Fixed soul link triggering on meeting Kathy.
-Fixed softlock when finishing Caroline's quest when Mel visits.
Book of Lust v0.1.20.1c
-Fixed duplicating character sprites during dialogue on occassion which could cause slow downs when skipping through dialogue.
-Fixed Katherine's dialogue box not working properly during her dorm room visit.
Book of Lust v0.1.20.1b
-Fixed UI not disappearing when using 'sex' option.
-Fixed Jake "helping mom" not triggering.
-Fixed one of Mel's pictures not appearing properly in Olivia's Soul Passenger.
Book of Lust v0.1.20.1a
-Added Dom Mind with Olivia while playing as Jake at Late Night while she's "dating" Mel.
-Added Olivia's Soul Passenger scenario in which she can call Mel to have sex with her at the flowershop during lunch.
-Added on to Chapter 2's story.
-Added Katherine Nguyen as a character.
-Added Katherine Nguyen's room.
-Lined and Colored a few more pictures of the Raven Mother festival scene.
-Removed some unnecesary lines in the Raven Mother Festival scene.
Book of Lust v0.1.19.1a
-Added Memory in Mel's dreamwalk of Olivia giving Mel a blowjob. The two of them must be sleeping together.
-Added Sketch/Writing of Valerie's Dreamwalk scenario.
-Added the introduction to 'Veronica the Knight' in Valerie's Dreamwalk. This is only available after the Raven Fair.
-Added option to summarize the events of the Raven Fair since it's a really long cutscene and there's not really any decision making in it.
Book of Lust v0.1.18.1b
-Fixed misaligned Valerie dialogue box when not in 16:9 aspect ratio.
-Fixed floating characters in the Raven's Fair cutscene when not in 16:9 aspect ratio.
-Small change to the character portrait script to insure they don't "float" in other resolutions.
-Fixed Valerie's portrait showing up when Mel has sex with Olivia in her soul passenger.
-Fixed some typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.18.1a
-Lined and Colored Mel's Visit with Olivia including shower scene in her soul passenger.
-Lined and Colored around 8 scenes from the Raven Mother Festival.
-Added followup conversation with Valerie about the Raven Festival.
-Fixed oversized Sol Theater Button.
-Fixed some anatomy on Mel's portrait.
-Fixed up a bit of the Raven Fair dialogue.
Book of Lust v0.1.17.1b
-Fixed various typos.
-Fixed Soul Link causing orgasm after Raven Mother's festival.
-Fixed Valerie impersonating Jake's speaker portrait having a blue shirt instead of a green shirt.
-Fixed Valerie impersonating Julia's speaker portrait having a peach and white shirt instead of a green shirt.
Book of Lust v0.1.17.1a
-Added memory sequence onto Julia's dream of the two of them having drunk sex. Access by casting dreamwalk on her after the memory of her parents.
-Added conversation with Caroline to continue Fiat Iustitia.
Book of Lust v0.1.16.1a
-Added onto the Fiat Iustitia Main quest that involves the Raven Mother's Fair.
-Added Blue Lightning's theme.
-Added G'nisi's Temple.
-Added Raven Mother's Field.
-Added Sol Street.
-Added Abandoned Theater.
-Added BlightFire to the Character Stats menu.
-Added Blue Lightning to the Character Stats menu.
-Added Serena to the Character Stats menu.
-Bus now goes to Maple Street.
-Fixed Caroline swapping with Julia animation not showing up when Caroline is pregnant.
Book of Lust v0.1.15.1a
-Added alternate interaction when impregnating Caroline for the first time when talking to your succubus about Caroline then impregnating her. Gives +5 Trust/Mood instead of losing -15 Trust.
-Added another Valerie hypnosis scene while playing as Julia in which she impersonates Jake.
-The new scene can be repeated while waiting in the Price' den while unpossessed Valerie is present.
-Changed design of Natalie's Hrenisa pin and book in the news segment. It felt too similar to G'nisi's Symbol.
-Fixed being able to have a threesome with "Jake" and Julia despite Jake not being present.
-Fixed typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.14.1b
-Fixed Resist not working during Julia's Evening hypnosis.
-Fixed Character Stats menu resetting some conversations with Caroline.
-Fixed some incorrect speaker portraits.
-Fixed various typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.14.1a
-Added hypnosis scenes with Valerie while playing as Valerie. There are a total of 4. 3 of which are erotic.
