This is CYOA of a 16 year old boy forced into overseeing his 8 year old sister's sleepover party. A little sister who has been empowered by their witch of a mother to help her brother learn a lesson, by joining the party with the rest of the girls.
Through a series of pre-planned activities, the MC must try and maintain his maturity and his masculinity while keeping his sister and the rest of the girls happy. Or just give in and have some fun.
14 activities with multiple variants each
Regression down to age 5 (mentally and physically)
31 endings
Lots of traits which cause both minor and major variations to scenes
Lots of descriptions of the MC at different stages of the regression, including a map of the MC's brain
Embarrassment overload scenes when the situation becomes too overwhelming to handle
630k+ words
PG rating is just for bad language. There is no sexual content.
A 16 year old boy forced into overseeing his 8 year old sister's sleepover party.
A little sister who has been empowered by their witch of a mother to help her brother learn a lesson. A lesson learned through joining the party with the rest of the girls whether he wants to or not.
He fights to maintain his mind and body, all while trying to keep his sister and the other girls happy.
Emily: Your 8 year old little sister, the brat who is the de facto ring leader of the group.
Kara: A 7 year old classmate of your sister, very smart for her age. Acts as a bit of a 'mother' to the group, often acting as the voice of reason.
Miki: 6 year old little sister of one of your sister's classmates. Shy around strangers, but excitable once she gets to know you.
Sophie: The 9 year old 'older sister' of the group. Can come off as a bit of a bully, but protective of those in the group. Fiercely competitive, but doesn't like losing.
0.18.0 (Mar 21) - Return of the Sleepover
Extra Polish
- Once again a staggering number of fixes that have been done across the game, all thanks to excellent reporting from a forum poster. There are vastly too many of these to count, as some were as small as missing spaces, but a few notable ones:
- Embarrassment wasn't changing in a large number of cases, because I can't spell.
- Score wasn't always being calculated correctly in the Olympics. Hide and Seek had this issue as well.
- The pop-up for getting the Vain trait was entirely hidden during nail painting.
- The magic dress-up ring was a whole mess, should work much more consistently now.
Kara Challenge Update
- Extra variants for: Disney Knowledge (mat <= 3 sub variant), Illiterate, Maturity <= 10, Pretty Princess trigger
- Better handle for answering both Anna & Elsa
- Minor variants at start for agreeable, Sophie inferior and Emily inferior
Other Stuff
- Added debug option to set variables directly
0.17.1 (Mar 29) - Fixing some bugs reported in the forum, and a bunch more typo fixes.
0.17.0 (Mar 19) - In The Bedrooms
Who Put These In My Room?
- Some magical items have been added to your room (which can now be visited between activities events).
- These items are all designed to help soothe the embarrassment and anxieties that you've been experiencing during the party, giving you an alternative to a total breakdown.
- However, they are magical items at a magical sleepover, so expect some themed consequences with extra traits.
New Underwear Options
- In the various dress-up scenes (particularly the first two) there are now some new underwear options, as well as additional reactivity regarding any changes from boy to girl underwear.
Bed Time
- A large new activity available once all the other activities in the party are complete.
- Finally a chance for everyone to get into their PJs and catch up on the latest gossip!
- Comes with 10 possible outfit choices to get you nice and cozy for bed.
- Lots of discussions to have with all the girls. Share your deepest secrets, gossip about school and find out the latest fashion trends.
The Typocalypse and Bug Bash
- Normally I don't call out typo/bug style fixes but with the help of several folk a *staggering* number of fixes have been done across the game. I'm talking literally hundreds. So I want to thank them for some distressingly thorough QA and helping get the game into a much better state. Some of the more noticeable ones include:
- Fixes to the "bladder emergency" path, which should hopefully prevent any dead ends. Better delineation between diapers and pull-ups. Along with a little new/edited content.
- "Bow" hairstyle was being over-chosen when at low ages in the braiding hair event.
- Tying the first round of the Kara Challenge wasn't tracked correctly.
- Fix to the brain map where getting *too* girly would turn it back to blue.
- G-Rated Language lv.2 wasn't working. Now be ready for some *really* infantile language if you get it.
- Some fixes for when player age is a non-integer (generally below 1).
- Correctly setting underwear type when cursed with panties in Emily's/Mom's room.
- Waking up from a dream the second time was showing the wrong text.
- Handling "Small" better when dealing with the growth chart.
Other Stuff
- Make sure more variables are cleaned up better. Should improve performance, especially in longer runs.
- Found a spot where the MC could see his old name, even when he isn't supposed to recognize it anymore.
- Added some new knowledge to the brain map.
- Update description for Emily in the ending where she gets regressed.
