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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 12.1.2

Version: 12.1.1

Version: 12.1.0

Version: 12.0.3

Version: 12.0.2

Version: 12.0.1

Version: 12.0.0

Version: 11.5.2

Version: 10.1.0







Version: 0.4.4

Version: 0.3.6

Dungeon Depths

This game requires the Microsoft .NET framework to function (Windows 8+ should have this by default, otherwise there may be a problem with startup if the framework isn't on your computer.)

Dungeon Depths is a 2D rogue-like dungeon crawler featuring transformation and hypnosis themes.  Treasure and monsters await within, though one misstep can be the difference between you claiming them or them claiming you...



Disscussion thread: [link]

Bug/Issue Tracker: [link]

Discord Server: [link]

Houdini111's Unity D_D Prototype (Mar 3rd 2021): [link]


Dungeon Depths v12.1.0 / v12.1.1 / v12.1.2 Changelog:

New Features/Items:

  • Fit-to-Screen screen size
    • I am still working on some scaling issues before adding a true "full screen" mode, but in the meantime this setting will be the next best thing.  It calculates window size based on the size of the screen.
    • There may be some text scaling issues for larger monitors.
  • Ring of The Rabbit:
    • Heals the player automatically when they dodge.
  • Acolyte Cosplay:
    • Slut variant of the Necromancer's Robe.

Bug fixes:

  • Clipping around hair/hats/hoods has been reduced.
  • Photon Bikini top no longer vanishes (for no reason).
  • Mayue no longer appears on floor 13.
  • The magical girl transformation no longer causes health to restore/deplete.
  • Several accessory transformations (bowtie, cowbell, etc.) will no longer trigger if they are not equipped.
  • Petrification also now applies to the player's entire body.
  • The wander mechanic caused by the player being mindless now works as intended.
  • Other misc. bug fixes.

  • The various cowbells should now work as intended.
    • Edit (12-13-2022): The original 12.1.1 upload links seemed to be for a 12.1.0 version that did not have this fix.  The links have been updated.

  • Magical Girl wands and Valkyrie sword now re-equip when a save is loaded.

  • Succubus Princesses will cast spells twice as often as in prior versions.
  • The Cat Armor is no longer missing an image in the main version.
  • The XP gain/loss has been made more stable.
    • Previously Bimbos would only need half as much XP to level up as other classes, now they gain double XP instead. Yes, this works with Cynn's Tonic.
  • NPC areas will no longer clip through walls
    • In a vertical hallway, the NPC-specific tiles will rotate.
  • Anti-Curse tags no longer burn through 2 when used to remove a single piece of equipment.
  • Fae Lingerie, Spectral Gag, and Curse Bridle should no longer throw an exception when released.
  • Various typos/additional text passages added to the bimbo and cupcake TFs.

Misc. Changes:

  • The dialog of the Seven-Tails fight has been updated.
    • Spells/Specials/Wands are still being reviewed.
  • Eye of the Beholder:
    • Once eaten, the player can see while blind.
    • Guranteed to drop from a rare slime variant.
  • Succubus Princesses:
    • Will now pick a spell at the start of the fight.
    • More changes pending.
  • Slime Transformation:
    • Dialog has been tweaked, new skills are learned on level up.
    • The behavior of vials of slime/pink slime have also been updated
  • The backend of spellbooks/manuals has been updated.
  • Arcane compass is now a more useful spell.
    • Can route to NPCs, as well as the stairs.
  • A multi-turn wait can be kicked off by pressing ctrl+ (by default is V).
    • The wait will be interrupted if anything happens to the player in that meantime.
    • This is still a work in progress, and is the equivalent of pressing the V key that many times.  As a result, it isn't very efficient and a 1000 turn cap has been placed on to reduce the risk of the game crashing.
    • Once made more efficient, the 1000 turn cap will be removed.


