Step into a world that's both futuristic and post apocalyptic. The year is 2143; the humanity has witnessed the devastation of society as we know it. While the world is trying to get back on its feet, stumble across technologies hidden from the public knowledge, which can change you and others from the inside out, quite literally...
Establish and strengthen bonds with unique individuals.In a world where most have zero hope for the future, take a shot at making your own. See where the journey takes you, but beware, there might be some let downs, twists and traps.
You are a young man in his mid-twenties trying to make a living in a world where society has collapsed. The world is rebuilding itself, albeit slowly, but it is. Everyday keeps reminding you what a hopeless situation you are in. But one day, things take a turn for the best. You come across a chance to throw away the miserable way of life you have been leading up till now. This could be your dream finally coming true, the shot you can have at changing your fate.
But beware, because if you are not careful, you might as well end up getting caught by others and be completely at their mercy. Try to escape such encounters, or not, if that's your thing.
Nothing yet, I might make one as game progresses.
This definitely has promise :)
It's an interesting setup for a story, though I wasn't expecting the transformation to happen so early. That said there isn't much to go off of to really judge the content as all the choices lead to the same outcome. But I will be keeping an eye out on this one to see how it grows.