When an "accident" gives you the ability to dominate others, you do the only thing any rational person would do: Build a harem of mind controlled hotties!
Jump into an alternate universe of Undertale taking place in Deltarune's Hometown.
Chara: the evil murdergirl is here and not ready for mind control.
(Female) Asriel: The prince(ess) of the underground has arrived, will she be able to outwit your malevolent machinations? (we both know the answer to that).
Frisk: The determined pacifist/murdergirl. This goody two shoes might be too innocent for her own good.
Clover: The yellow soul and protagonist of Undertale Yellow, spending half her time in the bar and the other half getting drunk.
Included in the game folder.
V0.06 [Introducing: The Spider]
-Added a new location: Muffet's Bakery.
-Added Muffet.
-Added Muffet LVL 1 quest + 2 sex scenes.
-Added Muffet LVL 2 quest + 1 sex scene.
-Added Muffet LVL 3 quest(s) + 1 sex scene.
-Added Muffet LVL 4 quest + 1 sex scene.
-Added Muffet LVL 5 quest + 2 mental states.
-Added an event for when you haven't left the house in a while.
-Added a new title screen.
-Added a proper function for certain special outfits.
-Moved asking characters about maid work to when they're following you.
-Adjusted some dialogue.
-Fixed softlock that occurs during Clovers LVL 2 quest when you re-visit the Forrest/Store after infecting the wine.
-Fixed a bug that would softlock you if you exited the F/A/T household after using the blender, but before visiting theforrest.
-Fixed Asriel not having the proper expression when changing clothes to her default outfit.
-Fixed softlock that occurred during Clover's LVL 4 quest if Chara was changed in a certain way.
-Fixed some image issues during Chara's LVL 5 quest.
-Fixed some characters not speaking to you after doing their maid quests.
-Fixed Chara not being available as a maid after dismissing her once.
-Fixed some clothing bugs.
-Fixed Frisk and Asriel visiting Chara's house during the morning when she should be unavailable.
-Fixed a softlock preventing you from taking Asriel's LVL 1 quest if you did a certain thing to Clover before Asriel Arrived.
-Fixed not being able to use both Chara's maid headband and gloves at the same time.
-Fixed Asriel's LVL 4 quest being softlocked
-Fixed Asriel's LVL 5 quest not being marked as complete.
-Fixed Asriel not talking to you in the lake if you finished the LVL 5 quest and went down the pure evil route.
-Fixed the screen going black when deciding to leave Asriel's soul alone. (I hope)
-Fixed dialogue being skipped during Clover's LVL 4 quest in the evil route.
-Fixed incorrect dialogue happening when switching followers.
-Fixed there being multiple Charas when she is ditching school and is your follower.
-Fixed Clover's LVL 4 quest during the evil route not being properly marked as evil.
-Fixed a bug preventing you from continuing Chara's LVL 3 quest if you accepted immediately.
-Frisk LVL 5 Quest + 2 new mental states added.
-Chara LVL 5 Quest + 2 new mental states added.
-Clover LVL 5 Quest + 2 new mental states added.
-Asriel LVL 5 Quest + 2 new mental states added.
-New Protagonist Sprite added.
-1 New Special outfit for Frisk.
-1 New Special outfit for Chara.
-1 New Special outfit for Clover.
-1 New Special outfit for Asriel.
-Added gifts. Buy them from sans' shop and give them to a girl that's following you for quick XP.
-Increased the Required control level for Frisk to accept controlling Chara to 2.
-Adjusted the end of Frisk's LVL 4 scene.
-A bunch of fixes I forgot to list.
-Added a Debug for Clover's LVL 2 Quest in case it breaks. (Interact with the basement staircase after the grapes have finished fermenting.)
-Fixed Asriel not acknowledging your water bottle during her LVL 4 quest if you did not have any control over Clover.
-Fixes several softlocks and clothing bugs.
-A bunch of bugfixes
-Frisk LVL 4 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Chara LVL 4 Quest + 2 Sex scenes added.
-Clover LVL 4 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Asriel LVL 4 Quest + Sex scene added.
-1 New outfit Set for Frisk.
-1 New Outfit Set for Chara.
-1 New Outfit for Clover.
-1 New special outfit for Clover.
-1 New Outfit Set for Asriel.
-Added new sprites to almost every NPC (Massive thanks to lilinabestcharacter for them)
-Added Tranced variation to almost every Sex scene.
-Added dialogue for most objects in houses.
-Added a few random NPCs.
-Added +10 Knowledge cheat.
-Improved the Intro and prologue.
-Fixed Chara not being smug enough.
-Fixed some Character portrait issues.
-Fixed a bug during Clover's LVL 1 quest that would softlock you if you failed.
-Fixed a bug during Clover's LVL 3 quest that would permanently make the screen black if you failed.
-Fixed a bug during Clover's LVL 2 quest that would not trigger certain events.
-Fixed inconsistences with character's hair during 2 sex scenes
V0.03.1.2 (Mini Bugfix)
-Fixed bug preventing you from doing Asriel's LVL 3 quest if you did Frisk's Evil route. (I hope)
-Fixed bug preventing you from doing Asriel's LVL 3 quest if you did Frisk's Evil route.