Dungeon Depths v12.0.0/v12.0.1/v12.0.2/v12.0.3 Changelog:


  • Eye of Medusa has been adjusted:
    • Will now petrify by ~1/5th of the enemy's starting speed each turn, or by 150 (whichever is lower).
    • This should make it more consistent against standard enemies while not as game-breaking against the fae queen and shopkeepers.
    • May be tuned further as far as it is effective on bosses/shopkeepers.
  • If the fae queen is petrified on floor 13, the stairs will now open.
  • Spot fusion should be a little more stable.
  • Shop buttons should no longer be disabled/hidden for valid shops.
  • Faerie enemy loss event had a missing case added.
  • Thrall collar time between updates has been lowered.
  • Marissa's curse no longer equips a non-existent item.
  • Leporine Ooze is no longer a "boss" (resulting in floor 4 issues).
  • Item usage when inanimate (or a horse) has been tweaked.
  • The hood on the cat armor should go away once unequipped.
  • Goddess Gown equips during the goddess polymorph.
  • Final stage on bimbell should no longer crash the game.
  • Faerie TF (ex. from the Fae Queen's Talisman) should no longer throw an error if the player's max mana is 0
  • Angel Food Cake's effect has been tweaked.
  • Bosses (ex. Ooze Empress) will no longer drop a key if the player runs away.
  • Fae of Wishes no longer gives 50 lances, only 1.
  • Flash Strike has been fixed to hit first.
  • Other misc. bug fixes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Bovinaemancer's should no longer cause exceptions.
  • Saving/Loading when under the effects of the Succubus Princess's curse will no longer cause it to break.
  • Extra Lives now work as intended.
  • The correct class/form revert passage will now be displayed (where used).
  • Magical Girl/Valkyrie transformations now teach/forget abilities as expected.
  • The MTF equivalent image table has been updated (this will cause less random/broken hairstyle & face changes).
  • Going to non-randomized floors (ex. space, floor 13, etc.) in a new game where "use existing dungeon" has been chosen will no longer spawn the player in a wall.
  • Panels should now do a better job of cleaning each other up.
  • NPC combat/preemptive spell-casting will now work as expected.
  • Mana can no longer drop to -1.
  • Uvona's blessing will now grant default polymorph forms if needed.
  • Hair opacity can now be set as expected using the debug menu.
  • Cynn's Disguise will no longer throw an exception.
  • Enemy polymorphs will now update the combat panel as they are cast.
  • Seven-Tails encounter has been made more stable.
  • Other misc. bug fixes.
  • Fixed issues with shops, and caused by the Tulip/Rose/Hyacinth.
  • Rosepetal Spellbook has been fixed.
  • Cursed Coupons will no longer throw an error if used on the Shady Wizard.
  • Updated Hyacinth/etc. IDs (previously they could not be discarded).
  • The stat changes between magical girl transformations should be more consistent.
    • Previously gold/charm stat buffs wouldn't carry over, these should now.
  • Bovinaemancer's will actually cast their spells again.
  • Old gear (ex. cursed bridle) won't re-equip when reverting between transformations.
  • Princess transformation (from apple) will no longer throw an exception.
  • Chicken suit will no longer throw an exception if the player has wings.
  • Additional error handling has been added to shops.
  • Succubus princess is no longer listed twice in the settings menu.
  • Illicit Restoration and Base Form Reset services have been tweaked.
    • This won't effect function in most cases.
  • The inspect/discard buttons will no longer throw exceptions in certain cases.

New Features:

  • Monster Spawn Rate Setting:
    • Set via the new "Advanced Settings" tab.
    • This allows the spawn rate of individual random monsters to be adjusted.
      • Spawn rates range from 0-3, with 0 preventing the monster from spawning at all and 3 causing it to spawn commonly.
      • This does not affect individual floor spawn rates (ex. high-tier monsters will not spawn on floor 1, even with a set rate of 3).
    • The "prevent succubi from spawning" setting has been deprecated.
  • Shady Wizard's inventory/images have been updated.
  • Defeating a succubus will now restore any drained levels:
  • The Fae Woods - Floor 13's Quest:
  • A multi-part quest with branching paths, a bunch of new NPCs, and a few new transformations.
    • Introduces a Faerie who just wants to know your name.
    • Introduces the Fae Queen, who can turn a player into a few inanimate objects.
      • This causes a bad end, and adds the item to the chest contents of future games.
        • Fae-Touched Earrings
        • Apple (Fae-Poisoned)
        • Fae-Touched Rose
        • Fae-Touched Lingerie
        • Fae-Touched Stockings
  • Class/Form can be set through the debug menu.
  • New/Updated Traps:
    • Fae of Wishes trap has been updated.
    • Mesmerizing Spore trap
      • Puts the player in a trance for 75 turns. 
      • Found in forest areas.
    • Acorn trap
      • Throw the acorn into the woods...  What's the worst that could happen?
      • Found in forest areas.
    • Broken trap
      • Does nothing.
      • Triggered if the player is being routed somewhere by force.

