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The Company - Artwork Release
by Westane

Ava's Coffee

Play Art Release - Chapter 1 Through in your Browser!

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The Company is an open-ended erotic text-heavy adventure game. Enjoy an overarching story spanning multiple chapters, while deciding if, when and how you'll interact with various characters to help shape your own story! How will you choose to experience this tale of corporate espionage, mind control, and transformation?

None of this would be possible without the support and feedback of my patrons, and I can't possibly thank you all enough. Seriously. Thank you all. 

The Company will always be a free game, with the latest public version available both here and at Patreon. Patrons will receive early access to releases, as well as regular development blogs at least once a week. 

Thank you all for your interest and support!

The Company – Artwork Release – Chapter 1

  • This release is based on Update 5.7.0 and contains all content available through Chapter 1
  • The game will end shortly following the Chapter 1 epilogue, at the time you would normally unlock MCS-2
  • Saves are enabled, Free Play is disabled
  • The game ends with a new feedback survey! Filling it out at the end really helps us out. If you didn’t make it to the last scene, you can take the survey HERE.

Chapter 2 will release to backers first, and to the public once Chapter 3 is art-complete. I hope you all enjoy!

Review by xxfinebeanzxx

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 10/05/2023

I like the game

wish there was a download for the pictures


edit: kinda confused on how to unlock other serums. help!

Review by Masurama

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 08/12/2023

If you liked the Company you will like this one.

I know its pretty much the "Same" like the original "The Company" but the twist is that this Artwork improves this game

by a mile in my oppinion, suddenly it has its own charm and appeal to it.


Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the version with the pics sucks, but this one seams much more unique and special.

Anyways thats all I have to say for now, can't wait for the rest of the artwork to be completed for this one.

That being said please contine this version of the game, its more than worth it and for those that want the more

Story-Driven Version you can always play the normal one before and come back to enjoy this one later, as the Game

it self has a good amout of replayability.


Thats all I have to say, thanks to the Devs for continueing working on this, its one of my fav. games here on this site and really wanna see it go ways.


Thx again and have a damn good one.


Review by zekarac

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 08/08/2023

Enjoy it. New artwork compared to porn star pictures is just a matter of preference.

Only thing I dislike is that I've played this game a lot and without the cheats or a "already played option" I've got to go through the main story. 

Especially bad because I play the game in private mode so I can't save the game. 

9/10 like the game still and new artwork is a change of pass. 0/10 because debug/download fuctionality hasn't been enabled in the 1.0.0 version as far as I can tell.

Only ding against the artwork is that there isn't a lot of variety in the expressions when they go down on you or have sex with you (though I'm still early in the game).

Review by senorsmut

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 08/02/2023

I really enjoy the base game with the photos so I figured I'd give this one a try. I wanted to like it but...

The biggest problem is that style of the arts leaves a lot of characters looking nearly identical -- there are at least four major characters whose pictures I can't tell apart. That's a real problem, and that alone is enough to sink this project for me.

The other issue is that the isn't nearly the variety of art that is provided by photos. Scenes are illustrated in the base game that are not illustrated in the revised version, which again is an issue that would by itself make me disinclined to go with this version. It's early days yet and maybe they'll be filling in the gaps with later releases, but for right now that's a major hurdle.

The third issue is I'm not entirely sure what the point of this version is. I don't believe it brings anything to the table that the original didn't do better and more extensively, so I can't see any reason to choose this one over the base game unless it's to bypass Patreon or similar prohbitions against Real Porn games -- and that being a back-end issue that doesn't affect me, I'm disinclined to care..

Still, it's a labor of love and I wish the artists well with their endeavors. Maybe someday it will be worth another look, but for right now it's a hard pass from me.

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 08/02/2023

Love the drawn images, you can tell a lot of work went into them! It is a shame that this is starting so much behind the Main (still unfinished) Game, though!

When/if both are finished, I'd pick this one over the "main" version, for sure!

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