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Unreal Engine
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Version: 0.8

Changing Time (VR)

Changing Time (VR)

A fully VR, TG, transformation experience!

As an intrepid adventurer exploring the desert, you've found the lost temple of the Sisterhood of Tyet. This incredible discovery is sure to change your life - though you might not be prepared for just how much!

Genre: VR Escape Room (very easy)
Play length: Roughly 10-20 minutes
Contents: MtF transformation, nudity, sexually suggestive imagery, expansion & extreme body proportions (optional)

Content warnings:

  • VR game - requires a VR headset and motion controllers to play. Graphics settings are available, but it can still be a heavy lift for some machines. This game has not been tested on all devices, I cannot guarantee compatibility with all VR headsets!
  • Atmospheric - some people might find the setting a little spooky (alone in a temple), but there are no horror elements or jump scares.
  • AI content - there is some AI-generated content. Specifically, voices and the epilogue story. Both can be deactivated/skipped.


How "interactive" is it?
No explicit sex, but your breasts, penis, and butt are physics enabled and can bounce about to your heart’s content. Genitals are not “interactive”.

Will there be a non-VR version?
Yes! I'm working on it now. The controls need substantial redesigning though, so it won't be ready for a couple of months or so. I will release it as a separate game. Follow me to make sure you see it!

Will there be a Mac version?
Not in the foreseeable future. I'm genuinely sorry Mac users! I'd love to put out a Mac version, but Apple requires you own a Mac to compile on their system and I don't have the funds to buy one.










10 June, 2024 - Initial release

Review by Leina

Version reviewed: 0.8 on 06/12/2024

Very happy to see a game intended for VR here. Nice simple concept that works well for a VR experience. Well worth checking out for anyone with access to a VR headset. I used a Rift-S and had no issues with getting it to run.

That said, I have similar suggestions to those others have already pointed out.


1) The controls really need to be changed to match the standard gaming layout (ie- left stick moves forward/back and strafes left/right, right stick turns left/right). If you want to match most VR games, the side buttons like the one used to enable mirror mode are normally used for grabbing rather than the triggers. So I would consider swapping the triggers and side buttons in terms of function. Or you could make that a toggle in the menus if you wanted to provide both options. I think teleport movement also normally goes off of the left stick as well. I haven't used it in so long that I might be remembering it wrong though.

2) Snap turning is good for preventing motion sickness for users unable to handle smooth turning. I would consider halving the angle it snaps to though. Some people use VR in spaces where they have to stand in one spot facing one direction. I kept finding that the snap turning would land my view just left or right of the thing I was trying to interact with, which made reaching and manipulating some objects hard than intended. I think it might be 45 degrees currently. Maybe 30 degrees. I would consider having that as a setting in the menu if it is easy enough to add this in. Having 15/30/45 snap turning along with a smooth turning option would likely cover most use cases.

3) Calibrating height at launch should be ok, but I would add a button in the options to adjust/reset it in case the user launches the game with the headset off, or if they are sitting at the time.

4) Because people are different heights, having objects up high can be an issue for people under a certain height. If the throwing was a little more consistent that might not be an issue. But getting throwing to feel natural is actually quite challanging in VR. The Half-Life Alyx has directors commentary on how they made it feel natural does a good job of explaining it. I doubt you would want to put that much work into that aspect of the gameplay for a smallish game like this though. My suggestion is instead to add a longish stick and prop it against the wall so that people can use it to interact with objects out of normal reach.

5) Not as big of an issue, but if it is not too much work, maybe prevent the initial 4 TF animations from being able to overlap. I triggered 2 within quick succession and it ended up cancelling one of them prematurely. This prevented a certain something from not completely disappearing as intended. (At least I assume that wasn't intentional.)

6) The telekinesis option for grabbing stuff off of the floor or up high out of reach is a nice option to have. Doesn't need to be a super long range, just the equivilent of around 30-40cm. I use a playspace moving controller bind to let me reach things down low without needing to crouch. But for those that don't have the software for that installed and configured, telekinesis is the solution.


As someone that also likes your other games (Changing Room in particular), this one does not disappoint. These suggestions are only intended help improve upon what is already a very impressive initial release.

Thanks heaps for another great game.

Review by joseisme

Version reviewed: 0.8 on 06/11/2024

A really good start and congrats on making a VR game as a solo developer but this has need of some MAJOR quality of life fixes.

(I played this on a Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop.  Also to avoid spoilers I will only mention the "thingy")

- The first problem I had is the 4th "thingy" seems unreachable.  I assume it is hidden in the "thingy" like the 2nd and 3rd but this one is high up on the wall but there is no way to reach it unless you are a 12 foot tall giant and I tried throwing something but that does not seem like a usable mechanic in game as it dropped right back down with no throw distance.

- Second, the controller scheme plays really weird. Most VR games move with the left controller and look with the right, this does the opposite.  Maybe a controller re-map option or toggle would fix this.

- Third. never assume that someone can reach to the floor or touch the ceiling in VR.  Different setups will sometimes make this difficult.  Such as when I tried to reach the "thingies" on the floor I had to practically crawl and ram my hand into the carpet to get the controller down low enough to reach.  There are many ways to fix this, such as "flick and grab telekinesis" or just allowing the user to interact with an object at a distance or designing things to float up once found etc.

- Fourth, not a major problem but it would be nice to have collisions added in a future update.

Other than that, this is a great game for being so early in development.  I hope you stick with it and really polish it up.

Review by DKonsta

Version reviewed: 0.8 on 06/10/2024

Very cool! I never expected to see an actual VR game on this site. This already deserves a praise simply for the novelty. Everybody that has a VR headset should definitely try this out.

Technical info: I used a Quest 2 connected to my Desktop PC to play and had no issues.

Review by Nobbl-D

Version reviewed: 0.8 on 06/10/2024

Wow, I love it! Now if I only knew how to get the extreme body proportions...

It's short, but what is there is really nice. Works well with Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop.

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