Balance Changes:

  • Life restored on death raised from 10% to 25%.
  • Human self polymorph form added to the standard spellbook.
  • ShopNPCs are highlighted on the map.

Engine Changes:

  • The board is now drawn as a single image, rather than as an array of PictureBox objects. This will make updating the board more efficent, and will also improve resolution.
    • Image tiles are now stored in the img folder, and only loaded when needed. This will make it easier to add new files, and will keep only the currently needed tileset loaded at any given time.
    • Tilesets have been expanded to have the same types of tiles across each set, and to include more player-form-specific tiles.
    • This will also better set dimensions of the board view and tiles based on the size of the window.
  • Improved window centering for small/medium/xlarge screen sizes.
  • The ShopNPC backend has been upated to be easier to work with.
  • The secondary player states (ex. Previous Magical Girl form, Floor 4 pre-body-swap form, etc.) have been updated to be one list with defined indexes rather than a list of discrete objects.
    • This will reduce issues when saving/loading files.
  • Player image rendering has been updated to reduce clipping for sleeves/skirts.
    • A similar update is coming for hats/hair/wings.
  • The beginnings of an updated save file format have been added.
    • The goal is to make saves easier to read (for non-computers) and generally cross-compatible between versions.
    • The new format is not being used yet.
  • A standard system has been added for players/monsters that have been turned into items.
    • This also includes support for situationally changing the color of equipment.
  • Large numbers (greater than 10,000) will be abreviated most places they are displayed.
  • Class/Form backend changes
    • Added canBeTFed flag. This replaces the use of individual class/form reference in Transformation.canBeTFed
    • Added transformPassage. This will be used together with the revertPassage.
  • Added support for NPC shop areas.
    • These are decorative tiles around each NPC to seperate the ones that have shops from the ones that do not, and to add a little more flavor to each of them.


  • The Thall transformation has been made more reliable.
  • Floor 4 has been made more reliable.
  • Floor 7 has been made more reliable.
  • Floor 9 has been made more reliable.
  • Several monster loss sequences have been revised.
  • Save slots expanded from 8 to 10.
    • Once the new save format is put in place, this will be expanded to support any number of saves.
    • Save preview images now include the character's name.
  • Many text passeges have been revised.
  • A few sets images have been updated.
    • Thrall Eyes/Collar
    • Steel Armor
    • Several NPC images that are part of unfinished quests have been added to the library.
  • Debug menu stat caps have been increased to 999999.
  • Arachne legs are now bound to the Arachne form.
  • The "Your form prevents you from being altered." usage has been tweaked.

New Items v12.0.0:


  • Stheno's Salve
    • Reverses petrification when used
    • Dropped by Lesser Gorgons and Medusa
  • Vial_of_Many_Names
    • Conceals the player's name (4 charges per vial)
    • Dropped on floor 13
  • Rosepetal Spellbook
    • Teaches Slitherslice, Polymorph Enemy (Bee-Girl), Turn to Frog
    • Dropped on floor 13
  • Cynn's Tonic
    • Increases the XP of all defeated enemies for a limited time. Drink Cynn's Tonic responsibly...
    • Sold by the Shady Wizard
  • Lepanacea
    • Restores the player to their original form, more or less...
    • Sold by the Shady Wizard


  • Brewed Health Potion/Brewed Mana Potion
    • Dropped on floor 13


  • G._Apple_Stick_of_Gum
    • Found in chests on floor 13
  • Charged_Gum_(HP)/Charged_Gum_(MP)
    • Sold by the Shady Wizard
    • Acts as a health/mana potion when eaten by a certain class.


