When you come out to a friend that you've been thinking about your gender, there's only one path things can take.
Okay in a less tagline kinda way, it's a short, mostly linear story piece about an institute that takes in people who've been wondering about gender (like you) and helps them be Good Girls, exactly the way it happens in real life.
The password is Foxy, same for all of my games. Please promise you read this before telling me there's a password.
You: It's you! You've been discussing things with a friend of yours recently and are now confiding with her that you don't think you're cis.
Rebecca, AKA puppygirl: Your friend. She helped you talk through said gender things, having been over that herself.
Olivia: The director of the institute. She's not named in the game, aren't you glad you read the characters tab?
Tiffany: A makeover artist at the institute. She's also not named. Deep lore here.
The blue text lady: A technician at the institute. She's got a name but is a real person so you don't get to know it.
The password is Foxy. Please promise you read this before posting that there's a password.