-The three erotic hypnosis scenes are being made to eat Valerie out, Julia being eaten out by a phantom tongue, and an amnesia scene.
-The three erotic hypnosis scenes are repeatable if waiting in certain areas such as Valerie’s room or in the school lounge while Valerie is present and has 70 or more lust at certain times of day.
-Fixed Valerie’s morning hypnosis triggering below 70 Lust while playing as Jake.
-Fixed various typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.13.1b
-Fixed inability to have sex with “Jake” as Caroline during her quest.
Book of Lust v0.1.13.1a
-Lined and colored Mia's birthing scenes.
-Fixed being able to have a threesome with "Jake" and Julia as Caroline during Chapter 1.
-Fixed various typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.12.1a
-Added Dominate Mind sex with Jake as Julia.
-Added special scenario if having dominate mind sex with Jake as Julia during Late Night. "Jake" Must be Under Dominate Mind. Mia must not be possessed. Mia must be in her bedroom.
-Added Mia speaker portraits for when she's cosplaying as Julia.
Book of Lust v0.1.11.1b
-Fixed Mia's pregnant nude delved sprite not having her face dots.
-Fixed up last picture in Mel's dreamwalk scenario where Jake gets genderbent.
-Fixed missing color in Cass' hair in one of Mel's dream walk pictures.
-Fixed various typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.11.1a
-Added Lined and colored path of Genderbent Jake in Mel's dream.
-Added scene at the end of Genderbent Jake's scene after watching the previous wayward one's cutscene.
-Updated Jake's speaker portrait.
-Updated Jane's speaker portrait.
-Updated Jack's speaker portrait.
-Added option to replay Wayward ones scenes from Mel's dreams.
-Fixed generic wayward ones scene not playing after already having viewed fertility temple scene in Mel's dream.
Book of Lust v0.1.10.1a
-Added Lined and colored Mel's dream scenario in which Mel is genderbent.
-Added Sketched version of Mel's dream scenario in which Jake is genderbent.
-Added Lined and colored scene for Wayward Ones when playing Mel's genderbend scenario after watching at least the first Wayward Ones cutscene.
-Added new BGM to the Wayward Ones scenes(excluding the first during Caroline's dreamwalk).
-Lined and colored Horizon Street background.
-Fixed soul link triggering the night after television segments and succubus feeding scenes.
-Fixed various typos.
-Some coding rework for how Time and Day advancement is handled.
Book of Lust v0.1.9.1b
-Fixed softlock during Mel's visit.
-Fixed softlock when "Making Julia get dressed" during her soul passenger.
-Fixed Cassandra's birthing scene not showing the first picture.
-Fixed Aspect of Lust buff not disabling when succubus gets pregnant during her hunger scene.
Book of Lust v0.1.9.1a
-Lined and Colored Cassandra's birthing scenes.
-Added lined and colored Hunger scenarios for Possessed Valerie, Julia, and Mia.
-Added option to get let succubus impregnate herself during her hunger scene if you have Fuck Other at Rank 2 and one of the impregnation spells active. (Does not work for Delved Valerie).
-Succubus' hunger scene now reduces her Inf by 50.
-Having at Rank 2 of Fuck Other reduces her inf by 10 during her feeding scene instead.
-Increased succubus hunger gain per night from 8 to 10.
-Bodyswapped Caroline should now lose 20 Lust instead of gaining 30 when having a threesome with Julia.
-Added option to make Julia abstain from masturbation in the early morning.
-Removed Masturbation command from Cassandra's dominate mind.
-Adjusted some anatomy on Cassandra's pregnant sprite.
-Adjusted some anatomy on Cassandra and Possessed Cassandra's speaker portrait.
-Fixed "Jake" being referred to as Mistress during Cassandra's Soul Passenger while Julia visits while playing as Caroline.
-Fixed succubus theme not playing properly when summoned.
-Fixed Soul Passenger not moving player to proper locations.
-Fixed Julia not having a stat check when asking for threesome as Jake.
-Fixed G'nisi stating the incorrect number of times you have to help her to get the next crystal.
-Fixed Caroline and Jake not having a stat check when asking for a threesome as Julia.
-Fixed Possessed Julia not reverting to her undelved state after a threesome with Caroline as Jake.
-Fixed Valerie's shadow not having red eyes when possessed during her birthing scene.
-Fixed Cassandra getting pregnant while having sex with Mel as Olivia during his visit.
-Fixed being able to raise Lust's hunger above 100 and below 0 through cheating.
