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Game Information
RPG Maker MZ
English, Russian, Portuguese(Br)
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.5.1

Pies 'n' Apples


Pies'n'Apples this is a fairy tale for adults, which invites you to "dive down the rabbit hole". World full of usual characters, beauty, erotism, softness, intrigues, danger etc.

This game shows a completely fictional world inhabited by humans and other races, monsters and various creatures. In this story, our characters (and not only) constantly find themselves in different situations (again - for adults!). Funny, silly, dangerous incidents expect them in almost every step.

The game takes place around the 50s/60s, in fictional Kingdom, in the style of a small noir, rock'n'roll, and cozy slight echo of the old cinematograph + a good old time vibe.


There is adult content is this game! Is means it's prohibited to people under the age of 18 or 21

(depending on the legal minimum age of your country!).

This work is fiction and is purely entertaining.

All coincidences are only coincidences.

All names, characters, races, events, titles, situations, have nothing to do with the real life.

All races in the game that are involved in any kind of sexual behavior or nudity, are humanoid.

All characters in the game that are involved in any kind of sexual behavior or nudity, are 18yo or older, and they are not relatives.


Martha(41yo) is a simple housewife who from time to time hires temporary workers to do small repairs and collect apples, the fruit she sells to support the income of the house where she lives with her daughter Stacey (20yo). Rocky(18yo) and Jennifer(18yo) are two young people who met at Martha's house. Both were hired temporarily to do small day-to-day jobs, such as weeding, picking apples and doing small repairs. On day that seems to be like any other day, something very unusual happens. Some of the inhabitants of the Kingdom experienced the effect of a physical transformation. Martha, who also received this "gift of fate", is going to turn to the witch for help and asks the guys to bring apples to cook a pie for the witch as gift, but the situation changes dramatically...


Portrait and characterMartha(41yo) a simple housewife, fully consistent with the stereotypes of 50s/60s. Strict, domineering, but easily embarrassed...

Portrait and characterRocky(18yo) is passionate about rock'n'roll, a little stupid and slow (especially in relation to the female gender).

Portrait and characterJenny(18yo) is interested in medicine and always ready to advise and warn.

Portrait and characterStacey(20yo) has her own opinion on everything, despises stereotypes and openly says what she thinks and does as she sees fit.


During the game, new characters may temporarily join you. (Still in development).

ChangeLog (v0.5.0)
This is not a complete list of changes, there was a lot of work and we could not remember everything we did, but something like this:

Added (or changed) instructions for new features (skipping text) or gameplay (states, quest log...).

The opening scene of Martha and Rocky in the morning has been completely redrawn.


All large pictures have undergone changes (improved).

Added an image of Martha's panties.

Added an image of a bird wit Martha' s pussy hair in the scene with Martha.

Added 3 images of Martha in the bathroom.

Added image of peeping underwater in baths.

Added an image of peeping on a woman in the baths.

Added an image of Jenny on a cliff.

Added an image of Jenny from behind on a cliff.

Added an image of an orc from behind in the caves.

Added an image of Martha in the toilet with various facial expressions.

Added an image of Trisha's breasts.

Added a picture of a child's drawing in an orc's cave.

Added photo of naked Rocky.

Added new facial expressions for Stacy when first peeking.

The photo of the man has been changed.

Increased image resolution of Greta and Rocky.

In Martha's night scene, the hooves are replaced with legs.

Added Stacy's finger when looking under the table.


All portraits have had their color palettes adjusted.

All portraits have undergone changes (improved or redone).

Gazhi's and Lenny's portraits have been replaced with wide resolution.

Portraits changed or added: Greta, Elsa, Roxy, Trisha, Kelly, Maria,

Added new emotions: Elsa, Jenny, Kelly, Laverne, Martha (female), Rocky, Roxy, Sarah, Stacy, Trisha.


Greta, Buzz, Stacy, Kaise, Martha - animations of laughter.

Buzz - burping.

Orc - scene with Martha if "bad end".

Rocky - added some sprites.

Jenny - added some sprites.

Stacey - added some sprites.

Changed the hue of all sprites.

All sprites have been improved or changed.

Stacy's height has been increased.

Added Greta's sex scene with Elsa.

Teddy bear has been changed.

Added Martha's boots in the night scene at Kaise's house.

Added loss scene with orc.

Kaise now has 2 boobs.

Added scene with police officers.

Added animations of womens in baths.

The color palettes of birds in locations have been adjusted.

Added fish and fireflies.

Added emotions in 3 languages.

Added parrot animations for saving the game.


The design of all interface elements has been changed (menu, shops, tasks, opening a new character...)

Added new icons for items.

The icons of existing items have undergone changes.


All locations have undergone changes (color changed, details added, noise removed...).


An accompanying theme music has been created for Buzz.

All voices, sounds and music have been adjusted.


Added visual and audio notifications when items are received or removed. Some items have their own sounds when picked up or used.

A system of achievements has been added: the discovery of new characters and the status of existing ones (sympathy, depravity and transformation).

