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A Prince's Tale

A prince's tale

A Prince's Tale is a free-to-play text based erotic adventure game. You play as the prince of a fantasy kingdom. Recently, your father, the king, has left the kingdom in your hands. You are expected represent him in the royal council, where each councilor is looking to mentor you in some way, perhaps to benefit their own agenda. Especially the new royal sorceress seems keen on guiding you using her strange transformative magical powers...

Will you let yourself be corrupted or will you become the perfect prince and meet the expectations of the council?


  • Explore a 'medieval' world filled with magic and fantasy!
  • Choose your own portrait art style to fit your own preference. (Fantasy, anime, pixel-art, furry)
  • Connect with all sorts of characters, ranging from royal councilors to friendly kitchen servants.
  • Play several different mini-games to get a fun break from the story every once in a while.
  • Choose the deviant options to gain access to a bunch of different erotic scenes.
  • Main focus on slow gender transformation, corruption and submissive/dominant relations. Many other kinks are planned to be supported in the future.
You are the prince of a small kingdom. Recently, your father has left with a contingent of knights on some unimportant mission. Leaving you alone to rule in his stead. In reality you're only in charge of ceremonial things, the King has decided the Royal Council will handle most matters of state. You are now required to attend such council meetings and it seems like they're also charged with continueing your education. 
Your father also decided that the council should strive to forge an alliance with a neighboring kingdom through royal marriage. You soon learn however, that there is a slight problem with that: there are no available princesses for you to marry anywhere close, only princes... The council will want to work on a solution to this, and the new royal sorceress has some quite unusual methods to help in this case...
Your father will be gone for quite some time, who knows how well you will manage the kingdom in the meantime...

Morgana - The new Royal Sorceress. She has quite a mysterious (and attractive) air to her. Something tells you she's very interested in guiding you and watching your progress.

Andreas - The Chancellor of the council. He is a stern but polite man. He's always there to help guide you but you're never sure if you live up to his expectations.

Leopold - The Master of Trade. Responsible for all things financial. Quite a boring job, you think. But it seems like he very much likes to teach you about it.

Wymerus - Lord Marshal of the Royal armies. A tall and imposing man, sparring with him intimidates you so you much prefer practising with his squire, Caspar.

Dominic - Court Chaplain and preacher at the town's church. You get a sense he can be quite judgmental as he's very conservative on some topics. Unfortunately you are expected to give confessions to him every Sunday.

Sybille - They call her Lady Whispers, she is the current Royal Spymaster. People says she gets her information in quite unconventional ways.

Orson - Your loyal attendant, he's there to tidy up your messy bedroom and you can always count on him to prepare a bath in the morning, should you need it.

Rosa - The cute kitchen servant, she cooks and cleans for you. You've secretly got a bit of a crush on her but you're much too shy to ever ask her out.

Caspar - Squire to Lord Wymerus and brother of Kathryn. He's always cheerful and down for a sparring match with you.

Kathryn - Member of the royal court and big sister of Caspar. You grew up together here in the castle. She is usually a bit of a bully towards you. She likes hosting dinner parties here at the castle.

Version 0.1.1:

  • Added a short new scene when giving Morgana the potion instead of drinking it. This is so both paths now end at the same point. The scene gives some sense of where I’m thinking of bringing the dominant main questline, using magical potions to influence (and eventually transform) other characters.
  • Reworked the confession system. After confessing all your sins, you can now choose to accept Dominic’s absolution or reject it, turning it either into virtue or depravity points. If you lie to him at the start by saying you have no sins you will now instead gain some depravity points instead of virtue.
  • Reworked the coins minigame slightly. It is now much quicker as there are about a third less coins spawned and the coins itself bounce a bit more, giving a bit of a ‘billiards’ effect.

  • Note: The intention of this minigame is that it’s very quick and fun to play around with. It should not simply feel like a chore. I hope these changes will help achieve that goal, in the future I’m planning to add some sound effects, that should also help.
  • Added mobile support for both minigames.

  • Note: When initially releasing the game I didn’t test anything on mobile and intended to release without mobile support. However, I have since gotten the feedback that pretty much most of the game works on mobile except for the minigames. This was quite unexpected and after testing it a bit myself, there are definitely some styling changes I will need to implement to make it better but for now I have added working touch controls on the minigames so that the game is at least playable on your phone.
  • Added an option to skip minigames in the cheats menu. (Patreon release only)
  • Fixed the invalid passages when training with Wymerus after some time.
  • Fixed the missing passages when confessing to Dominic.
  • Fixed Morgana’s spell effect sometimes sticking around even when not charmed.

Version 0.1:

  • Initial release

Review by kidkin

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 06/18/2024

I will be watching this one with interest, I agree with some of the others, it gets a little tedius, and once you have the first transformation I don't think there's much else content to find.  Very interesting game.

Review by lkhooker

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 06/06/2024

Agree with previous posters. Doing the coin minigame over and over gets boring and frustrating. would rather have some random games or a way to skip the minigame either in the settings or when the minigame comes up.

Other than that, the concept sounds good.

I will be waiting impatiently for updates.

Review by Gwyndolin

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 06/06/2024

Gives me "Long Live the Queen" vibes. Which is a good thing. I adored that game. So I would really love if the stats you decide to raise actually have an impact on the story and wont be something you just do weekly and be done with it. Rather, you cant do all of them every week and you have to make a decision what to invest in.

Looking forward to future updates.

Review by DiaperedJasmin

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 06/03/2024

All in all it's a good game with a nice beginning.


But there is one thing, I personally don't like and it would be sad, if there would be more of it later in the game:
You have to raise the three stats a level per week, so you have to attend these 3 "trainings" neaby daily. (Like sorting coins)

It's nice to do it once, twice or a couple of times, but every day makes the game boring.

Would be nice to have random minigames or tasks (or whatever) or make it able to skip the minigame.


The story is nice and I'd like it to have more possibilities to do, have more "free" time, that I don't have to spend on grinding the same things over and over.

Review by bluegreydragon2464

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 06/03/2024

This game has an excellent start. The UI looks nice and the gameplay easy to learn. The transfomration events seem to happen at a good pace (though it's still a fairly early version of the game, so there isn't much yet) with it being not too fast but not too slow either.
My only recommendation would be to eventually add some pictures for the transformation/growth of the main characters breasts and hips/ass; something like what "Escape from The Budding Flower Bordello" has, since that's a game that also has male to female transformation with AI art. (It would also be fairly easy to hide it in a sub menu, like a mirror, for those who don't want to bother with it).

Definitely looking forward to checking this game out again in the future to see how it develops.

Total Games: 2,191
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 20,921
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 4,867,466

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