-Fixed G'nisi's stats not visually updating in the menu when raising them through the cheat menu.
-Fixed Trish's stats visually reading as 0 when using the cheat button.
-Fixed a a copy of "Caroline" showing up when inviting Julia for a nap as Caroline.
-Fixed Dark background of the mall appearing in Julia's Soul Passenger.
-Fixed Possessed Julia not checking player's Stamina/Mana while having sex with her as Valerie.
-Fixed character sprites unloading too early when seducing and flirting with Donovan.
-Fixed some typos.
-Fixed some portrait errors.
Book of Lust v0.1.8.1b
-Fixed 2 of G'nisi x Caroline x Jake still being sketches.
-Fixed time being set to Late Morning after succubus hunger scenario.
-Fixed incorrect placeholder text after succubus hunger scenario.
Book of Lust v0.1.8.1a
-Added lined and colored G'nisi x Caroline scenes.
-Re-added Succubus Hunger scenario. When her hunger maxes out, you'll have an option to watch her feed on her own. Hunger will reset to 0 and Succubus will love 30 influence. If Hunger is 80 or higher, she'll lose 2 influence per night.
-Feeding scenes for Olivia, Cass, and Delved Valerie is lined and colored. Julia, Mia, and Succubus Valerie have sketches and placeholder text.
-Fixed Delved Mia's nude sprite a little.
-Fixed Pregnant Possessed Cass' sprite and nude sprite a little.
-Fixed Jake having sex with Olivia without telling him to while bodyswapped with Caroline.
-Fixed a few portrait/naming errors.
-Fixed a few typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.7.1b
-Added Possessed Julia/Hypnosis Valerie animated sex scen while playing as Jake.
-Added wait button at Mall.
-Fixed 'add stat' buttons in cheat menu being interactable for certain characters it wasn't intended for.
-Fixed Succubus 'add/subtract stat' buttons being able to go above/below max stat values.
-Fixed various stats appearing to drop below min/max values in the cheat menu.
-Fixed Wait button not disabling at Late Night in the family's dens.
-Added black background for stat changes during Valerie's new hypnosis scene.
-Fixed Various typos.
Book of Lust v0.1.7.1a
-Added a possessed Julia sex scene while playing as Jake.
-Added a new addition to Valerie's erotic hypnosis option while playing as Jake.
-Valerie will use Jake's new hypnotic trigger when waiting in the Den with her in the late morning.
-Optimized some of the code around the Stat menu UI.
-Added a script to hopefully fix Caroline's speaker portrait not disappearing correctly.
-Added wait button to each of the main family's dens.
Book of Lust v0.1.6.1d
-Fixed various typos.
-Fixed not being able to introduce Caroline to G'nisi until after helping G'nisi 5 times.
-Fixed impregnation not working when first having sex with bodyswapped Jake in the Casino Girl outfit.
-Fixed various instances of Caroline acting as Narrator.
-Fixed present character sprites not unloading when moving to Caroline's room when having sex with her as Jake.
-Fixed fade to black screen transition not triggering during sex with Valerie as Jake.
-Fixed incorrect Caroline speaker portrait displaying when bodyswapped with Caroline in the afternoon in Julia's soul passenger.
-Fixed Mall scene not playing when bodyswapped with Caroline during Julia's soul passenger.
-Fixed non-possessed Valerie being shown for twin birthing scene.
-Fixed threesome with "Jake" and Julia as Caroline adding 30 lust instead of subtracting.
-Fixed missing picture during threesome with "Jake" and Julia as Caroline.
-Fixed Mel not having sex with Cassandra when he visits when passing time as Olivia.
Book of Lust v0.1.6.1c
-Fixed various speaker portrait bugs.
Book of Lust v0.1.6.1b
-Fixed various typos.
-Fixed Caroline's name appearing as "Jake" when bodyswapped in the G'nisi's realm.
-Fixed some portrait bugs.
-Fixed Caroline's dream scenario not executing if not having met Morning Star or Raven Mother previously.
-Fixed Bodyswapped Caroline's portrait not being called in multiple instances during the bodyswap quest.
-Fixed pregnant variant of Valerie not appearing during her cunnilingus hypnosis scene while playing as Jake.
-Fixed pregnant variant of Olivia in her soul passenger not appearing when Jake "helps" her during Mel's visit with Cassandra.
-Fixed Mel not having sex with Cassandra while playing as Olivia after establishing a relationships between Mel and Olivia regardless of Cassandra being commanded to answer the door.
