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Version: ..05

Version: ..001


More of a CYOA than a game. Your girlfriend is convinced she is from a long line of witches. You scoff at it, but you make her mad and she says something that changes your life.

More of a CYOA than a game. Your girlfriend is convinced she is from a long line of witches. You scoff at it, but you make her mad and she says something that changes your life.


Your goth girlfriend

Your domineering boss

.5 1 (again). I apologize if thie was the same. Hopefully this works.


The whole story will only take about a week, I have updated up until friday, took longer than expected.

Review by Ausdric

Version reviewed: ..05 on 12/11/2021

I just rushed through most of the game without reading the text so don't expect anything too in depth.

It has a nice concept, not an amazing concept but a good one that once fleshed out could be quite nice. The ending though seem to be a bit repeated which I just find lackluster and pointless, that if the ending the same why do we have a choice at all. Other than that not bad. Also it is very lacking in content for now but i can't blame the game since it is very early.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: ..001 on 11/28/2021


Early review, will add more later.

An interesting CYOA with some neat ideas in this early release. Worth a look, but I'm keen to see where future development takes this game.

Review by boycalledsue

Version reviewed: ..001 on 11/16/2021

There's not much here so far but I like what there is - it's a fun premise and the available options hint that there will be plenty of directions to go in future.

I think I managed to play all of the possible outcomes that are currently available, but either I've missed one or an MP4 of Baby Shark was included as a joke - which makes up half of the current download size.

All in all, a great start. I'll keep my eye on this one and am looking forward to some further updates.

Review by mininator

Version reviewed: ..001 on 11/11/2021

Love the Cuckold Path. Please more of it.
Is there a way to get a chastity-image?

Keep it up

Review by vdfvdvdd

Version reviewed: ..001 on 11/11/2021

Was a bit afraid when i saw the game was only 5mo for now but it's starting pretty nicely, not so much content right now (5mn maybe) but i'll keep an eye on it

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