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Version: 1.0.0

The Succubus Incident, a Mage's Tale
by zarock

You are a member of a reckless guild of research mages specializing in mutation magic and demonology. When the inquisition comes for you, you and several other members of the guild turn into succubi and flee to hell. The majority of the game takes place in hell. There are two significant branches: one being the battle succubus branch and the other being the normal succubus branch.

A note about transformations: The minor voluntary body alterations following your transformation into a succubus (all of which are prompted) will have mostly a cosmetic impact on the normal succubus branch (all of which is seen in the mortal world), but a couple of them are vital for the battle succubus branch, and you can get the game into an unwinnable state on the battle succubus branch if you don't use them properly and still stick to the main part of the battle succubus route. See the walkthrough for details.

A note about the succubi in the game: My succubi are a bit unusual on purpose. The battle succubi essentially have abandoned what it means to be succubi (despite being born and usually raised as normal succubi), and decided to act like a bunch of warriors instead (which makes them more or less outcast by the rest of succubus society). The normal succubi will seduce any mortals they find (and will otherwise act like the succubi you are familiar with while in the mortal world), but considering that they are not governed by emotions themselves, they realize that it would be a waste of time for them to try to seduce their fellow succubi (they probably seduce battle demons, but that is not shown in-game), and they will likely be insulted if you try to make an emotional appeal. They rely on physical contact (usually sexual in nature) for sustenance in the mortal world, but sustain themselves by other means in hell, for reasons explained in-game. My succubi are intelligent, skilled, and can make themselves inhumanly beautiful, but don't have much in the way of raw power.

A small note on the download link: To download the game using the dropbox link, you must click on the small download button on the top right of the resulting screen, please ignore dropbox's failed attempt to display the game directly on that screen.

Known bug: looking at yourself while reading the passage about battle demons will result in an endless loop of return links.

Other miscellaneous notes: This game is fairly dark and unforgiving. You can get to happy endings, but doing so is far from a trivial process, and there are a lot of bad endings you can get, as well as a few neutral endings. Don't play this if you are looking for something light-hearted. Also, towards the end of the game on the main story branches you will get the chance to adopt a succubus, and raise her as your daughter. This is not easy to get to, and can go quite wrong, but is the part of the game I am most fond of personally. It is also required to access the most happy (in my opinion) endings. As for erotic scenes, the sexual encounters are few and far between, are not explicit, and can easily be missed entirely depending on your choices, so if you are specifically looking for those, this game is probably also not for you.

There is a poll up on the discussion thread to keep track of what the first non-death ending people got was. Please head over there and vote on that poll, I am quite curious what the distribution will look like.

You are a member of a rather reckless guild of research mages that specialize in mutation magic and demonology. When the inquisition attacks your guild, you and several other members of the guild turn into succubi and flee to hell in order to escape.

You: A research mage known for discretion and dealing with curses, currently stuck translating ancient fae scrolls (has dialog in royal blue text)

The guildmaster: A somewhat reckless researcher who founded the academy to be able to conduct experiments without interference (has dialog in gold text)

Archmage Throst: A renowned demonologist the guild is sheltering from the inquisition (has dialog in bright red text)

Ithrenda: The leader of a succubus circle, mate of a battle demon named Grithdren, and the mother of two daughters: Iltara and Iltratha (has dialog in purple text)

Imethra: A cute succubus child that asks you to adopt her (has dialog in deep pink text)

When the inquisition comes, ask to be turned into a succubus.

Battle succubus path:

In general for the battle succubus path, you will want claw-like fingernails and short hair.

Talk to the group of succubii practicing fighting techniques. After you sharpen your fingernails for the first time, keep them sharp. When a darkhound attacks you, stab it in the throat. When you encounter a battle demon, quickly step to the left and then choke it to death (though slashing at its back will work too if you make your fingernails claw-like).

When you fight the battle succubus, deflect her arm with your left arm while starting a strike towards her neck with your right arm. Then close in, feint for the eyes and slash at her chest. Then bend your knees deeply and catch their leg. Finish her off by quickly circling her to get behind her. This is not the only way to win the fight, but it is one of them.