  • Fae Researcher Outfit, Fae Wench's Outfit, Regal Gown (Fae), Regal Lingerie (Fae), Skyclad Runes
    • Used in Floor 13 content
  • Armored Lime Bikini
    • An experimental armor that has two modes, and can switch between them via the "use" button.
  • Crystalline Bikini
    • Sold by the Shady Wizard
  • Common Cloak
    • Default clothes option 9
  • Showgirl Outfit (G), Bunny Suit (Spidersilk)
    • Part of an incomplete quest.


  • Viper's Fangs
    • Dagger, dropped by Lesser Gorgons
  • Lump of Iron/Iron Dagger
    • Lump of Iron can be turned into the Iron Dagger by a smith.
    • The iron dagger deals signifigantly more damage to faeries.
  • Featherlight Stiletto
    • Dagger, Critical hit rate increases the faster you are than your foe.
  • Tulip/Rose/Hyacinth
    • Flowers on floor 13
    • When equipped outside of floor 13, these turn into proper weapons.
  • Small Stick/Fantoma's Wand/Wand of Heart and Star/Wand of Heal and Feel/Wand of Ditz and Daze/Wand of Warp and Weave/Whip of Leporine Slime
    • Part of an incomplete quest.
  • Lance of Scarlet Fury
    • An experimental weapon, try swinging/throwing it outside of combat.
    • Spear, given by Fae of Wishes.


  • Medusa's Eye
    • Steadily petrifies opponents.
    • Dropped by Medusa
  • Red Scale Talisman
    • Boosts MP and WIL
    • Sold by the Shady Wizard
  • Iron_Collar
    • When not worn, can be used to debuff a "Fae" enemy
    • Dropped on floor 13
  • Faerie Blossom/Fae Queen's Crown/Fae Queen's Talisman/Cursed Bridle
    • Involved in floor 13


  • Illicit_Restoration
    • Sold by the Shady Wizard
    • Restores the player to their original form, more or less...
  • Magical Girl Reset
    • Sold by Masked Magical Girl

Table of Contents:



The game's controls can be viewed and edited from the "Controls" button on the main screen, or from the "Help" > "Controls" toolbar at the top left of the window.

The following are the default bindings:

W - Move up
S - Move down
A - Move left
D - Move right
; - Interact
T - Talk to NPC
X - Attack
Z - Magic
C - Special
V - Wait (Ctrl + V for multi-turn wait)
B - Run (Combat)
Q - Drink
U - Use
P - Shop
J - Wear (Armor)
K - Wear (Other)
L - Equip (Weapon)
" - Self Inspect
? - Inspect Item
M - Eat
Y - Yes
N - No



Items can be selected by clicking their name in the inventory panel, located in the bottom right corner of the screen.  Once selected, the "Use" button can be clicked to use the item, the "Discard" button can be clicked to remove the item from the player's inventory, and the "Inspect" button can be clicked to review the item's description.


Save, Load, and New Game:

The "File" toolbar is used to save and load, as well as to start a new game.  It can also be used to close the game window.



Update Log v11.5.1/11.5.2 Changelog:

Bug Fixes:

  • Using an Anti-Curse Tag on the cursed Magical Girl Wand/Magical Mimic Wand no longer causes an error
  • Saves after transformations should no longer be broken due to the player's description including new lines
  • Resolved issues related to the image displayed after the Food Vendor is polymorphed
  • Mystery Potions have their obscured names displayed
  • The formatting for several item descriptions has been adjusted
  • Bimbo names like Mna and Jna should no longer form
  • Shrink Ray backfires should no longer trigger if the player can't be transformed
    • Previously the player would just drop their shrink ray
  • Opening the debug menu should no longer cause stat changes (by itself)
  • Fixed a typo in the Fluorescent Potion name
  • It should now be impossible for a gag effect to last after the gag is removed


