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0.1 (Hotfixed 12-31-19)
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Version: 0.1 (Hotfixed 12-31-19)

Dare(d) To Change

Dare(d) to Change is a short game currently in development using a remodeled version of a JavaScript-based custom engine written by NoodleJacuzzi for his games (used with permission). Depending on your preferences, which you're asked at the beginning of the game, you can play against a man, a woman, or a dickgirl. You're offered challenges for tokens that you can spend on other transformations, or which you can reject if you're not interested in; however, these result in punishments, which are usually also transformations.

It's been a while since you enjoyed a night of just playing games, so when a friend from work recommends you to check out a place that hosts adult game nights, you decide to check it out. The game, Dare(d) to Change, can cause changes in your body as you play, either by spending tokens you get from playing the game, or as a punishment for failing or refusing challenges from the game board. It will just be you and your partner playing a game together, relaxing, changing, and almost certainly fucking.

You: A person who used to play a lot of games, but haven't had the chance lately. You've come to D.T.C. on a friend's recommendation, who claims that you can have some saucy fun and an experience that'll really change you.

The Opponent: Named either Cody, Sienna, or Felicity, depending on your choice of preference. They've played this in the past and have been paired up with you for your first game; they're pretty relaxed about it, and are looking for some casual, sexy fun while playing.

Desk-Girl: The creator of D.T.C. She learned magic because she wanted to create a comfy place for people to have fun on the weekends. Her fetish is making people feel comfy, but she'll settle for sexually satisfied. Not actually relevant to the game, aside from the opening.

There are several scenes that you might not see depending on what sex your opponent is, and others you might only see if you play against a specific sex.

Playing against a female opponent means that during their turn, they'll go to the Shadow Elf Cafe; if they're either male or a dickgirl, they will instead go to the Spring of Andros. Additionally, the opponent must have a penis in order for you to ride them after you chat with them.

Aside from this, all scenes are available to all sexes, though almost every significant scene will have different dialogue depending on the opponent's sex.

Be warned that setting your name to "Testing" will reveal several menus that are very much not meant to be clicked, in addition to shutting off token-consumption. If you want to play with the transformations to see all the changes that come from the ones down there, I recommend you choose to start the game with infinite tokens.

Review by BluBlab

Version reviewed: 0.1 (Hotfixed 12-31-19) on 05/24/2023

What's there is quite good, so if it had been published anytime recent I would've said it has a lot of potential.

Unfortunately, since it hasn't been updated in well over three years now it's quite obvious that this is abandonware at this point.
Really sad to see such a solid foundation go to waste

Review by Dranylis

Version reviewed: 0.1 (Hotfixed 12-31-19) on 03/25/2022

Interesting game. Look forward to see where it goes.

Review by spottyphin

Version reviewed: 0.1 (Hotfixed 12-31-19) on 05/14/2021

Absolutely love where this is going! Hope it gets an update sometime!

Review by thagamus

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 12/31/2019

I rarely leave reviews, but this game I had to. I want to see more of this. There is so much potential for so much fun. I'm really excited to see where this goes.

Review by Narcissa

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 12/30/2019

Good potential. Neat start. Curious to see where it goes.

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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