-Fixed some incorrect dialogue boxes.
Book of Lust v0.1.6.1a
-Added Nude Mia sprites.
-Fixed up some of Mia's old sprites.
-Added Caroline meeting G'nisi questline.
-Fixed incorrect portrait when telling bodyswapped Caroline 'nevermind'.
-Fixed telling bodyswapped Caroline 'nevermind' when talking about switching bodies resulting in switching bodies.
-Fixed a few typos.
-Fixed spell description in casting UI from disappearing from time to time.
-Fixed some incorrect dialogue boxes.
I LOVE this game so much that I had to give this game my reviewer virginity just to post something positive about it to hopefully get more people to see/play this game.
There are only 2 things I would ask for to improve upon this perfect masterpiece of a game, and one of them isn't even that big of an issue. I'll start with the smaller one first.
1. Probably something to do with the Unity game engine, but the fact that the game pauses entirely upon alt tabbing or clicking away from the window is a little frustrating, so making the game run constantly even while alt tabbed is something I would like to see added if the Unity engine can support it.
2. I would like to see just a bit more variation in scenes you can get into when romancing the characters, It's usually just the same scene on repeat each time you do it with zero variations. This game could benefit so much from this if you decide to implent it, but the scenes already existing are VERY good, it just makes me crave more!
I'm big on the whole gender bend/body swapping ideas in games and often seek those out, and I'm very glad that there is something like that in this, or I would have never been able to witness this amazing game.
The story and world building that this game has is also VERY good and I'm completely hooked into the story of this world, I cannot wait to see more updates.
I will close this review and say that I am in love with Caroline's design and would be very sad if anything bad ever happened to her, she is my little ball of fluff and I love her.
Even with the above said, I rate this a 10/10, must play for anyone.
I dont remember if I have already added a review, but damn. This game has been here for SOOOOO long. I would want to play this game on a desert island. I remember when this game was super young. Didnt even have Caroline, the news anchor, certain colored sprites/scenes and more! This is an insanely great game. I remember so many games that I liked before they were cool. This game is def one of them (along with RE:Dreamer), but Book of Lust is def one of the games of a life time that will be created and remembered. One of the best games, tops and honestly. Could learn a thing or two from the creator on creating games.
I don'r write reviews often, but this game deserves one. I'll admit, I saw this game multiple times but stayed away from it because I generally don't like furry stuff, but I got despserate for something to play tonight and decided to give it a download. I do not regret it one bit. The game is amazing. A great mind control/corruption system, beautiful art, and beautiful animation are all in this game. Also this game has a pretty well done preganancy system which is an imediate 10/10 for me.
The only issues I had with this game were 1. it seemed a bit grindy at first, but it quickly becomes easy to target a girl for sex and to grind levels. 2. I wish I could impregnate multiple girls at the same time, but this isn't an issue since with the way pregnancy works, it would be busted if you could. Other than that, the game is awesome. I regret not following sooner, but I'm happily onboard now, and if you, like me, stayed away because it was furry stuff, maybe give it a try. It may not be your cup of tea afterall, but you'll never know unless you give it a shot.
Four years later and we're here! A full chapter and some change on top. Kanashii still doing all the art, and has some amazing dedication! You might want to consider bringing in some assistance with the programming if you haven't already; it could give you hours of your time back! If the finished product is anything like the content so far has me expecting it to be, this is a game I'd buy! Never give up!
Keep up the good work! I like where this is going, and it has a lot of potential! It looks like you've already crafted the framework for the adventure, so I now eagerly await to see what you fill it with. I've noticed a lot of great stuff never gets finished around here, so I'll leave you with some encouragement that I hope will help you in the tough times: Never feel rushed. Make your masterpiece the way YOU intended it, and never suffer from the fear that what you do might not be good enough or quite right. If you ever come across writer's block or a moment when you just feel like doing nothing even though you know you could easily be accomplishing your goals, just do a little piece for that moment. And then another small thing the next day. An additional drop in the bucket the day after, and just do that. You'll eventually come out of being stuck and feel better for it.
I'm saying this because I want to see this reach beta version, and then eventually even completion. I very much like the possibilities here!
Lets get this out of the way first (as of version 71.1b): as a TF game this game SUCKS.
That said, the art is fantastic AND the game has sex animations made specifically for this game. Zero human porn gif rips here. With a built-in Cheat Button, theres no reason not to try this game.