When you go hunting for imps with the new group, charge in a direction and try to break free.

When you are summoned, in order to return to hell you can simply follow the same directions as with the normal route.

In order to get the alterative decent ending in which you remain in the mortal world as a demon, kill the mage, then escape the guildhall, then enter the tavern and accept the offer. Then present your tools to the victim and then begin torturing them (there are other ways to successfully extract the information, but that is one of them).

If you decide to return to hell, you will quickly find yourself fighting a group of demon lords. In order to defeat the demon lords, you must have claw-like fingernails and shoulder-length hair. Take out the first demon lord by begining to charge, rolling to avoid the fireballs, kicking the legs out from under the demon lord and try to claw his throat out. Then you will find yourself facing a second demon lord. In order to defeat the new demon lord, roll under his fireballs, and remove his privates, then wait for him to bleed out. Your fellow succubi will take care of the rest.

To raise the battle succubus to be an honorable person, react as follows (there is at least one other way receive the same result, but this is one way):

Tell your daughter that you will handle any necessary head removal. Then tell her that she needs be more cautious. Then teach her to deal with insults gracefully. Then tell her that you did not adopt her out of self interest. Then tell her to never run away. Then tell her to always tell the truth

To raise the battle succubus to be a great warrior who is still loyal, react as follows (there are probably other ways to get the same result, but this is one way):

Explain that decapitations are inefficient. Then praise her performance. Then tell your daughter to prove the person who insulted her wrong. Then tell her that she has the makings of a great warrior. Then tell her to run away only if she is certain that she cannot win the fight. Then tell her to only lie to people outside of your group.

There are a number of other possible endings to the child-raising content for the battle succubus route, including two where your daughter abandons you, and three where your daughter dies (with 1 ending having both). Behind the scenes, which result you get relies on three stats: loyalty, morality, and skill, all of which are hidden from the player. If your daughter has low skill, she will likely die (and no, it is not actually randomized). If she has low loyalty and morality, she will likely abandon you. Getting a good ending relies on getting her skill and loyalty/morality relatively high, with loyalty being easier to build than morality.

Normal succubus path:

Talk to the circle of succubi sharing information. To convince the other succubii to join as allies, one approach would be to tell the first group that you rely on research for power, and then assure them that you are not powerless, just not quite powerful enough to stand up alone (there are many ways to convince them to be allies, and you can still access a couple alternate endings if you fail at it, but you will need to succeed at convincing at least 2 of them to join you in order to get past the Royal Circle). When you speak with the Ascendant Circle, one approach would be to claim that you want the black circle destroyed and tell them to check it out for themselves, but as before, there are multiple ways to succeed.

In order to gain access to the alternative endings, you must learn about portal magic from the succubi circle before being summoned. Then you must reveal who you are to the mage, either initially or beletadly. If you ask about portal magic but decline to reveal who you are, you end up in a chess match instead. The results of this chess match depend purely on how attractive you are, but they do not impact the rest of the game.

After you are summoned, never outright refuse to swear a vow or attack the mage. You can always try to swear a less restrictive vow, but these will not cause any serious difference. Your ability to get away with such alterations is based on your attractiveness. Your attractiveness is determined based on which transformations you have chosen. The men you will meet are into women with short fingernails, long black hair, and breasts that are average-sized for a succubus (which is intentionally very close to what you start out as, Archmage Throst knows what succubi should look like).

In order to survive your dispute with the Royal Circle, you must have succeeded at recruiting the defensive allies, rather than being forced to resort to recruiting battle succubi. Assuming you have avoided adding battle succubi to your circle, you can survive by convincing the royal circle not to attack you. In order to do this, convince them that you are too powerful to be safely destroyed, then say that while you might not be able to defeat them, you could make them regret attacking you. Finally, suggest an alliance, and then accept her terms (there is another way to deal with the Royal Circle as well).

