Welcome to Bidi-Essem, the planet that takes its sex games entirely too seriously. On Bidi-Essem, you can own a harem of sex slaves... or get scooped up into a harem, yourself. But you're just here for a job, right? ...right?
Leaderboard is a contrail game where you descend into the wild machinations of a planet built on dominance and submission, where anything you do might get reported to the Leaderboard, which tracks who is a dominant in charge of their life and who is a submissive who needs the guidance—gentle or not—of a dom. You're here for six months, during which you can try to just do your job, indulge a little in the night life, or throw all your inhibitions out the window and just go native.
No matter what you do, everyone on the planet will be judging you, sizing you up, and trying to seduce you—or break you—to make you theirs. It's up to you whether you resist, comply, or turn the tables and make them yours, instead.
Note: Leaderboard is primarily a D/s game with comparatively minor TF themes.
Arriving early for your shift at Taimori no longer results in your going home because there are no diners.
Numerous Hunting Grounds bugs--mostly functions being passed id strings when they require objects and vice versa--have been squashed.
Checking out Hunting Grounds club goers puts their description in the contextual pane.
Description code got a bunch of minor fixes ('removed a needless comma' level).
Hunting Grounds no longer loses track of your drinks at the table
Loading a game clears out old data from surrounding panes
Chastity cages and belts are now lockable from your wardrobe
New location: Key Plunk Bridge on Ravenstone Pike
Changelog v0.0.10 "Bottle Service"
Second Date with Quinn is live: there's a concert in the park series at Bettie Page Park. Quinn's bringing the picnic blankets and a ton of dim sum, and all you have to do is bring a bottle (or three). Talk with Quinn at Transplanetary and ask her out to play through this repeatable event.
New button in the lower left enables viewing NPC stats in the contextual pane. This is intended for debug purposes and I feel like playing with it tears down the curtain and ruins some of the tension the game runs on. Your mileage may vary, however.
Hunger and Inebriation work with the adjustMeter function
Fixed an error that prevented Cocksmith and Sons from offering bigger dick augmentations.
Selling Milk to Daisycream
Description now handles nipples of various shapes and sizes
Transformations that occur over time instead of instant
Three new office encounters with Daisy Charolais
Daisycream Cosmetics and Dairy site visit
Milking Scenes: at home, at the office, at daisycream, in public, with and without pumps, with and without assistance.
Augmentation Alley
All the offices along Augmentation Alley are now open: the Bootyque, Brutes and Bantams, Cocksmith and Sons, Labiosculptrix, The Mammary Market, Swole-a-torium, and Visage.
Body Mods are intentionally expensive and through the first portion of the game I expect they'll be accessed through plot developments more often than the storefronts. Speaking of which, if you're having trouble with your accounts, Jordan might like to speak with you.
Clothes Shopping
Four Clothing Stores: At Califia Commons, you can find RACK and Chains, Hooks, and Clasps; along Williams-Haas Way, The Dip is finally open, as is Ties That Bind.
Clothing is considerably cheaper than bodymods, but most of it gets wrinkled and can't be worn until it gets laundered.
Access your clothing options from your Wardrobe at home. As you get familiar with life on Bidi-Essem (ie turn 200), you'll be able to evaluate your look before you leave home.
Handlebars Salon
Handlebars Salon is also open at Califia Commons, offering dye jobs and hair cuts. These are technically body mods, but they're significantly cheaper.
Palette Bonuses
The colors of the clothes you wear, along with the colors of your skin, hair, and eyes, all contribute to your outfit's palette. Clothing and body parts whose colors match, complement, or participate in color triads are more effective at making an impression.
Now all the exciting fun of laundry has been meticulously recreated for your gaming experience. Or at least, you'll need to take laundry to Bubbles Laundromat (on Williams-Haas Way) or do it yourself at home, or pay for laundry service (at the Luxury Apartment and the Hotel). Unsurprisingly, doing your own laundry is seen as subby.
Once live-in subs are implemented, laundry will be a thing they can be assigned to do.
Interaction Upgrade
Each character in the game now responds more favorably to a different dom/sub metric: some folks comply easier when you come across hard, some folks like it when you're assertive, and some folks respond best to manipulation. Your body and your clothing will give you bonuses to these ends. Most of these preferences are set randomly each game, so you never know what Karen Pepo will be into this time around.
Presently this preference is hidden, but later expansions will add means to discover it and plan accordingly.
Credit at Fig and Ginger
Minor update, but asking for credit at the Fig and Ginger now works instead of just pretending it works.
Welp, this is one of my favourite games on the site. I really like the core concept, and dextersinister's writing is really good. I also like the office dynamics and lastly I think the range of choice you have is great for an early-dev HTML game. If you haven't played it before I would recommend giving it a go. Just, be prepared to stop playing when it gets repetitive, because the content runs out quite soon.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for another update :)
Awesome concept and I love the story. Another thing I liked to see was the choice to be a dom or sub. Also it seems to be a slow progression which I love (just make sure to keep the grinding in check or add cheats) Could not get to far due to eye strain (see below)
So really really want to like this game. However the text is way to small. Even after making the text bigger it gets cut off because the containers dont expand with the text size. Second off it looks like this game was made for phones/tablets. I would suggest using Twine with SugarCube. A lot of html games use it and makes the user interface alot easier to navigate and look at (It looks like you are trying to go for that look with HTML and CSS). My next complaint is there are really no tips on what all the stats affect (ie. poise - I would assume would be a dom/sub stat but as far as I know it could be anything). A short optional tutorial would be nice or a help menu. Another issue is there is no way to view NPC stats/relationships (atleast I could not figure it out). I thought it was the "Debug NPC Stats" but that does not appear to be working. Also I noticed you have a game clock but it does not appear to do anything besides act as a countdown for the 180 days. Finally stress and hunger don't appear to have any penalty's right now I have both maxed out. I am sure there are other issues but I could not get very far (maybe 30 minutes).
Anyways I will keep my eye on this game. This is one of the few in development games that I will continously check up on. As for right now I am going to go find my eye drops and rest my eyes lol.
This is a great concept with core mechanics offering a lot of potential. It's an ambitious project, off to a promising start, with a lot of runway. Still very early in development and looking forward to how it proceeds from here.
Great challenge for balancing the metrics for certain outcomes.
Seems like a very promising game, but either still early in development or suffering from a lack of player guidance.
Let me elaborate:
Also, a small note: the early game has a MUCH larger focus on d-s interactions and generally existing in an oversexualized world than on tf, so if you're here to watch your protagonist get changed then either be patient or find another game, since physical changes are pretty exclusively mid-to-late game as far as I can tell.
Rating: ??/10 (it feels too in-progress to give a final score to)
Looks like it'll be a great game once it's done, or at least closer to done. But right now, not much to do. It's just the same scenes over and over. Hopefully the author keeps adding at a good pace.