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RPG Maker MV
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Adult Themes

Version: 1.0.0

Latex Legacy

A protagonist finds herself waking up in a land full of horny monsters, latex and corruption. Quickly dealt with by the enemy, then chosen by a nearby town as their heroine, what's she to do, play miss goody two-shoes? This girl has a different plan in mind, even if she has to blast her way through map after map to enact it..


Latex Legacy is a brand new take on the game 'Latex Dungeon' by ZXC and imp16k4. While keeping RPG elements, it sports a unique on-screen shooter combat-system and will focus on an ongoing storyline with town building, harem collecting and equipment smithing/forging elements in order to progress through the game. Unique characters and bosses will be encountered along the way, and your town boasts a few helpful members (Rubbersmith, scientist, trainer, so on) to help your progress.

The same lose-and-you're-whored formula as the original game applies, but there will also be transformations based in the equipment aswell as in the unique boss dungeons as the game goes on.

This has been in development for awhile, even if the play-thru is fairly short, ending after saving the town. Why release it now? I came to the decision fidgeting with it forever and holding it with such perfectionism would kill the project, and the only way to force any progress was to release it publically and get some basic feedback. So there you have it! It's out on the prowl now. Genie's out of the bottle.


May the Legacy begin!


Raven- ahem, the protagonist wakes up one day in a strange new location. There's an evil army serving a Snake Lord full of big-donged latex monsters and a few evil thots that command them. Caught in all of this, Raven is fed up with taking all this abuse and decides on a different route.

She's going to be the Villain instead and enslave the world to her kinky whims. So begins this Goth wizard's quest to beat her enemies to the punch.

After punching them pretty good that is.

The Protagonist: A purple haired sorceress, spawn of demons. The gothic wonderchild herself decides to start collecting and enslaving babes in secret. Possesses powerful spells.

Ragna: One of the eight Queens serving the Snake Lord, she cannot have her coworkers know some sorceress showed her up. She decides to create a false narrative about the protagonist being the chosen one to save face.

Princess Swan Kwan: A minion of Queen Ragna, she is a Princess who holds one of the spheres of indestructibility. Definitely not brainwashed. She really loves DnD and LARPing.

Dr. Nyasa: The Town scientist who saves the protag from their corruption. He/She/??? will be your town's genius go-to for new developments, upgrades and eventually equipment engineering. She is nyan-binary, and has 9 different pronouns (but you won't guess them so anything is coo' with her).

The Mayor: Trusts the purple haired sorceress, tasks them with saving the realm and welcomes them to stay in the barracks. Well-meaning. But very misguided!

Ellie: Mysterious foxbard??? More to come..

Pink haired girl outside of town: ???

So far the game is fairly simple.
Gameplay is faciliated by shooting enemies on the map via click-and-point. Enemies can counterattack with different phases and module attacks (Shield, stun, poison, etc), you just have to shoot them first. If your health drains to 0, you'll get corrupted and transformed - gameover!

You can check your equipment, both inventory and Worn with the two buttons onscreen.

In future updates spawned enemies you can fight more freestyle will be available, and there will be different shooting upgrades based on armors and costumes you equip.

1.0 - First public demo. Goes up until you save the town and are given your plot introduction, then you can wander outside a little bit.

Review by PermaRubberyGrunt

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/26/2024

The demo itself is interesting but pretty messy, like brandygang's other works the incredible quality of the writing more than makes up for it personally. I'm really excited to see more updates, but I'd recommend there to be some kind of gallery or way to purposefully weaken yourself so you can easily view the TFs as they're the strongest part of the game.

Review by frog1995

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 01/28/2023

I am also looking forward to more content. Game is currently bare bones, but everything is smooth aside from entry being blocked for most buildings and the confusion when you reach the end so soon where nothing is able to take damage after your first kill when finishing the mini event to save the town. I thought it was a glitch at first and kept replaying it. 

I did like the two previous versions of these latex dungeon games though. :)

Review by Uhhnonymoose

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 01/27/2023

I will say, that what is here has potential. The writing sets everything up nicely. I'll be keeping an eye out for updates and hopefully some more art than just the sprites.

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