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Version: 0.2.02

Deep In Evil
by D1er34

Side-scroller action game with RPG elements.

The project still at very early stage of development. But foundation already been laid.

Development blog: http://er34games.blogspot.com/

In game-reality race of humans and elves coexist in the “usual” world. Humans and elves believe in technological progress. Magic exists only in fairy tales.
But once, all over the world began to appear strange portals, portals to another damn underworld. Through these portals arrived scary creatures. Creatures brought and spread an unknown infection. Under the effect of this infection many humans, elves and even the animals turned into horrible creatures that...
Though, all Your answers, You will be able to find in adventure with the main female character of the game.

Main character - girl police officer, who will save the world from the invasion of creatures from the underworld.

Review by JoylessFire

Version reviewed: 0.2.02 on 10/18/2017

Seems like it would be an awesome game but cannot start. also looks like this project has been abandonded 

Review by dercas

Version reviewed: 0.2.02 on 02/01/2017

I also could not get the "Start" button to become available for clicking goodness.  :-(

Review by Lupiscanis

Version reviewed: 0.2.02 on 02/01/2017

I like it. Seems promising. In regards to pregnancy, it's been mentioned on the blog and will be included at some point. Also x-ray o/. Hoping this one doesn't dissapear as do so many of the others ;)


Update 1st Feb - I feel the need to point out that the author's blog specifically states that you cannot currently play the game in it's latest release as he was unable to make a stable build for this month. He plans another release in early feb that will have actual playability to it, (I assume including the new elements).

If you want a playable demo, the older version is still available at http://www.mediafire.com/file/xod1b6njr8b68ru/DeepInEvil_v0_131.7z

Review by CarnifexOmega

Version reviewed: 0.2.02 on 02/01/2017

The game has potential but sadly you cannot start a new game at all in the new version to test it out.



Review by Ooblex

Version reviewed: 0.2.02 on 02/01/2017

At the moment it's impossible to start a new game to test this.

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