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Version: 1.0.0

Carnal Coup
by DaScoot

Copied blatently from our Patreon page, which you can find here. Please support our project!


Carnal Coup is an 18+ Text-based game in a sci-fi setting! You take the role of a shapeshifting alien who has infiltrated an invasion force led by those uptight Terrans. Alien by alien, department by department, it's up to you to stop the invasion! ...Sexily!

Tell me about this coup?

Your race, the Figura, have been deemed outrageously perverted by the Galactic Pure Union, and an Expedition has been sent to properly re-educate your people. With the help of a Terran turncoat, you've taken the place of the newly assigned Efficiency Overseer. With this position, it's up to you to turn the invasion back on itself, and teach the GPU what they've been missing!

Features Header


But what does this have to offer me, the discerning alien pervert?

Coup features the following...features:

  • Eight alien races (on top of the Figura and Terrans), who have each been assigned to run a different Expedition department based on their talents and skills. These races range from the fit, beastial Harian Commandos, to the cybernetic Lencist Roboticists, to the insectoid Roth Workers, and more! Each species has its own kinks to discover, including:


Kinks List




  • Gender preference flexibility! Whether you'd prefer a sapphic space station or a masculine military complex, many of the game's scenes are written to adapt to preferences that you select at the start of the game! While some species only come in a single gender, and certain NPCs are locked, it will be possible to play through most of the game's intimate scenes the way you'd prefer.
  • Multiple Endings! Aside from possible Bad Ends, it will be possible to play through the game as an aggressive Infiltrator, or a benign Liberator, depending on whether you'd rather screw the GPU...or just screw them over.
  • Interlocking Plotlines! It's not enough to simply seduce the directors of each alien department - you're going to have to hit the Expedition at every level, from the average Citizen, to the busy Departments, to unique Specialists. Whether you're looking for some quick fun, or someone you can get to know...and then have some quick fun with, you'll find it all in the Expedition!

Goals Header


Patreon development of this project is now complete. 

v1.0.0 will be the final free release of the game. However, v1.0.1 is available for Patrons with numerous editing and bug fixes, and other bonuses such as cheats and side stories can be found on the Patreon as well. Any support is greatly appreciated!


Dominance Play



Info Header


Where can I find out more? In addition to the project blog, we also have a public Discord server at: https://discord.gg/DASPc65 There you can expect to find patch notes, species and project member highlights, and other game updates! The Project Coup team is currently:

  • DaScoot - Project Lead, Programmer, Writer
  • TDK - Art Design
  • Suki262 - CG Art
  • Vin4ART - Art DesignMango - Art Design
  • Phall - Art Design
  • Francis Smith - Stories From Watch Station
  • Errata - Codex

And finally, a visual sampler of where your money is going:


Lencists  Harians

Vessians  Celopi

Schen  Vox

Maelish  Roth


Main Screen


Specialist Scene

Your race, the Figura, have been deemed outrageously perverted by the Galactic Pure Union, and an Expedition has been sent to properly re-educate your people. With the help of a Terran turncoat, you've taken the place of the newly assigned Efficiency Overseer. With this position, it's up to you to turn the invasion back on itself, and teach the GPU what they've been missing!

Review by willnotwork

Version reviewed: 0.36.1 on 02/02/2020

Fun, but difficult to get started.

Once I dug in and got past the first few encounters, this game opened up a bit, and I was able to appreciate the depth of content.

For anyone looking at reviews, consider: the previous review was two years ago, and the dev is still doing active development now.

Review by johndoe123`

Version reviewed: 0.7.1 on 07/29/2017

This is shaping up to be an interesting game.  Though it is still a bit vague at times how to progress, but with a bit of logic-ing, I should be able to figure things out.  Oh, and @weakgirl, the author posts an "update" every time there's a new version, but the version available via downloads/playnow is the current free version.  I do wish the author wouldn't post an "update" when there's a new patreon-locked version, but I understand where they're going with that.

Review by Leadhead

Version reviewed: 0.3.2 on 04/01/2017

Excellent premise, I was real excited to give this a try. However. I seemed to keep running into the same texts with little variation. Thus I couldn't figure out how to deal with citizens. I progressed the department visits and such fine, and visiting hellfire seemed to be looping, atleast for me. Just think it needs a bit more guidance on how you're supposed to go through citizens. A tutorial since it seems to be a complicated mechanic.

Review by Megaduck

Version reviewed: 0.3.1 on 03/18/2017

It's a fun premise and a good start.


Games is still a little confusing though.  It's hard to figure out what to do next, especially with the citizens.

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