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Adult Themes

Version: 0.0.4

Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama
by Kalos

*** Game development for this title has been canceled. Several assets, such as the transformation system, from this title are being restructured over the next year into a new game that will release as a proper early access. ***

As such, the last backer release has been made available to download. No additional release or support is planned under this title.


Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama, is a fully 3-d, adult-oriented, action-adventure-RPG that sets the player on a quest to save multiple worlds. Along the way, the player will find themselves transforming into all manner of anthropomorphic creatures, making friends, killing enemies, and of course reaping the rewards.

RPG- explore the world, fight baddies, collect loot, meet new people, complete quests*, build relationships*, recruit followers*, build a base*, romance* followers & NPC's, level-up.

Transformation- Transform your character however you see fit. Male - Female, Cat - Dog - Fox - Wasp - Dragon*, or anything in between. Female fox with wasp wings and antlers, no problem. * Each transformation has 5 stages. Caution: intermediate stages may look unholy, as a fox-wasp hybrid might.

Adult Content- Animated 3-d sex scenes with defeated foes and willing allies. Gender fluid animation template allow for m-f-h characters to pair with m-f-h npc's in either a dominant (giver), submissive (receiver), or mutual role.

Story- The story will follow a semi-linear path where completed levels will unlock and lead to new levels, but the player is free to revisit completed zones for loot and nostalgia. At the conclusion of the story the game will be sandboxesque.

* things marked with an " * " are not yet implimented.

This is a 3-d game built in Unity

Review by Mugen Kagemaru

Version reviewed: 0.0.4 on 03/21/2019

DERP - Wrong game.

Review by benwolf0

Version reviewed: 0.0.4 on 08/16/2017

i try to play it but on the fast setting it lag a lot

Review by thesilentgod

Version reviewed: 0.0.4 on 08/04/2017

is this game only on mac

Review by foxdsx

Version reviewed: 0.0.3 on 07/14/2017


A game without tutorial smart really.

i will pass this 1 until you have one

Review by darkestlink

Version reviewed: 0.0.2 on 05/14/2017

Its a good start. One major problem being that you can accidentally punch while in dialogue and also that the player model becomes invisible if you lose a fight and remains invisible until you win a fight and have sex. Also sometimes the portal to the forest straight up doesn't appear. One more problem is that unequiping armour doesn't visually unequip. But it is still the earliest possible build so i'm sure they will fix these. one more thing, it should have a sprint button.

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,102,291

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