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Version: 0.24

Version: 0.20

Version: 0.14

Version: 0.10

A home in the forest
by 8656

Responses to reviews are in the "Character" tab above ^

Development hiatus, possibly permanent due to personal complications. Sorry.


Update - 2018/07/10

Game has been put on hold for the time being due to....unfortunate events.






So I guess I should explain why there has been no updates....

TLDR; I'm not happy with the game engine. I'm still working this.


So it's been a while.... my life's been real busy, I haven't had much time to even pop in the chat. On a more related note, I am infact still working on this. The problem is, I have an unrealistically high standard for myself, and as such is slowing progress by a large amount. I want this to be good...twine is not a good start, thus I have decided that I am going to attempt to build.....something from the ground up. Since I'm doing this solo (except for a proofreader) it'll likely be quite a while before anything actually happens, just thought I'd let anyone who cares know. I have a plan moving forward, but as always it will be quite slow.


Hullo I decided to make a text cyoa... Thats about it


Currently working on: Revamping intro section, and Male Jessi branch in that order.


I don't know how to respond to reviews so I'll just do it in the characters tab ^_^''


Progress isn't going to be super fast because this is just a hobby for my free time :)


Changelog is in the discussion post :)


Finished Endings: 1

If you really want to help with this game leaving constructive criticism is one of the best ways, thanks. :)

Review by Fallout2287


Version reviewed: 0.10 on Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:12 pm


animal and myth, will you add in catgirl TF's or monster girl TFs like mermaids, antgirls, spider girls, alraunes or harpys?


Currently I plan to add catgirls on top of the existing storyline which the player is turned into a Cat (Furry) in the VR route. I haven't entirely thought my way through yet but monster girls are entirely possible. Since I don't have a solid grasp on HTML coding for Harlowe I'm going to write out the encounters with a passage combat system.


Review by WhiteFireDaemon


Version reviewed: 0.10 on Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:03 pm


The game is really short at this point, so there's not really enough to offer a fair review yet. Has potential though. I like the VR story's possibility.


Yeah its short I hope it won't be for long though, I can't really guarantee it since this is just a hobby that I'll work on when I can. The VR story is probably my favorite ever since I thought about it. Originally the game had FULL focus on the Jessi Story line but I've grown to like the VR line alot and its the one I'm currently working on now.

Review by darkestlink


Version reviewed: 0.10 BugFix on Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:50 am


pretty good so far. has enough to let us know what to expect and enough to keep us interested. Has a lot of promise. Can't wait for future updates




There's really not much here at this point, to the point where I can't even really judge what is finished because the content that is here lies outside my own interests/fetishes.


Plus, I find a lot of the content meandering and out of focus. Let me explain: The whole premise of the game is that you live in a house in the woods, which seems a good premise for some animal/anthro transformations; yet significant parts of some of the story threads involve virtual reality and online video games, which doesn't seem very homogeneous with the whole "living in isolation in the forest" thing. I would rather have a finished game that branches long threads from a simple premise than a game that starts with a dozen starting threads that will likely never be finished and go nowhere.


So far there is nothing I consider "finished". Deciding between finishing the game before release and getting some feedback was a difficult decision so I held a poll and it showed interest in testing/pre-release.


As for the brancing paths 3.5/5 of the planned main paths are based in the forest with animalistic transformations. Most of the content I'm working on currently is the VR path and Male Jessi path. The way I'm spreading the work out is I'm focusing on 1-2 paths at a time but leaving the other ones open incase of writers block for the paths I focus on.

As for progress like I said in the synopsis this is mostly just a hobby to kinda give back to the community a bit and also just something fun to work on in my free time. Of course some peope have different opinions about early releases, I personally like seeing progression.



This feels weird. The game part seems out of place. I advice restructuring.


Either focus on the game part, writing an intro about being a social hermit and getting sucked into a digital world.

Or write and intro about getting transformed in the game and then getting trown back into the real world.


branching the story from either of those.

you should always start with an intro that has no choices, this provides players a setting on wich to base the choices they make.

For your own work hours sake, make most choices have very small effects like subtle text changes this allows peronalization of the story without having to write complete story branches. For example the male/female dog companion option, it's a small change. Just a the name and maybe a scene much later where you get fucked by the dog or something.

Keep it fairly focused otherwise you'll drown in it before you get to finish anything substantial.


Choice is something that I've always valued in a game, Devious worlds is an example of the game I want this to be like, but with my own spin on it. I want to have lasting branches with the choices having a very noticable effect on the story and differences between all of them.

As for geting work done like you said in the last bit, I know it'll take me a while to finish this I was prepared to work on this for another 2-3 years if needed but before I made a decision like that I asked what people would like more either: A. getting a finished product with the content done upon release | OR | B. Watching the game progress as it gets updated  and influencing the creation process. In this game option B won and that's what I went with. I was more leaning towards option A myself, but I was convinced that option A might be the better option.

I love stories with storyline branching, I know that is what you want to make. Just don't make the first choice be "want to play game A or game B?". Write a proper intro, It's important for players to feel how you think as the writer of the story. Then give us some personalization (gender,build,haircolor,...) have this come back in the text. The dog is a great opportunity, Its a choice no dog/male/female that can be a bit of a side choice, with minor effects maybe unlocking or blocking some scenes later. After that you can start branching a bit maybe 2 or 3 story lines.

