Meet a young, vibrant 18-year-old girl from Riverton Heights - popular, well-connected, and living her best life!
Perky tits and firm ass. Her body at its prime!
With just one year left of high school, she's handled it pretty well, balancing academics and social life effortlessly. She's in a committed relationship with her boyfriend and has her parents' approval!
On her 18th birthday, she went out with friends for a few drinks to celebrate, nothing too wild.
What happened next, nobody knows as everything faded to black... Discover her story and unravel the mystery!
Player Character
Lily, your first co-worker and friend. She works at the café, where you get your first job. She has multiple interactive scenes as well as a story to progress on.
Zack, your roommate. Ugh. Such a bore. He's your friend though, and he has story to progress on. Take him on dates, and see where things go!
Noah, your brother. Missing for a few months only to be found close to you. Chat with him and hang out to progress your relationship!
Constantin, your uncle. Work with him to figure out the truth about the place you are, and come up with a plan to change things. Sabotage the facility! heheeh
Otto, your dad. He was very worried about you. Now he's not. Chat with him! Help him relax.
Chloe, the submissive Librarian. Explore her dark side.
This update adds a lot of new variables, mainly to track stuff. If something looks wrong or if you get an error code, please try going to sleep and retrying the thing you did. Sleeping sets a lot of first time variables for existing players, so you don’t have to restart the game.
For phone users, the patch has been uploaded to your special web page :D
Special thanks to Taulion for helping me with some of these features during this update v0.4.3!
Fixed a bug where you couldn't progress in the outskirts, thus unable to progress in the entire game.
Special thanks to Taulion for helping me with some of these features during this update v0.4.2!
Fixed imaging with James during the Constantin Questline
Added descriptive text to help players know where to go in the library during the Constantin Questline
TLDR: squashed bugs, added new dates with lily, added a shit ton of events, added date with noah, added character text, added ability to send nudes, added guy start
ALL SAVES MIGHT BE VOID! Unfortunately this was needed to make some vital changes to code hierarchy.
Bugs and typos
Random encounters
Patron cheats
v0.2.6 (2023-05-28)
v0.2 (2023-05-26)
v0.2 (2023-05-23)
v0.2 (2023-05-17)
• Added 20 new images!
• Added more images to flashing in the park!
• Added more images to getting raped in the park!
• Added a new image to getting raped downtown!
• Added 3 dates with Zack! The third date will surprise you! (lol clickbait much)
• Lily now sends you random nudes!
• Added some filler text for when something is unavailable or not yet unlocked.
v0.2 (2023-05-15)
• Added 8 more images
• Resized a few images (bouncer, alley, dealer, inside the club)
• Added support for job at the club!
• Added a bit of flavor to mugging text (red color)
• Rewrote how camming works. You now get tips based on how many followers you have, but you gain followers slower now to balance it out
• Fixed bugs regarding lily image
• Nerfed the mugger. He now has a 1/15 chance of appearing instead of 1/8
• Rewrote Zack schedule
• Added random lily encounter when drinking coffee
• Removed a bunch of useless clicking
• Removed useless images
• Added flavortext to cafe job
• You can now sleep with Zack!
• You can now wake Zack up with a speciality when you've been sleeping in his room!
• Added support for dates with Zack
• You can now sleep at the outskirts!
• You can now wake your outskirts friend up with a speciality
• Added 1 new image!
• Added random events when going downtown! Be careful. Get lucky. Who knows? (You can now get raped or find money)
• Added random events to going uptown! Find a bum and give him some money, or smell something sweet and get a sweet stat increase.
• Added stat changes on wearables (Buttplug and tailplug)
• Added a slim chance of getting mugged right outside your home!
• Added elevator flavor text. It still has no function. It won't have a function at any point. It's an elevator, it has but one job.
v0.1 (2023-05-12)
• Added 14 new images!
• Added beauty shop to increase allure!
• Added meetup and text interaction with Lily!
• Added a GPS for fast-travel!
• You now only lose inhibition while showering if someone is looking.
• You can now strip down on the balcony and jerk off!
• Changed the balcony scene
• You can now watch TV alone when Zack isn't home!
• If you watch porn with Zack home, he might act on it!
v0.1 (2023-05-09)
• Added 24 new images!
• Added a new location!
• Added a fully functional patreon location!
• Added sketchy dealer, where you can buy sketchy stuff!
• Added function and scene to new allure stat.