In animated scenes, the camera zooms in to get a better picture.

Added a button to end a looping scene.

Implemented text skipping with synchronized animations and sound effects, not including the main music.

An automatic system for individual storage of items for characters has been implemented, allowing you to store items (weapons, equipment) with the corresponding characters (when they are selected).

Linking choices to status levels (example: first breakfast, scene in Kaise's bedroom...).

When the status changes (up or down), emotions and animation (highlighting) appear for the corresponding characters or NPCs.

Added a new enemy - Orc.

Added localization into 3 languages: English, Russian and Portuguese (Brazilian).

New objects have been added to locations..

The world map has been expanded and improved.

Added screen dimming when viewing some images.

All scenes are expanded and improved.

Many events have been reworked or changed for more logical gameplay.

Added a spying mini-game in bathhouses.

The opening scene in the tunnels has been expanded.

Changed the location of some parrots for saving the game.

Added record collection (new collection).

The task “Wild Wild Honey” has been changed: 
 an additional spray has been added to Kaise, related events have been adjusted.

The task with the teddy bear has been expanded.

Saves now work.


Added a plugin for automatic transfer of message text and text in tasks.

The KDesu_InventorySystem plugin has been created for individual storage of items, weapons and equipment.

The KDesu_ChangeImgPath plugin has been created to change images according to localization

Created KDesu_ChoiseAligncenter plugin to align text when selecting

The KDesu_MultiLanguageSystem plugin has been modified to localize text using JSON files.

Created KDesu_NameBoxOptions plugin to center name alignment.

The operation of the CGMZ_Achievements plugin has been adjusted - the conditions for displaying statistics and the arrangement of elements have been changed.

The work of the QuestSystem plugin has been adjusted - automatic text wrapping has been added.

The GALV_ActionIndicatorsMZ plugin has been modified - the ability to set the direction of the character to display a question mark above it.

The work of the TinyGetInfoWndMZ plugin has been adjusted - default sounds have been disabled, an ignore list has been added for the collaboration of other plugins to play sounds.

Fixed BalloonPosition plugin - positioning of emotions did not work.

Bug fixes:

During the quest to find Jenny's clothes, if you disturb the rooster for take Jenny' s underwear, and then go to the lake and back, the underwear disappears, and the rooster no longer reacts.

All other known bugs have been fixed.


Review by Miralissa

Version reviewed: 0.5.0 on 06/18/2024

The previous comment was about version 0.0.4, where I actually made an addition but forgot to publish the updated version here.

In version 0.5.0 everything matches the tags and description.

Review by Gweddry

Version reviewed: 0.04 on 04/23/2024

This game is extremely impressive in its technical execution – custom, high quality spritework, custom animations and sounds, mechanics... Indeed, I'd go as far as to say that in these aspects, it may actually be one of the best games on this site. How come, you ask, that this game isn't sitting at 1k+ likes? Well that's simple – the content.

The author is being coy about it in the description, only mentioning urination, so I'll say it outright so people know what they're getting – piss, farts, loads of female pubic hair, and loose, used up vaginas on middle-aged (and older) women. That's what this game is offering, and oh boy, it has it in spades. Why the author felt the need to put in the disclaimer such ridiculity as that nothing there has anything to do with real life (come on, on the infinitesimal chance anyone actually decided to sue you over this, do you really think a silly disclaimer would bear any legal weight whatsoever?), but doesn't declare the fetishes actually present in this game is beyond me. The author then offers you an option to turn these off on game start without actually telling you what you're turning off, which is just another headscratching decision right there.

Now, I hear you ask – why did I play this game despite its content clearly not being aimed at me? And indeed, why do I sound so annoyed? I'll tell you why – false advertising! At the time of this writing, the game boasts the M2F tag, yet in the time I've played (2 or 3 hours), there hasn't been even a hint of that. I assume that at some later point in the game there will be a scene that will feature M2F and that's why the tag is there, but that's an obviously wrong usage of the tagging system. The tags are there to let people find the sort of stuff they enjoy; it's not a game of Pokemon where the author should slap as many of them on the game as he can. You'll just get annoyed people like me who've come to find content you claimed to provide, only to be met by farts and piss and old vaganias.

In conclusion, if you are into the things I've mentioned, you cannot go wrong with this game – it's all very high-effort. If you don't, stay away! And author – describe and tag your game properly!

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 0.04 on 01/04/2024

Wow I did not expect this game to be so good. I held off on downloading this for quite a while, because of the low version number and the <50 likes I thought this would be a short intro with almost no content, as you see it often with RPG maker games, but there is actually 3-4h of content.

While it's not 100% my fetish it's not off-putting either. And while I praised several games here to be high quality, this game seems on a whole other level, the custom graphics are amazing. Reminds me of old school point'n click games. Can't wait to see how the story advances from here on. It's been a while since the last update, although not so long as to lose hope.

Review by SansMotivation

Version reviewed: 0.0.3 on 09/28/2023

This game isn't bad, but it appeals to a very specific niche.  If you're not in that niche, you probably won't enjoy it.

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