- Enhancements to the G-Rated Language Evolution scene to react to where you got the trait.
0.16.3 (Nov 20) - Couple more fixes to Kara challenge. Turn on player portrait. Add toggleable min age.
0.16.2 (Nov 15) - Fixes to Kara challenge when winning events.
0.16.1 (Nov 13) - Fix to rogue regressions after Sophie Challenge. Cleanup on conditions for pizza appearing.
0.16.0 (Nov 13) - A Challenging Return
Pizza Time
- The girls are terribly hungry, but the long awaited pizza has arrived. John is supposed to be the one who answers the door but he might be very different person at that point. How will he fare when faced with a former high school classmate?
Cheater Ending
- Cheating to beat Sophie at an arm wrestle now comes with consequences.
Completing Imaginary Friend Dream Rewrite
- Rewrote the fourth dream to be a little lighter in tone
- Rewrote both "Imaginary Friend" endings. Splitting one into 2 new variants
Player Portrait
- Using the same (old) AI generation tech I used to make the NPC portraits there is now a portrait for the PC as well as he gets younger and girlier. Though it only represents a "base" version of the MC there aren't variants for things like chubby or catgirl
- Its currently behind a setting toggle (defaulted off) to see how people feel about it
"Low Happiness" events are now "Challenges"
- Formerly the "Low Happiness" events could only be accessed by being especially mean to the girls. Now the girls will propose those events as "Challenges", regardless of their attitude towards you.
- Which means there are also prizes for winning!
- Though don't expect these to be easy, and if they don't like you, don't expect them to play fair.
- Technical improvements have also been made to them all prevent slowdowns after the game is complete.
Emily's Challenge
- The possible end results for the challenge have expanded greatly in both number and detail.
Kara's Challenge
- Kara's challenge has been re-ordered and re-tooled so the knowledge swapping is spread out in between rounds rather than all at the end.
- Previous "mean" intro spun off into separate event where you can just be mean to Kara for no reason. This "may" have consequences.
Sophie's Challenge
- Fixes to the ending transformations to ensure all routes can be hit (some were bugged and inaccessible before)
Miki's Challenge
- Unfortunately there wasn't a pre-existing Miki "Low Happiness" event, so the Miki challenge is still in development
Other Stuff
- Handle for Kara and Sophie inferiority complex in Mat 9 and 8 regressions
- 12->11 Mat Regression: A little more discussion of the changes to John's marks and what it means about his mind.
- Haphazard pass through the game to correctly react to Emily inferiority complex
- Added in a lv.2 for the "Small for your age" trait and updated everywhere where height was referenced
- Fixed up some spots where player "thoughts" weren't colored correctly
- All the little bug fixes mentioned in the forums, plus the usual random typos/errors corrected
0.15.2 - Couple more fixes. Mainly to ensure everyone can get to endings regardless of age.
0.15.1 - Bug fixes and sundry.
0.15.0 (Mar 14) - Splashing Around
Pool Party Activity
- Choose from 16 different swimsuit options depending on whether you cooperate, whether the girls like you, and how each girl feels about you.
- Head out to the pool and splash around in the water, or just relax and get some sun, just make sure you wear your sunscreen/
6->5 Age Regression
- Now that you're as little as possible all the girls are going to want you in the cutest outfits possible. You can try to resist but at 5 can you really stop them?
Too Much Regression Ending
- If the player reaches the minimum age regression level they can put themselves on a path where they will continue to get younger all the way into infancy.
6->5 Mat Regression
- Regress all the way down to a soon to be kindergartner
- Losing your ability to both read, write and do most basic mathematics
Reading is hard
- All written text now becomes incomprehensible once you've lost the ability to read. This can be turned off in Settings.
- Additional large variant in board game inside the mall if you can't read the shopping list.
- Smaller variations through the rest of the game when text arises.
Embarrassment Enhancements
- High embarrassment can now be mitigated by taking intentional mental regressions
- Having a mind many years older than the body causes distress/embarrassment
- Small rewrite of fallback embarrassment break for when options have been exhausted
New Scenes
- New path through the Sophie Fitness Competition where you can beg Emily to let you stay 16 and even without any of the quirks you've acquired...of course if you still lose the penalty will be even more severe.
- New scene in hula hoop for those with a hypnotic dance trigger.
- Cleanup to diaper logic, now can be in pull ups or diaper depending on your behaviour. Additionally there is a little extra teasing by the other girls in that scene.
- Confrontation with Annie after she learns to take over your body
Old Scenes
- With the new method of getting into the Imaginary Friend content the old Gymnastics Decline has been restored to its former state.
