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Sluttown USA: Hometown Corruption

It feels weird to be back in Woodpine after so long away. You remembered the place being small, but damn. Yesterday, when the taxi dropped you off, you couldn't believe how tiny and pathetic the little town looked.
You've spent the last three years working for a small startup in New York by the name of SCAREAWAY. The company needed a psychologist -you- to help develop a mobile app that could be used to cure people of their fears. Along with other... less noble uses as you would discover in your time there. It actually showed a lot of promise.
You have the only surviving copy of the hypnosis app.

Most characters in the game can be renamed, including the MC. Their roles and relationships can be defined freely. For example, India can be your mother, step-mother or landlady, and all descriptions and dialogues in the game will be adapted accordingly. Elliot can be your cousin and Romi's son or just a neighbor living with Romi, etc. Since version 0.24, the relationships between characters can be defined much more precisely.

You (MC)

You've just moved back to your old home town, Woodpine. You've always been interested in the human mind. In recent years, more specifically, how to manipulate it. You have the only surviving copy of an hypnosis app that you helped develop in your previous company. You intend to use it in your small, isolated home town, in which you got a new position as a teacher.


Your kind mom/step-mom/landlady, a real estate agent struggling to sell houses in this small town.


Your bitchy sister/step-sis/roommate who is hiding some secrets from her family/landlady.


A teaching assistant who is brighter than she looks, and who is not afraid to take part in some unusual experiments.


Your aunt/neighbor who thinks that the whole world should bow to her. She owns a clothes shop in the local mall.


Your shy cousin/neighbor, a geek with hidden fantasies. He lives with Romi.

...and many other characters that you will discover as you play the game: the students Alex and AJ, India's colleague Emma who would do anything to be promoted, a mysterious hacker, Gia the waitress, Katerina the warehouse boss, some other members of your family/neighborhood, etc.

This game includes a Guide with hints about what to do next for each NPC that you have met, so you should be able to have hours of fun without a walkthrough.  The NPCs from the early game can be met by exploring the map or waiting a few days, but most of the other NPCs will only be unlocked after reaching a specific part of the story of first NPCs.

  • India's story unlocks several characters in the early game and unlocks many more later, especially on her "private" route (the "public" route is not complete yet).
  • A scene in Elliot's bedroom is necessary before discovering a mysterious hacker and other characters. The help provided by that hacker can reduce the amount of grinding needed in the early game. This also unlocks several new characters related to that hacker. Since version 0.24, the help provided by the hacker can be doubled later in the game.
  • Elliot and Romi currently start with a joint story arc, so you need to interact with both of them to go further. Starting from version 0.18, you can decide after a few days if you want to continue their joint story arc or have a separate one for Elliot (this choice will only be available if you start a new game, not if you load a game saved by version 0.17 or earlier).
  • Karlee and Abella also have a joint story arc.
  • Alex and AJ have some mutual dependencies in the early game. AJ's mother/landlady appears later, after you have made enough progress with them.


  • Starting with version 0.29, the game is split in three archives (pack 1pack 2, pack 3) in order to allow each of them to stay below 2 GB. You need all three of them to play the game.
  • Bugfix versions that contain only the HTML file have to be installed on top of the previous full version that contained the images.

- Romi 19k words.
- Karlee 14k words.

v0.35.2 (bugfix)

- Fixed a bug that caused some players to get stuck with the Eva/Gia route.

v0.35.1 (bugfix)
- Fixed looping in Leah story passage.
- Fixed unclosed link in AJ's guide.

- Leah 13k words.
- AJ 12k words. (Start of public arc) 

v0.34.1 (bugfix)
- Fixes bugs that were blocking the progress with Leah and Eve and that caused a black screen when working overtime in the warehouse.

- Karlee (Recruiting) 13k words.
- Hacker 14k words. (Start of public arc)

v0.33.1 (bugfix)
- Fixes bug that was catching some people in a loop with the Hacker.

- India (Recruiting) 12k words.
- Katrina 10k words.v0.32
- Doctor's receptionist 10k words
- Gia/Eva 14k words

v0.32.1 (bugfix)
- Fixed a bug that was distorting map images for some people.

- Doctor's receptionist 10k words
- Gia/Eva 14k words

v0.31.1 (bugfix)
- Fixed the "recruit strippers" scene jumping from Reiko to Nina

- Karlee (Recruiting) 14k words
- Leah (Recruiting) 10k words

- Improvements to the navigation: when you pin a character in the Guide, a portrait appears in the side bar. Clicking on that portrait allows you to jump to that character's location or a location nearby.
- Alex 13k words
- Gia 8k words
- Eva 9k words 

(see the game or the forum for the full Changelog - it was becoming too large this IGDB game entry)

Review by alwaysagirl

Version reviewed: 0.26.1 (bugfix) on 08/14/2023

Sad that there is no MTF :(

Review by obsidian

Version reviewed: 0.18.1 (bugfix) on 12/14/2022

Great game. I agree that it seems inspired by The Company and resembles a dominant-only version of the game, though incredibly detailed.


Lots of girls in it and plenty of scenes for each of them.


Looking forward to seeing it expanded further, though there is already a ton of content. 

Review by plood1

Version reviewed: 0.14.8 on 09/04/2022

Really good so far. reminds me a ton of the game "The Company" but with only the dominant paths available.  Really well written, a LOT of content already available even in this pretty early release, and not overly grindy. I'll be watching this for any updates with a lot of interest!

Review by youisme01

Version reviewed: 0.14.7 on 08/22/2022

So far the game seems to have hours worth of content, it's easy to get to erotic scenes and there's not too much clicking involved. Just make sure you meet your cousin as soon as you can and gett better at programming to make the app charging faster. 


One reviewer mentions no m/m content, that is false. So far I have come across a full on m/m scene. Not sure if there is more. 

Review by krimhilde

Version reviewed: 0.14.7 on 08/21/2022

i like the theme! It seems to do some of the same tropes that other games here do but somehow it feels fresh and new.

Some of the clicking and navigation could be improved. The game has a LOT of content already so there is no need to make it take 'forever' by forcing the player to press 6 times to navigate from a to b.

Looking forward to upcoming versions with additions to the storylines.

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