Silence of the Ma'ams is a transformation game written in the DayDreamer engine by Fever Dreamer.
You are Dreamer, You are visiting your grandmother for Thanksgiving dinner with your parents and your boyfriend. She just took the turkey to the table, and your father starts carving. You take one look at the plate. Though it looks delicious, it smells a bit off.
After eating you find yourself completely silent. You go to the hospital only to find an epidemic of mass mutings. Can you uncover the sinister plot before it is too late?
Short interesting game by fever again.
Fever, after playing quite a few of his modules, tends to have interesting ideas and put them into short games like these. Usually it takes less than 5 minutes to finish and you get a laugh out of it as a minimum. Some people with special interest may get more than that. It really depends.
Anyway Silence of the Madams is base on an interesting idea just like the others. Take this game lightheartedly and you will have a "ha ha" and a few ohs.