Brain Map
- Additions to identity regarding name
- Additional variants for maturity when thinking about family
- NPC Transformation sequence now reflects in the brain map
- Annie interjects her own thoughts into your mind once you've met her
Other Stuff
- Player thoughts now have a similar coloration scheme to player voice, except this is only primed off of mentality
- Added an NPC description for Annie
- Usual slate of random typos and css fixes
- Fixed journals for Twister at low mat
- Update to Disney Princess quiz to reflect new princesses
- Additional heroine can be selected in quiz
- Mental regression occurs if physical age too far below mental age
- Additional writing option in 10 to 9 mental regression
0.14.2 (Jan 24) - Bunch of little bug fixes for issues reported
0.14.1 (Jan 22) - Brain Drain
7 to 6 Age Regression
- Learning and performing a ballet routine with Miki, now that the two of you are about the same size
7 to 6 Maturity Regression
- Back to learning "All About Me"
- Filling out the remainder of the sheet with all your new favourite things
Bladder Emergency
- Once the player has acquired the Weak Bladder trait they need to be more diligent about their bathroom breaks...otherwise they might have an accident.
- If it happens twice Emily is forced to take drastic action.
Lacing Up Your Shoes
- A bunch of variations when you can't tie your own shoes anymore due to age, or having the knowledge stolen
- Will you ask your sister for help? Or maybe Miki can teach you how to do it? Or will you preserve and prove your capabilities?
Updates to other mat regressions
- Additional content around journal & report card
- 16 to 15
-- Imaginary Friend Variant
-- Agreeable Variant
- 13 to 12
-- Total rewrite
-- Quiz is now entirely interactive, see which cartoon heroine you are really most like.
Brain Map
- Entirely new way to represent the player's mental state.
- A smattering of thoughts about *a lot* of different topics. 20+ sections.
-- These are effected by maturity and traits.
- Color is based upon how "girly" that section of the brain has become.
Journal Updates
- New journal entries & style for every activity/regression for players with maturity 6 or 7
Additions to "Hide in Basement" from Sophie
- If you're a clumsy crybaby and have a meltdown Emily might comfort you like a good "big sister"
Knowledge Updates
- Knowledge gains/losses now come with a notification
- Knowledge added to debug menu
Other Stuff
- I heard y'all liked Applejack so I reckon y'all will enjoy the chance to start talkin' just like her
- "Inept" critical loss in mini-Olympics now comes with extra knowledge to gain/lose
- Flesh out of Boy Crazy trait
- Additional level of Braces trait (endings only atm)
- Additional comments on middle/elementary school report cards
Technical Updates
- Performance improvements, particularly on games that have a long history
- Added "King of Games" option to debug menu which allow for control of mini game results
- Added a background "timer" to help dole out events more sensibly.
- Removed New Game+ (wasn't really useful now that debug exists)
0.13.0 - Trials and Tribulations
Sophie Low Happiness Challenge
- Challenge Sophie to feats of fitness to prove your superiority to the arrogant gymnast.
Getting some new shoes
- Heading outside for the mini-olympics now requires you to put on a proper pair of shoes.
- If you get too small you'll been given a new set.
New place to look for a bra
- Now you can check mom's room to see if she might have anything suitable.
Long Luscious Hair
- Hair with now lengthen as the regression progresses.
- Updates to Hair Braiding event to handle multiple possible starting hair lengths, and how different maturities react to the different hairstyles.
- If you spend long enough gossiping about fashion you might learn something.
Feeling Agreeable
- The "agreeable" trait has now been properly implement. It's a little harder to say no now, you can always persevere but it's easier to just go along with things.
Another challenge from Kara
- A follow-up challenge to the game show, this time it should be more in your wheelhouse, video games. Assuming that you actually remember how to play them.
Regression Updates
- Basically every age regression scene has received a small/medium update. More reactive to certain traits, particularly the new "short" trait.
- 8-> 7 (piggyback) got an even bigger addition with two new routes, one for being carried by Emily and one carrying Miki.
Everything Else
- Fix to journal when age goes below 8.
- Usual typo and grammar fixes; and little logic errors.
- Added ability to stack trait additions.
- It seems like I've removed a seeming abundance of the word "seem".
- Added a few more die rolls.
- Fix Sophie being effected by your language changes.
- Added in a few more "knowledge loss" moments.
- Rewrite of mat 12->11 regression (the video game one).
0.12.0 (June 29) - Everything is getting smaller
More Regressions
- 8 -> 7 Age
-- Now that you're getting really small it's time for some more athletics with the girls. What's more athletic than a piggy back race?
