People have long forgotten the proper name of the
Lawless Sea. There are no honest men here. There is
only might, and with might alone are fortunes made.
The only authority within this locus of chaos is the
brutal Patriarchy, a group of men who before all else
hunt down witches, letting virtually all other crimes
go unpunished.
Aboard the privateer ship Antelope, the adventure of
a young crewman named Eric begins. A target ripe for
the plunder has been spotted, and the Antelope is
poised to attack, but the series of events
that has been set in motion is beyond imagination.
The setting is an ongoing cold war between a order of paladin-types called the Patriarchy and a coven of witches called the Resistance. The protagonist will end offending one of these witches and get 'recruited' into the coven. From there, the game will be linear until (s)he finds means to cure him/herself (or not) and after that, it will be a more open-world experience as the protagonist chooses a faction and helps their cause.
Eric - A young man who joined a crew of privateers in order to get the money to make a better life for himself and Morgan.
Morgan - The love of Eric's life. You'll find out more about her as the story progresses.
Aracha - A witch who serves as the head of security for the Resistance. She is always seen dressed in black and wearing a mask. She's, standoffish, a lesbian, and casually refers to men as "Dicks".
Cid - When he was 11, he was the chosen one prophecied to save the land from an apocalypse. He succeeded. However, his fame eventually waned. Now an adult, he is an alchoholic and works as a mercenary.
Anne - A priestess in the Convent of Tires (pro-Patriarchy), she is kindhearted, but takes her duties extremely seriously.
Final: Released on Steam. Minimal changes since the last Beta. Specifically, I fixed a typo and one bug no one ran into.
Hashtag shill alert, but I've been unemployed for a while and need to pay rent. I'm only asking for $2.
If you're on this site, have helped test with one of the Betas, ask and I'll give you a free copy.
Otherwise, if you played V 1.071, there really isn't anything new.
1.071: Patched an ending check
1.07: Added a quest journal, and moved the map to its own menu.
Fixed issues with pirates attacking the player on land.
Gave pirates alternate spawn points to prevent the player getting stuck.
Changed around the Svartland Mountains map...fewer enemies but narrower passages.
Switched to a proper CTB battle system rather than rapid ATB
Added new music
Added another Channeling Stone and another dungeon in Draken.
1.06: Moved High King of the Epic Trolls to a special encounter right after the player is leaving the ruins where they get the transformation spells.
That battle will explicitly guide the player in the use of transformation magic.
Added another sprite and a couple more faces to the Dirkas to give atleast some variety.
Added more facial expressions for Anne, so she's not smiling like a dummy when sad things are happening.
Fixed an issue in the tutorial where your map gets taken from you.
1.05: Added a custom title screen
Implimented the Janissary Protection Initiative: Mobs who have barrier can now detect disturbances in the flow of time and will raise their defenses sooner.
And squashed some bugs.
1.04: Made it so Anne's room remains clearly marked if you leave the area and come back or load a save.
Made the first cutscene with Ruth warp you to the start point if you're not in it.
Made it so you can't enter the Muriktropolis sewers until you have the quest. (Alas, I could not make an open world game without it breaking.)
Made it so you can't enter the Lover's Cave without being pointed to it first.
Added dialog explaining the commodity system.
Added more space in the Tyres Mountains to make navigating around mobs easier.
Added some invisible fences in Anderstead to keep the npcs out of the 1 tile wide alleyways.
Updated the script collecting all of your Channeling Stones at the end.
Changed the map in Kangsguard to make the coven easier to spot.
Updated the Kangsguard coven leader's dialog...she won't speak to you until you have the quest now.
1.03: Fixed a bug with the Date with Morgan quest.
Added two more scenes to the endings, bringing the total up to 4 x 2.
1.02: Added two quest markers for the "Find the Remaining Stones" quest.
1.01: Reuploaded without removing unused assets because MV decided to remove files that were used. Thus, file size is bloated. This should fix the ATBBar.png bug
1.0: Generally this is a large update. Updated status from "Demo" to "Beta" accordingly.
The story now progresses to the endings, of which there are four. Some more "polish" to the endings are planned for in the future.
The world size is greatly expanded. The game is roughly 4-5 times bigger than previous version.
Reloading an old save will cause a game-crashing bug. Those who tested the demo will have to start a new game.
The first dungeon has gone through a complete remaster.
Combat has switched to a semi ATB system such that you know the order of actions.
Added a map in the inventory for quality of life.
Removed random encounters except on the field map.
Added sprites which seek you out to trigger encounters. Not all of them are practically avoidable.
Added trainers which give exp in exchange for coppers. Sandra will offer that service after her quest. The second trainer is in the Frostvale Coven.
Fixed a trap in the first dungeon.
Fixed a bug in the book in the library.
Fixed the faces of the sailors on the first boat.
Adjusted the terrain to make it impossible to strand yourself off your boat.
Added a quest with dungeon to recover another spell in the mountains north of Murik.
Added a few transformation offensive spells.
It's worth a play through, but still pretty disappointing.
It doesn't take itself seriously, everything is very satirized, both sides are extreme caricatures, which made neither truly relatable. The humor was at times so over the top that it simly fell flat and ended up feeling exhausting. That coupled with locations that had copy/pasted NPCs with the exact same short dialogue and nothing to do outside the main questline made the world feel artificial, breaking any sense of immersion.
The combat was half decent, the only annoyance was avoiding unecessary encounters when traveling by boat.
There are more than 2 endings, but having played the respective path of both the titular "sides" I was dissapointed to see that they shared the exact same ending sequence with only minor variations to the text.
That sounded pretty negative, but for the current price of less than 1€ it may be worth a try, I don't regret playing it. It's just that on this site are many free games that are leagues better.
A pretty decent fantasy RPG with a small, but relatable cast of characters; a minimal, but adequate, variety and range of items; and combat mechanics just complicated enough to be interesting with meaningful tactical options for different opponents. The story is interesting enough and if you really can't stand the political views of either side, there are even some alternate options.
There's no sexual exploration of the main character's transformation. It's a PG-rated game, after all. There is some exploration of the social results of the change, though, and being a magical transformation, it can be reversed, and the MC can even learn transformation magic to change at will (most of the time). Transforming others with that magic is reserved for a finishing move in combat. Hats and kittens pose no further threat.
The grinding wasn't excessive, and there was a training option to trade gold for XP and trade routes to buy low and sell high to make that money without mugging a million bandits. Plundering pirates for GP and XP and cargo to sell filled out all the skills and inventory quite fast. There were a few simple puzzles and some action sequences where reaction time was a factor, certainly more so than usual for RPGMaker games.
Overall, not a bad little RPG. Not sexy, but fun and interesting.
Don't worry about the "feminist overtones", it is actually satire and it is attacking more the leftist ideology than the right (see the town where citizen must give everything they have to strangers). As RPG it is not that bad, you will eventually find the way to win all battles but is not overly obvious. The story is nice and it really does let you pick your enemy, you have a certain say on the story, and if you want to look for other endings it is not too hard when you know how to get money and levels. Not a masterwork but worth a weekend.
The game Is Fine. the Feminist Overtones are Irritating, Idk don't know if if Part of the comedy or What else. but Its Very annoying and Ruins the Fun for me.
The reviewer below quit the game before the tutorial period ended! I'm a little bit further though not much. The battle system is surprisingly good and gets more complicated once you get past the first bit.
I feel a bit sorry for the protagonist, but I always do in these sorts of games. His romance is so wholesome! I want them to last forever!