To raise your daughter to become an honest and successful merchant in the mortal world (there are other ways, but this is one):

Tell her to avoid deceving mortals when possible, then tell her to focus on the lower classes (this step does not matter), then tell her that the battle succubi pose the greatest threat, then tell her to avoid vows that are clearly going to be dangerous, then tell her to get her master killed, the tell her that humans are people, then tell her that you will need her help with calculations, then tell her to take only a small amount of energy from each person.

To raise your daughter to become a prosperous merchant dabbling in all manner of illegal services in the mortal world (there are other ways, but this is one):

Tell her to tell half-truths, then tell her to focus on the rich and powerful (this step does not matter), then tell her that the battle succubi pose the greatest threat, then tell her to avoid vows that are clearly going to be dangerous, then tell her to get her master killed, then tell her that humans are people, then tell her that you will need her help with calculations, then tell her to drain her victims dry

To raise your daughter to return to you after her trip in the mortal world, remain loyal to you, and not die an untimely death, but not get the high morality version of this ending (there are other ways, but this is one):

Tell her to play on their hopes and fears, then tell her to manipulate a balanced combination of both rich and poor (this step does not matter), then tell her that the battle succubi pose the greatest threat, then tell her to avoid vows that are clearly going to be dangerous, then tell her to protect her master, then tell her that humans are people, then tell her that you will need her help with calculations, then tell her to leave her victims still able to function

To raise your daughter to return to you after her trip in the mortal world, remain loyal to you, not die an untimely death, and be unusually honest, see the instructions for the above ending but tell her to avoid deceiving mortals when possible instead of telling her to play on their hopes and fears. There are other ways to achieve this ending, but this is one.

There are a number of other possible endings to the child-raising content for the normal succubus route. Behind the scenes, which result you get relies on three stats (all of which are hidden from the player): loyalty, morality, and skill, as well as the answer to your question of whether or not she should keep her master alive (that is a very important question). If your daughter has low skill, she will likely die (and no, it is not actually randomized). If she has low loyalty and morality, she will likely betray you if she returns to hell.

1.0.0: Fixed a few typos, reworded a couple things, colored a piece of uncolored dialog. Overall a very small update.

0.8.0: A couple typo corrections, a few minor rewordings (particularly in the tale of Scythra), and adding color to a few pieces of uncolored dialog.

0.7.8: Edited the passage in which the mage who summoned you kills you on the battle succubus route, so that you put up slightly more of a fight before dying (rather than getting hit by the first barrage and keeling over). The outcome remains the same, though. Also minorly editted the corresponding passage you get on the normal succubus route to have you hit with ice shards rather than many sharpened daggers (as otherwise it would be questionable whether you would remain conscious for long enough to see the mage shooting the lightning bolt at you).

0.7.7: Fixed more various typos

0.7.6: Fixed a minor typo, and slightly edited a few passages

0.7.5: Edited the torturer ending (one of the endings on the battle succubus branch) to feel more like a neutral ending (as intended) rather than a truly bad end. Also edited the main fingernail transformation passage to indicate that the claw-like fingernails were the most deadly (it was quite ambiguous before).

0.7.4: Fixed a couple of minor typos

0.7.3: Added a couple extra options to the Royal Circle section of the normal succubus branch (one at the start of that section, and one in the sub-section where you attempt to convince them that you are not a threat), and performed a few minor edits to various passages on the normal succubus branch.

0.7.2: Fixed a bug wherein in certain circumstances your daughter could be simulataneously both dead and alive on the battle succubus branch

0.7.1: Minor edit to one of the endings to the normal succubus branch (slightly differentiating the high morality route where your daughter has decided to return to you, and does not betray you or die, from the low morality version of the same, whereas before those endings were identical)

0.7.0: Finished the rough draft of the game.

0.6.2: Added some more content to the succubus-raising section on the normal succubus branch. This update is also about 2,000 words, with 8 new passages, of which you will see 5 passages on any given playthrough.

0.6.1: Added a bit more content to the succubus-raising section on the normal succubus branch. It is another small update, consisting of 6 new passages and about 2,000 words, of which you will see 3 passages and probably about a thousand words in any given playthrough.