- 8 -> 7 Maturity
-- Time to put those math skills to the test in your greatest challenge yet. Prepare to face the terrifying complexity of brownie recipies.
Kara Low Happiness
- Reaching happiness 0 with Kara leads to a little competition to determine who is the smartest in the group.
Get Away Endings
- Being stubborn and attempting to escape a second time will end up with you fuzzier than ever. Has a secret ending for those who are diligent about keeping everything tidy.
- Being a little less stubborn still makes you a bit more catlike, but you'll be cute nya?
UI Updates
- Notifications when you aquire a new trait.
- Report card to show how you're doing in school.
Scene Updates
- Hide and Seek Seeking
-- Sophie Variants: Age <= 9, Dainty
-- Improvements to "mindset" stuff
- A few more reactions to your adorable cat ears if you have them.
Technical Changes
- Cases where the text "replaces" on screen now properly use the word replacement filter (like the no curse words curse). So no more "fudging" in one sentence and "f***ing" in another. Thank you to daisycyoas for that catch.
Everything Else
- Content warnings can now be hidden.
- Fix to hand/nails image in the description tab.
- Updates to Sophie High/Low happiness endings to better reflect the relationship.
0.11.1 (April 27) - Fixes to journal entries and endings.
0.11.0 (April 20) - Bored of board games
Board Games
- The board game activity has gotten a much needed makeover. It's got *a lot* of new content, there's shopping and dressup and even some new endings in there. Lots of paths to take and places to explore. Have fun :)
Imaginary Friend
- A series of dreams that can be access from various parts of the game (see walkthrough for more details on where).
- Gives you the largest trait (by words) yet, evolving from being in contact with your "inner child" to sharing all your experiences. Think of all the fun with having your own imaginary friend to take you through the party.
- There are even a couple endings associated with the dreams.
Scene Enhancements/Improvements
- Now you can tell Sophie to stop climbing the tree rather than just standing there. Whether she'll listen to you or not...
- Dressup prompted by successfully hiding in Emily's closet now makes it easier to wear pretty dresses, and even lets you keep it.
- Hiding in the basement is now a little more interesting, especially for clumsy people, scaredy cats and crybabies.
- Non-participation in the Mini-Olympics is now punished in new and interesting ways.
- Getting trapped in the dark now makes things dark for you as well.
- The walkthrough tab now has a link to a Google Doc containing spoiler light walkthrough. Trying to keep a balance between clarity and keeping things spoiler-free, y'all let me know how it feels.
Technical Changes
- Most images are now in webp format. Should have no impact on how they look (unless you are in an old Safari that doesn't support webp), but makes the zip file a few MB smaller.
Everything Else
- NPC descriptions for the teenage versions of the girls for the various high school age epilogues. Note these descriptions are partially shared between endings. So one ending where Sophie would be 20, it still talks about her as a high school girl.
- New ending if you select "Get Mean" a second time in a embarassment break.
0.10.1 (March 20) - General bug fixes with the new activity
0.10.0 (March 17)- The Community Update
Small scene improvements/additions (in more detail than usual so people can see their specific suggestion show up)
- Miki hide and seek "hide under" route a little more fun.
- Reaction for finding Emily hiding in your closet when you'd hidden in hers.
- Improved descriptions of moments where fear traits kick in during Hide and Seek.
- Small mat variant to skinned knee.
- Trying to find a way to contain your new feminine endowments.
- Learning about the issues with girl's clothes during jump rope.
- Softspoken characters now have trouble being heard at the top of a tree.
- Hiding in Emily's closet might result in some impromptu dressup.
- Young MCs who are denied extra cupcakes have a second chance to partake.
- Small commentary on hulaing in a skirt.
- More excitement if Sophie wins the Olympics or you win, but refuse the winners prize.
- Extra choice of a favourite "pony", sure to cause some chaos.
- Small musings on being in a skirt for the first time.
- Some lore updates for background on what this "sleepover" actually is.
Emily Low Happiness Scene
- Accessible when Emily's happiness hits zero
- She decides to teach you a lesson about how much harder it is to be little and how it's the responsibility of the older sibling to help.
Two new endings
- Rejecting a life as Sophie's personal cheerleader leads you into making a whole new group of close friends.
- Rejecting a life as a pudgy super nerd leads you into indulging your interests in a different way.
Bug Fixes
- Fix ending descriptions for new game +
- Description updates to a few traits
- A zillion typo fixes
0.9.2 (Feb 16) - Bunch of little fixes, mostly typos.
0.9.1 (Feb 10) - Hotfix to fix bad assignment, some typos and windows specific pathing issues.
