This is a true story of how I was cursed by an evil witch, turned into a woman and forced to serve as her maid.
It seems like old reviews get purged after a while. Or maybe it's just *my* reviews because some creator didn't like that they weren't overwhelmingly fawning and positive but actually provided useful information on what to expect from a game.
I reviewed this game a long time ago - and that old review *was* overwhelmingly positive.
This is peak "cursed by an evil witch" content!
There are so many good things about this game, and I have only good recollections of it - been waiting for a new update for ages, and now one exists - so good.
The writing is spot on, funny, relevant, interesting, not boring or predictable.
The challenges and options are interesting, and it's up to you whether you make your curse worse or not.
The overarching story, which is as much about the witch as it is about you is a refreshing change, and engaging too.
Sexiness is ... present, though not high. Though some rough things can happen to you, this is not a game where the sex content is overwhelmingly present, nor does it have videos or porn pictures; it relies on the writing to convey what it has to say.
The profile/avatar images are ... a little underwhelming, but I appreciate what the author was attempting to do with them and the attempt to support a flexible clothing crafting system visually. It's not a fail, but I don't think it really pops either. More conventional art could have added more to the feel of the game, but the art that exists has its own particular charm and I don't dislike it... I just don't love it exactly.
This game is genuinely really fun, and has a simple yet interesting gameplay loop. However, I feel it needs a guide. There area a ton of events, many of which seem completely random. I have no idea how far along I am at this point, despite playing for a considerable amount of time.
I really like this one. It's a very nice touch to the game to add sewing, cooking, washing, drying and ironing clothes...and having to buy stuff for house managing. The fact that I have to remember the ingredients in the cooking system is sooooo imersive and nice. Gardening is good too.
I was able to shape the face and body of the maid really nicely too. I really hope you don't give up on this game...
Oh my only critc is that there's no way to edit the outfits that I saved. Or trow away or sell some clothes. Maybe I just didn't figure out how to.
A wonderful game, the only issues I have with is certain issues with avatar drawer's art style but those are only minor things.
Not a bad game, although I probably wont download it again soon without an option to skip the minigames. I have wrist tendonitis and the clicking is literally painful. If you don't suffer from the same affliction though, there is no reason not to download it, it's one of the better games on this site.