You'll also want choices that show huge differences much later on, a smal choice early that has big effects later in the story.

And lots of small choices with barely any effect.

2-2-2 rule is pretty good baseline

2 story branches - 2X2=4 choices with delayed effect 2X2X2=8 choices with minor effects.

believe me, this is how you make a game feel like choices matter.


I agree the start is very questionable but I hope to revamp it in the future, for now it just sets the premise for what type, I want to make the choices obvious on *generally* whats going to happen but still a sense of mystery of how. As for personalization before this game I had no knowledge of how coding works at all. I tried to get customization to work when I first started this project and it didn't work too well. Though as you can see now on the VR line I figured it out a bit more, I don't have anyone else working with my othere than my proofreader which I send new passages that I get done.

I also have put the framework for having later choices affected on early choices which I won't spoil here. Personally I like the pacing of the choices and how they're presented, having "Jessi" a minor change for gender just wouldn't work with my vision of how the game plays out. I have a loose idea of how each line I write in plays out, most of it is just writing and finding a good way to present it, along with expressing the characters, counter-actions, and lastly consequences to the player's decisions. 

As for the starting story path you can see already how many i have implemented, (Which now makes me think how unfinished the game is and how I should recategorize  the versions) and how many yet to have been even started, and I still plan to add more starting paths.

I like to think of it this way: I'm going to keep writing until A: I am forced not to. Or B: I feel as though the game has enough content. (Which would likely be around 10 starting paths all with their branching paths completed and having proper endings.


Review by EzioAzrael


Version reviewed: 0.24 on Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:55 pm


Ok so this game on a scale from 1-10 would right now, best case scenario, be a high 5 low 6, the reason for this isn't lack of creativity but rather lack of choices and grammer plays a small part in it too. In the future I can see this game being an 8 out of 10 easily. So please continue your work my dude it genuinly has potential to be really good.


Lack of choices are going to be resolved eventually, I don't know exactly when though.

As for the grammar issues, if you could point them out it would be much appreciated. I'm currently the only one working on this project, other than a proofreader I have on the via the forums.

Review by EzioAzrael

Version reviewed: 0.24 on 02/07/2018

Ok so this game on a scale from 1-10 would right now, best case scenario, be a high 5 low 6, the reason for this isn't lack of creativity but rather lack of choices and grammer plays a small part in it too. In the future I can see this game being an 8 out of 10 easily. So please continue your work my dude it genuinly has potential to be really good.

Review by ImmortalRegis

Version reviewed: 0.20 on 11/14/2017

This feels weird. The game part seems out of place. I advice restructuring.


Either focus on the game part, writing an intro about being a social hermit and getting sucked into a digital world.

Or write and intro about getting transformed in the game and then getting trown back into the real world.


start branching the story from either of those.

you should always start with an intro that has no choices, this provides players a setting on wich to base the choices they make.

For your own work hours sake, make most choices have very small effects like subtle text changes this allows peronalization of the story without having to write complete story branches. For example the male/female dog companion option, it's a small change. Just a the name and maybe a scene much later where you get fucked by the dog or something.

Keep it fairly focused otherwise you'll drown in it before you get to finish anything substantial.



I love stories with storyline branching, I know that is what you want to make. Just don't make the first choice be "want to play game A or game B?". Write a proper intro, It's important for players to feel how you think as the writer of the story. Then give us some personalization (gender,build,haircolor,...) have this come back in the text. The dog is a great opportunity, Its a choice no dog/male/female that can be a bit of a side choice, with minor effects maybe unlocking or blocking some scenes later. After that you can start branching a bit maybe 2 or 3 story lines.

You'll also want choices that show huge differences much later on, a smal choice early that has big effects later in the story.

And lots of small choices with barely any effect.

2-2-2 rule is pretty good baseline

2 story branches - 2X2=4 choices with delayed effect 2X2X2=8 choices with minor effects.

believe me, this is how you make a game feel like choices matter.

Review by zerocatch22

Version reviewed: 0.20 on 11/13/2017

There's really not much here at this point, to the point where I can't even really judge what is finished because the content that is here lies outside my own interests/fetishes.


Plus, I find a lot of the content meandering and out of focus. Let me explain: The whole premise of the game is that you live in a house in the woods, which seems a good premise for some animal/anthro transformations; yet significant parts of some of the story threads involve virtual reality and online video games, which doesn't seem very homogeneous with the whole "living in isolation in the forest" thing. I would rather have a finished game that branches long threads from a simple premise than a game that starts with a dozen starting threads that will likely never be finished and go nowhere.


Review by darkestlink

Version reviewed: 0.10 BugFix on 08/30/2017

pretty good so far. has enough to let us know what to expect and enough to keep us interested. Has a lot of promise. Can't wait for future updates

Review by WhiteFireDaemon

Version reviewed: 0.10 on 08/29/2017

The game is really short at this point, so there's not really enough to offer a fair review yet. Has potential though. I like the VR story's possibility.

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