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Version: 0.32

Version: 0.16

The Incredible Miss Fortune

A visual novel about a guy (Marley) who is turned into a girl with the goal of winning the cash prize at a beauty pageant.


Currently no sex in the game (just some brief nudity) but there will be in future updates.  This early version is the intro and the first day leading up to the competition just to set the stage of things.


v. 0.16 - Initial release (intro and day 1 of the story)

v. 0.32 - Updated (story completed through day 2 of the story; content rating changed from R to X; female masturbation added to adult themes)

v. 0.16 - Initial release


Review by Lyinkley3zee

Version reviewed: 0.16 on 06/14/2024

Given what the creator of the game provided in this game (version 0.16 as of this review), within a few minutes into the game, I really fell in love to it! 

The introduction that is presented here is straightforward as well as the characters are pleasant to know and be interested in seeing more of them around the main character of this story, Marley. Of course, the main guy, or rather, gal of this story when transformed, it leaves out so much excitement for the things that Marley will have to go through (training, dress-up, etc.) to be able to win this beauty pangeant contest.

What made it more exciting about this game is the visuals, really in love to what is being shown. Of course, given the content it has so far, everything can be set to improve and-of course-be added to see what Marley will be confronted as a beautiful woman having to train to look more pretty and feminine for this beauty pageant. The choices that are given to the player feel like a tease to what more is there to this amazing game.

Really staying updated with this game and super eager to play more of it!

Review by DirtyWolf11

Version reviewed: 0.16 on 06/10/2024

I enjoyed the current content a lot! Good writing that gets right into the point, and the characters are all fun and distinct. I'm excited for future updates! The only things of note was that some of the character faces seemed weirdly... angular? Not sure how to word it, but some of the lighting, especially in shadows, made their faces seem a bit blobby with the lower part portruding more than I'd normally expect. Not a big deal but did strike me as a tad odd.

Also, it was a tad underwhelming that we introduce the concept of a phone app that can change bodies at will, and all we get is a simple "poof" TG with no TF sequence. I hope we at least get minor body TF's for Marley or some of the other character in future updates to take advantage of the interesting premise. But again overall I really enjoyed this and can't wait for more!

Review by vasheed

Version reviewed: 0.16 on 06/10/2024

Great beginning, can't wait for more.

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Total Adult Themes: 10
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