0.9.0 (Feb 10)
Getting even smaller
Painting Nails Activity
Golden Ending Updates
Freedom of choice
Not so random events
0.8.2 (Jan 7) - Hotfix to fix a few bad variables and conditionals.
0.8.1 (Jan 5) - Hotfix to prevent blank gymnastics journal and fix bad conditional in cupcake decorating.
0.8.0 (Jan 3)
The Friendship Update - Grab Bag Edition
- Minimum Age/Maturity lowered to 9.
New Activity
Activity Updates
Everything Else
0.7.1 (Nov 30) - Couple variable fixes and typos
0.7.0 (Nov 27)
The Friendship Update (pt1)
Hide and Seek Activity
Braiding Hair
Everything Else
0.6.3 (Oct 31) - A couple minor conditional fixes and correctly tracking the "reason" for not competing in the Olympics.
0.6.2 (Oct 28) - Functions have to be called to work
0.6.1 (Oct 28) - Fixed "girlName" being improperly set in endings.
0.6.0 (Oct 28)
Endings Endings Endings
Dynamic Journalling
Updates to a couple of scenes to fix a couple of narrative quirks.
Usual minor typo/bug/spacing fixes
0.5.3 (Sep 13) - A bunch of minor bug fixes and typo things. Nothing too exciting.
0.5.1 (Sep 11) - Patch to fix a few bad conditionals. Sugarvalidator doesn't catch variables without a $ :(
0.5.0 (Sep 11)
New Content:
Initial implementation of the embarrassment mechanic.
Small variations added to a few scenes.
Behind the Scenes:
Improvements to the word filter
Using a new "pronoun" system. The text should always be reactive to your current gender. If anything looks out of place let me know.
More improvements to the journal system to allow for some future ideas.
Usual rigamarole of spacing/typo/bug fixes.
0.4.0 (Aug 27)
Regression down to age 10 with 4 new detailed scenes to show the changes.
Overhaul of how the journal works.
Some extra ponysplaining for the non MLP initiated
Experimental User Setting
Disable physical age regression
This should prevent age from going down and any of the related scenes from playing.
Only in a few places for now (13->12 age regression and 12->11 maturity regression, MLP explanations)
New Game+
Both endings now have a link to a new game + which should reset you back to the start of the game but with traits/age/maturity intact.
NOTE: This is much less tested than other stuff, so bugs are likely. Report as you find them and I’ll try to fix what I can but NG+ isn’t the main focus of the game so it’s lower priority
A couple of small trait variant scenes
Usual litany of typo fixes
A few small bug fixes
Fix to “return” when navigating to description/traits/etc…
0.3.1 (August 9) - Little typo fixes
0.3.0 (August 9) -
Completion of the "mini-olympics" a series of activities challenging your physical prowess (or lack thereof). 5 activities and about 20k words.
Dynamic NPC descriptions
0.2.2 (July 23) - Fix to remove incomplete activity from 0.2.1
0.2.1 (July 23) - Fix to traits not being applied. More typo fixes. (Pulled and replaced by 0.2.2)
0.2.0 (July 22) - Converted the entire thing into TweeGo. Fixes to journal. Added hairstyle descriptions.
0.1.2 (July 21) - Better handle for underflow of minimum age. Formatting changes.
0.1.1 (July 21) - Minor bug fix (disney princess text), restart button on endings.
0.1.0 (July 21) - First release. 4 activities, 2 endings, regression to age 12, full character descriptions.
A very well put together game and a must-play. This is the first game to really get me into age regression. The story is well written, there's a decent amount of choice, and a couple of the bad ends are absolutely terrifying.
If you are Interested in age regression this game is a must play, quite possibly the best game focusing on it there is.
theres also alot of variety in how your ending turns out and how the transformation affects your character if your a person who loves choice.
Truly a quality and quantity type of game. highly reccomend!
One of the most detailed and well-written games in our fandom. You are spoiled for choice with the many different paths and it's really up to you how the sleepover plays out.
It caters to a lot of people and I think it does it well without being superfluous. Worth a play for anyone finding any of the tags even mildly interesting!
Thanks for making this game and continually updating and improving it. It's one of my top favorite games on this site.
It's simply just "fun" -- helps me be and feel like a kid again.
solid premise. Would love some art to show your character slowly changing.
I do wish there was an option to try and stay like a teenage girl. It feels like there's no way to keep yourself above 11. You end up at 9 or younger eventually after playing everything to completion. I love ageplay stuff and im really happy there's more ageplay stuff, but I'm more of a middle than a little, so going that young or even younger kinda weirds me out
there's an option to stop mental and physical regression entirely, but maybe there could be a way to set yourself a minimum age so you will regression, but no lower than you want