• Removed the attic
• Added sex scene with Lily
• Added more text to different passages
• Fixed a few bugs
• Added function to phone on day 15.
• Added skip-intro button if you've already played before, or just don't want to play the intro. All stats are the same as if you'd play the intro.
• You can now no longer flash a stranger in the park forever to grind out fast.
• Fixed a bug where you would be stuck in the menu items if you opened two things in the menu after each other. Ouch!
• Added Patreon button to start screen.
• Added text color to the players text!
• Added more text to different scenes
• Replaced some broken gifs
• Changed one bit of text in the intro
• Added memes to the phone!
v0.1 (2023-05-08)
• Fixed a bug where you couldn't leave the park without either flashing a stranger or it being night
• Fixed a bug where you couldn't buy the tailplug
• You can now keep watching porn
• Revamped all the stats to apply a cap
• Fixed rent bug not going away til next day
• Fixed rent image
• Fixed the bug where you couldnt earn any money!
• Revamped rent payment. You can now request to pay Zack with your dirty body instead.
• Added 4 more images!
• Fixed porn at night only shows leave site
• Added wearble toys! You can now insert your plugs, and they'll have an impact on what scenes are shown!
v0.1 (2023-05-07)
• Added 12 new images!
• Added 4 new scenes with Zack
• Added Zacks room! Unlocks after zack relationship milestone
• Added stat increase to different events. Let me know if you find an event that should increase or decrease a stat!
• Replaced a few images
• Added more functionality to the time scheme
• Fixed a bug where the mall told you you already had the tailplug if you couldnt afford it
• Implemented a rent system! Now you gotta pay!
• Fixed the laptop porn bug. Added 5 different porn "videos"
• Added time increments to a lot of events! Let me know if you find an event you think should increment time.
v0.1 (2023-05-06)
• Added 7 new images!
• Added a patreon exclusive location!
• Added a scene with Zack
• Added another image to cafe job for slight variation
• Fixed spelling errors!
• Added promotion to the cafe!
• Fixed bar job not showing correct images!
• Added "Jobs" to help menu!
v0.1 (2023-05-02)
• Added 5 new images!
• Jerking off in your room now adds corruption!
• You now gain corruption by flickin the bean in the shower!
• Going up or downtown now advances time by one unit
• Working at the cafe now shows the correct image instead of code
• You can no longer shower all day every day. (You can't shower at night anymore to skip day)
• Sleep now shows the correct image
• Sleeping now advances to early morning except for "Asleep"
• You're no longer shown "You have a tailplug" without owning it
• Updated the game with 5 new image resizes!
v0.1 (2023-05-01)
Initial Release
Having checked it out pretty thoroughly, I remain dissapointed.
It appears from an earlier review that the "Male Start" button was added 10 months ago. I have played this on and off for a couple of months expecting there to be a true "male" start written into the game. Yes there is a button for a male start, but it is just the female start with one sentence change. With either choice it just drops you into the game with zero reference as to who you were, or any sense of what drives you. They could have a "Dog Start", or a "Robot Start", or a "Paper Weight Start" and it wouldn't make any difference.
From the first click of the game you are suddenly walking down the street as a sort of female husk with no soul or personality. While playing, it became clear to me that with no measure of who I was, no charachter arc to speak of, it was just an excuse to mindlessly click buttons to get pics/gifs of various sex acts or nude poses of many different women.(all of whom are supposed to be your player/husk). Actually, playing as husk with dreams and inner dialogue of becoming a woman would be better. I guess that would be an HTF tag.
I think the Dev(s) are doing their best to work out a basic game road map, perhaps leaning toward a "mental changes" or "corruption" tag, but even then, you still need an actual "point A" to have a "point B" outcome.
I still want to encourage the dev to keep developing as you are on to something here, just be honest about your tags, and attempt some kind of arc.
All of that aside, what really matters is it doesn't come close to qualifying as a MTF game, which if that is what you were rightfully expecting, makes it a waste of your time.(and money in my case)
The only TF appears to happen just before game start. The plotline is okay but not particularly unique. There's an in-game newspaper that offers hints on how to reach certain content which is a nice touch and a way I haven't seen other games handle that task. Its biggest flaw is that the game is extremely grindy. If the grind can be removed or made optional, I'd happily recommend the game, but in its current state, I cannot due solely to the grind.
The m2f looks like it was just added, so it's a bit of a rough start but once the dev has more time to flesh it out it will be pretty neat.