0.6.0: Finished up the rough draft of the battle succubus branch, including all of the child raising content. Added about 3,000 words, but you will see a small fraction of that in any given playthrough.

0.5.2: Added the start of the succubus-raising section on the normal succubus branch. It is a smaller update (with about 2,000 words added).

0.5.1: Added the start of the succubus-raising part on the battle succubus branch. It is a smaller update (with about 2,500 words added).

0.5.0: Finished implementing the final path through the conflict with the Royal Circle (on the Normal Succubus branch).

0.4.5: Implemented all paths through the conflict with the Royal Circle except for quickly recruiting new allies (on the Normal Succubus branch).

0.4.4: Minor cosmetic improvements. Switched the main character's text to a royal blue for easier reading, changed the volunteer's text color to green to differentiate it from the new main character's text color, fixed a CSS mistake and broke up a few oversized paragraphs.

0.4.3: Added the final fight scene for the battle succubus path (this time fighting against demon lords), as well as a couple of unrelated tweaks (edited one of the brothel passages, fixed some spacing, fixed a CSS mistake, etc.)

0.4.2: Fixed minor typos, a CSS error and a few bug fixes.

0.4.1: Finished up the tiny branch where you decide to remain in the mortal world as a demon, thus completing the last of the content for the mortal world.

0.4.0: Added the part in which the main character gets summoned, and finished the content for the mortal world except for a tiny new branch in which you decide to remain in the mortal world as a demon (with this new branch currently just being started). First semi-happy alternative endings added.

0.3.3: Added the next fight for the battle succubus branch, along with a few tweaks

0.3.2: Added next mission for the normal succubus branch, and other associated content.

0.3.1: Color-coded dialog lines from significant characters, to increase readability

0.3.0: Original version posted

Review by TyrantTraitor

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 04/03/2020

This is a wonderful short game that I've thoroughly enjoyed. I do hope that it will eventually be taken up once more. 



Review by Lix

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/04/2018

This instantly became my favourite work on this site as well as my favourite take on succubi, and I am opinionated and choosy about my succubi! I can tell I am going to be judging future sword & sorcery- demon-world works by how Zarock wrote this.

First of all, don't go in expecting a game—this is a Choose Your Own Adventure book in HTML form. The game is almost exactly your standard CYOA, although with a couple extra ways that your choices matter which aren't possible for traditional hardcopy CYOA books. Feels to be about as long as those old yellow CYOA books, too, and even sorta reads like one what with using the bookmark link to open new tabs as if I was holding my fingers in the pages to see if I would want to change my mind about things. The writing is very enjoyable if you go in expecting to be reading instead of playing, several typos notwithstanding, and once I got a happy ending I was left dreaming up all manner of fanfic based on the world the author created.

If you are into succubi or demon/church relations in general, and you aren't especially in the mood for smut or heavy player-character customization, then do yourself a favour and give this one a go.

Review by willnotwork

Version reviewed: 0.7.7 on 12/18/2017

Still in development, but I like where it's going. There doesn't seem to be much granularity, but there is a lot of depth to each branch.

Also, actual politics in an IF game! Well done!

Review by Phenoca

Version reviewed: 0.7.2 on 10/14/2017

One of my favourite 'choose your own adventure' novels. When you fail to form an alliance, your circle leader will remind you later of the importance of the alliances you formed. When your circle leader is summoned, you can't flee to the larger research circle. Other than that, it's a seamless world and intellectually stimulating to play. Perhaps an "our leader was summoned" option when speaking to the royal circle?

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 0.4.5 on 08/19/2017


Not bad! While the introduction was drawn out and some of the text color choices on the black background made it tougher to read, I found the writing to be enjoyable and the story events interesting to read. Some of the text blocks were a bit long, but nothing that ended up being a complete ramble of text dissertation... maybe break it up a little?

However the transformation interactions in the game so far are not many and I couldn't tell if they had any serious impact on the game decisions, be it with direct appearance or options available. I ended up taking a look at the story code to see that much of this looks like work for future updates.

Nevertheless I do recommend this game and look forward to the next update.

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