-Fixed bug that prevented progress in Asriel's LVL 3 Quest (if you've experienced this bug, go back to the forrest and make sure you have 3 oranges.)
-Fixed the quest log not completing Chara's LVL 3 Quest when doing the pure evil route.
-Fixed some image issues.
-Frisk LVL 3 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Chara LVL 3 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Clover LVL 3 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Asriel LVL 3 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Frisk Stripping scenes added.
-Chara Stripping scenes added.
-Clover Stripping scenes added.
-Asriel Stripping scenes added.
-1 Frisk + Asriel Special Sex scene added.
-1 Special Outfit for Chara added.
-Added dialogue when swapping followers.
-Added some new stuff to the spoiler part of the debug room.
-Added "Wear All" Option to Asriel's Storyshift and Maid outfit.
-Added a hint to Frisk's dialouge as to where the notebook is for her LVL 2 quest.
-Moved every transition to prevent accidentally going back to a previous room.
-Fixed bug preventing you from interacting with Asriel's librarby counter when she reached control LVL 2.
-Fixed bug that would initiate Asriel's LVL 2 quest talk more times than it was supposed to.
-Fixed a bug that allowed the player to begin Asriel's LVL 2 quest earlier than intended.
-Fixed being able to move during Asriel's LVL 1 event, thus softlocking you.
-Fixed some events giving the wrong followers.
-Fixed "Remove All" not removing Chara's StoryShift gloves.
-Fixed maid uniforms not appearing at the start of sex events when appropiate.
-Fixed Librarby Asriel breaking when having more than 20 knowlege.
-Fixed bug preventing you from buying soda from sans when necessary.
-Fixed bug that would cancel Chara's interaction when talking to her.
-Fixed bug that would prevent you from exiting the clothing menu while having a quest active.
-Fixed a bug that would softlock you if you walked into the forrest with grapes after infecting the wine.
-Fixed some character images.
-Asriel added (she will show up when you have at least Level 1 control over Frisk and Chara).
-Asriel LVL 1 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Asriel LVL 2 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Frisk LVL 2 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Chara LVL 2 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Clover LVL 2 Quest + Sex scene added.
-Quest log added.
-New menu added.
-Librarby added.
-Clothing Shop added.
-Title Screen added.
-Icon added.
-1 New Outfit for every character added.
-1 Special Outfit for Frisk and Asriel Added.
-Clothing Quest added.
-New options added to the Button Of Extra Options.
-Bunch of bugs fixed.
-Chara LVL 1 Quest + Sex Scene added.
-Frisk LVL 1 Quest + Sex Scene added.
-Clover LVL 1 Quest + Sex Scene added.
-Better Clothing system added.
-Finished map (Unfortunately pretty barren right now).
-Made intro slightly better.
-Intro added (no new images unfortunately)
-Updated some of Chara's faces and option dialogue.
-Topless Chara sprite added.
-Added hide text box button (Ctrl/Alt).
-Fixed some wall clipping issues.
-POC Demo Release
Your game is starting to look real good with only a few minor issues/bugs.
I am looking forward to see how you will further develop the game.
If I may make a suggestion: there are some bugs that are happening because you can 'break' characters before recruiting others. I would suggest that the option to break a character you need to be on the evil path and that said evil path requires you to have done these interactions already. For instance, right now, if you hollow frisk before 'recruiting' Asriel or Chara, you won't be able to anymore.
Good luck
I loved it, good artwork, very creative, a walktrhough to know if you missed any content instead of going crazy checking every corner of the game and a developer which actively looks at the forum and corrects everything that is bugged/glitched.
A mind control game? Great! I can't wait to see it. Keep up the hard work, and you'll get there. As it is right now, It's very broken and not really worth playing. Typically these kind of things should reach some level of completeness before you publish them. For example, finish the first town, complete the first act of the story, or introduce the characters. It's your game, you decide where that boundary is. Then you release updates that expand the game. It's bad show to publish a clearly broken project. But since it looks like you just started the game, I assume you just wanted to get the word out about your new project. I would recommend putting together a prototype to at least show off the mind control part of the game, instead of building out the world. I like world building too, but it eats up a lot of development time. Scope creep is a real problem, so I recomend making a list of all the important things you want to put in the game, then order them from most to least important. And try to start with a section of the game that is self-contained. Undertale started out as just the ruins, maybe start with something similar, then expand from there... GOOD LUCK and have fun! :D
So, i very rarely review things but decided to do so here because I've been making games with RPGMaker for 15+ years now and I know how important it is to get feedback.
Sadly I cannot provide much feedback here because there really is almost nothing to see. I don't have MZ because i decided to skip it and head into unite once it releases but what i see ingame looks to be fully RTP for now. Some Images that are in the folder but couldn't be accessed ingame as far as I can tell are nice but without context nothing more. The writing in the intro is not very engaging to be honest. there is absolutely no incentive to relate to the hero and with just a black screen for quite a bit of time it is not very graphic. I am not a native English speaker but even I noticed some minor spelling mistakes in the script.
The game might become interesting at some point but at the moment there simply is no game to review.