Summoned by Accident is an text based rpg focused mainly on m/m content with character driven plot. In it, you explore and run into inhabitants of the world. Some friendly, some foe. Inspired by other text based games and some videos.
Zorro - The person who you followed into this new world, and housemate. Whether you like him or not, you're stuck with him. Don't worry thought! He'll vocally voice his opinion of you all the time.
Duilio - Big gaint lion that gave you a house to stay in.
Trald - Friendly arctic wolf at the local gym. Loves to try and experience new things, and expereince them all over you if you let him.
Gen - Zorro's big bro found at the local gym.
Ferron - Hubby of Zorro and owner of the local gym.
Kevin - A hot mustang, while also one of the bartenders to the Winner's circle and agent of Duilio.
Greg - A giraffe that likes play over work... Or work over play. One of the bartenders to the Winner's circle and agent of Duilio.
What's Changed For The Public?
Big Daddy Chase wants to give his good boys some more attention in and out of the bed~ Are you one of them? If not, might want to be and get all those scratches and attention he knows good boys want~
He comes with over 10 new events! Spicy ones and more to learn what he likes and what you two will be doing in the future. Along with a bonus scene for you vore lovers who keep asking for MOAR!!!
Had enough felines in you life? How about canines? Goliath can now knock you up as long as you've had the super secret meeting with his pack out in the park!
Learn a bit more on how the pack operates and their personality as each of them help in their own way in taking care of their pack member and his mate!
Both Chase and Kevin have updates models.
Kinks For This Update
Chase - Fascination, praising, denial, hypnosis, musk (light), size play, vore (optional), dad/boy, domination/submission
Goliath - Mpreg, cum inflation, knotting
What's Changed For The Patreon?
No more wondering what you need to get the event! Now just click to get the event you want! To see what you want or get the item you want! Just go to the area and click on the person you want!
Updates to this happening to job events on teh way!!!
Unlike others in the comments, I've never played the older more linear version of the game, so I only have the current iteration to go on. That said, I like it! It isn't perfect, and there are some writing and pacing issues which could be polished, but overall it's a pretty good game with a lot of content if you're willing to be patient.
Elaborating on that last point:
This game has a lot of exposition, both about the world and about its characters, and the way it delivers this exposition can be kind of grueling in my opinion. The game begins with a lot of very long, very detailed dialogue, and some of the NPCs are prone to ramble and say purposefully confusing things. It makes the plotline hard to follow, world building details hard to remember, and slows down the experience a lot early on.
That type of storytelling isn't bad, but it feels a bit claustrophobic when it all happens at once. If I were making suggestions, I'd say try to spread out those early dialogue scenes so the player unlocks bits and pieces over their first week or so. Some confusion is fine! It's just that, especially for a game which some people are playing while or in order to get horny, it's asking a lot of them to read that much text uninterupted.
Overall, I do recommend this game to anyone who likes furry characters and at least one of the other kinks/tfs involved.
Rating: 6.5/10
Loved the old version of the game. Hoping to see the newer versions progress. No transformations yet that I have seen for the player, but the writing is nice. This really has great potential.
(keep in mind that, as of this review, I haven't tried the RPG maker version.)
A very strange situation, where a linear, straight-forward CYOA was completely remade into a much more open-ended game, leaving only the world-building and most major characters the same. Leads to a totally different feeling; you felt like a stranger, struggling to navigate and understand an unusual world filled with people who wish to control you in the original, while in this you feel more like an explorer actively seeking out opportunities, only on occasion being (un)lucky enough to stumble across someone wishing to dominate you in one way or another. Neither tone's bad, but it's a stark difference.
The original version had much, much rougher writing (and none of the gorgeous art this version has) but felt a lot more polished in its gameplay and a lot more "complete". Plus at this point, I've played enough RPGs on this site that I'm kinda sick of the whole "repeatedly press explore until the game decides to be kind enough to you to give you an actually interesting event" thing these games do. Still, what's here shows promise, and I'm keeping my eye on it.
This game appears to be highly incomplete, at present. Example: No idea how to actually purchase stuff, in most cases, cuz clicking on the "Buy" link generally doesn't do anything.
As well, the inventory system is… odd. No indication of how many of each item I have. After I finally unlock Zorro's ability to buy stuff off of me, I find that I can sell him some items a possibly-infinite number of times. Not real sure what's going on with that.
In its current state, the game is alpha-quality, IMAO. THe developer could use some Quality Assurance people before they decide to release the "real" edition.