Spellbound Sins is a NSFW visual novel taking place in a medieval fantasy world.
A party of four heroes ventures into an ancient lust temple. Follow each of their stories as they become more and more corrupted and perverse over time!
Develop relationships with one another and complete grand quests together. Encounter a wide range of unique characters and kinky situations as your party becomes more depraved.
Liara, an Elven Ranger, afflicted with an ever growing Lust Curse. How will she satisfy it? Can the curse ever be removed?
Zenora, a Tiefling Warlock, arrogant and hungry for power. What will she do to achieve it? Can she be put in her place?
Felemi, a Human Priestess, innocent and naive. Will she remain chaste and pure for her goddess? What will she sacrifice to save her friends?
You. A brave mercenary for hire. How did you find yourself here? Will you help your friends overcome their problems? Or will you take advantage?
v0.1 - Demo Release!