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Temptation's dungeon
by Linriss

A skilled adventurer explores a dungeon and finds strange potions. Which one will she drink?

This is my first Twine game and it\'s still only a concept, I\'d love to get reviews! Also if you have transformation ideas, put them in the comments below!

Please keep in mind that english is not my first langage, and there are probably multiple mistakes, I\'ll try to correct them if you find one.

I do not own any of the images used in the game.

Changelog : 

Version 0.0.2 : 

Following somehopper's advice, I tried to make it look a little bit more like an actual game! There is barely any transformations in this version but you can try the Succubus and the beginning of the goblin transformations in the Cheatroom. I'm considering renaming the name to "Temptation's dungeon" as it is now the name of the dungeon in-game.

Review by jutom123

Version reviewed: 0.0.2 on 08/11/2017

The Play Now link should be to an online-hosted version of the gam that s good idea, thank you

Review by Unicron9999

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 07/31/2017

Shot but sweet! The images were good and the writing style was fine. I hope to see more like it; it definitely shows promise.

Review by somehopper

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 07/30/2017

There is not much of a game here at the moment. There are four possible endings, each one following the same format, you are at a here, you must drink one of these potions, you don't know what the potion will do, you are instantly transformed, here is a picture of what you turned into, the end.
As a first pass at a twine game its a solid learning experience. For your next iteration I suggest you learn how to add counters to track status effects, you may also want to learn how to make explorable rooms. The concept of freely exploring a dungeon, opening chests to get unlabeled potions, and then slowly transforming into something sounds like an interesting game. It would also help give you skills that you will find useful as you move forward and continue to make games

Review by Mugen Kagemaru

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 07/30/2017

The Play Now link should be to an online-hosted version of the game. It cannot link to a download page.

Review by Fishporn

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 07/30/2017

Heads up, the PLAY NOW button just takes you to media fire homepage.

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