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0.1.5A (fixed)
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Version: 0.1.5A (fixed)

Version: 0.1.5

Version: 0.1.1

Femme Fatale (Ukrainian)
by le sorcier noir

Hey guys!

Enjoyed a lot of games from here, as FemSim, Fresh StartLife Choices, Therapist, Escort Dreams. Finally decided to develop my own female sim. For now the demo is available written in my native Ukrainian, including pretty gif-animations and few erotic events (non-coital so far).

I will concentrate on non-coital sex and fetishes, especially in the prostitution way. Also planning to implement English version in the later versions (or earlier - depends on you reaction).

There's no body transformations. The heroine is feminine and sexy from the very beginning, so just enjoy being a gorgeous young girl. However you'll need to transformate the mindset, so she would be ready to experience more mature choices.


0.1.5A is a bugfix update, which fixes couple bugs (in park and shower) and adjusts some stats. Added download links for both full game and fixed qsp file only.

Want to say that I read reviews with great attention. And must mention that I will implement body TF in game, since I'm a huge fan of bj, and fond of large lips. :)

Thank you all for support and valuable advice.


Version 0.1.5 released. What's new?

- added content, events (including ero)

- park (voyeurism events)

- church (no ero content for now)

- rent event goes on

Sex and fetishes added:

cum in mouth

voyeurism: handjob, blowjob, titjob


Sex and fetishes, implemented in version 0.1.1:

female masturbation, big tits, male masturbation, facial, black hair, big ass, voyeurism, blond hair

Developer's blog (in Ukrainian): Українські порно-ігри


Please note that the latest version of QSP Player is included in the download zip-archive. You just need to start qspgui.exe and open the femme fatale.qsp file. Bon appétit!

Review by jfrancois323

Version reviewed: 0.1.5 on 07/11/2017

i hope you will translate your game in english, it seems good but i cant read it. but seem promising

Review by Carni

Version reviewed: 0.1.5 on 07/11/2017

Hello "le sorcier noir",


You should consider to connect your game to the most popular site for QSP games (at least I guess that it is the most popular site on TFG):



This should also give you the possibilty to find help for the translation of your native language into English.

Review by navigator_dan

Version reviewed: 0.1.5 on 07/10/2017

Good start.

Message to the author. --

It's nice to see Ukrainian content. English version will help to attract more players, of course. (Just noticed it is planned in your blog).

Nice pics. But gifs can consume a lot of space, what about webm in future?

And since this is TF site, a bit of TF will not hurt.

Other suggestions:

  • to make images of equal or almost equal size
  • autosave function and command which can restore the game condition
  • time of the day

Thanks for sharing your work and looking forward for further development.

The last but not the least: just ignore those language "experts" who left their comments in Cyrillic below (with grammar mistakes, which is typical). So many strange people around. They make our life interesting.  :-)


P.S. Forgot to add. Event in part results in the bug. It jsut doesn't stop.

Review by mysteriousforce

Version reviewed: 0.1.1 on 07/06/2017

So far its pretty low on content, but that can be excused due to it being first realease.

My first complaint would be that there is no TF at all, not even in the plans. Its really like Therapist in that sense, there are no transformations here (even though this website is dedicated to transformation games) and the girl just becomes more daring as time progresses. It is a bane of many games here, if TFgamessite further drifts away from its roots and becomes just a collection of porn games it will drown in crap akin to what newgrounds and crystalforums produce.

Second complaint is the language: there are a couple of non-english games here on tfgamessite (german, russian, spanish) but few people play them here unless they have an english version as well (such as Pact with the Witch). Generally non-english games have their own communities (e.g. russian porn gamedevs have albedo.pw) around which players are clustered. I'm not complaining that you made a game in ukrainian, but that you've posted it here without english version. You should either add an english version or post it in ukrainian porn gamedev community, as it is it's just taking up space and attracting no attention, the most you'll get are some laughs from people.

Review by master-ka

Version reviewed: 0.1.1 on 07/06/2017

I would love to see an English version of this game as it makes a really good impression!
In current language there are only a very few people who can play ...

If you are planning to do a translation please think from the beginning to store text passages separately to make translation easier ... can be done then without knowing the game exactely.
Maybe you find someone helping you? Maybe not as most here have no clue of Ukranian.

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