Update Log v11.5.0 Changelog:

Bug Fixes:

  • Changing the player's health in the debug menu no longer messes with health unpredictably
  • Upgrade armor now also updates the player's image
  • Having one of every item will no longer throw an error
  • Items with long/abreviated names can now be bought/sold accurately
  • The Bimbell should no longer throw errors
  • The old spell/special dialog should work as intended
  • Boss/Miniboss item drop rates work as intended
  • Losing to a bovinomancer when turned into a cow will no longer cause "Your form prevents you from being altered from being spammed"
  • Player ghosts (from previous game overs) spawn as intended
  • Services/some other items can not be taken with Pluck
  • The Targax version of the food vendor no longer throws an error when approached
  • The ruby trap text has been updated so that a "ruby" is not mentioned incorrectly for non-rubies
  • Reverting from the ruby trap no longer incorrectly colors the eyes/mouth for a frame
  • Golden Gum transformation stops if it is dropped
  • Random transformation (from the floor 4 body swap and broken remote) will no longer throw an error
  • Other misc. bug fixes

New Features:

  • Added a setting to prevent succubi from spawning
  • Glasses have been added as a new equipment type
  • Battlemaiden added to the advanced class change
    • Availible to the following classes
      • Bimbo
      • Maid
      • Bunny Girl
      • Maiden

New Items:


  • Gem_of_Ivy
    • Part of the Magical Girl (G) kit
    • Sold by the Masked Magical Girl
  • Ouija_Board
    • Summons a player ghost (if one is availible)


  • Necromancer's_Robes
    • Given alongside the Necromancer class change
  • Paladin's_Armor
    • Given alongside the Paladin class change
  • Amazonian_Armor
    • Upgraded version of the Amazonian_Attire
  • Plant_Bikini
    • Dropped by Alraune
  • Mag._Girl_Outfit_(G)
    • Part of the Magical Girl (G) kit
  • Maid's_Armor
    • Upgraded version of the Maid Outfit
    • Given alongside the Battlemaiden class change
  • Bunny_Suit_(Gold)
    • Unimplemented at present, part of a texture test
  • Vestment_of_Amaraphne/Raiment_of_Amaraphne
    • Part of the Ring of Amaraphne transformation


  • Mag._Girl_Wand_(G)
    • Part of the Magical Girl (G) kit
  • Featherlight_Rapier
    • Critical hit rate increases the faster the player is than their foe.


  • Red_Framed_Spectacles
  • Small_Glasses
  • Circular_Glasses
  • Thick_Rimmed_Specs
  • Cool_Shades
  • Monocle
  • Eyepatch
  • Masquerader's_Mask
  • Cyber_Visor_(P), Cyber_Visor_(O), Cyber_Visor_(G)


  • Ball_Gag
    • Prevents spells from being cast
  • Spectral_Gag
    • Prevents spells from being cast

New Spells:

  • Death Cutter
    • A tier 5 offensive spell that deals extreme magic damage with a medium chance of nearly missing the target, and a medium chance of missing altogether.
    • Part of the Magical Girl (G) kit

New Traps:

  • Fae of Wishes:
    • Grants the player one of four wishes
    • This isn't a "trap" yet, but more wishes may be added in the future
  • Ball Gag:
    • Applies a ball gag

Balance Changes:

  • The Ring_of_Amaraphne will now prevent any damage that would reduce the player's health to zero
    • This effect has a 214 turn cooldown
  • Player ghosts have been streamlined
    • The gho.sts file is deleted rather than being filled with a placeholder
    • Losing to a ghost will now cause a transformation
  • Maids learn Heal/Major heal through leveling up


  • The shop menu has been updated to be more in line with the player's inventory and to better organize items
    • The maximum charater length for an item name has been updated to 23 (from 16)
    • Items for both the player and shopkeeper are sorted by category
    • Instead of a "Done" button, there is now an X in the top right corner
  • The logic behind the saving/loading of setttings has been updated


Dungeon Depths v11.00 Changelog:

Bug Fixes:

  • Spot/Crystal Fusions using the dialog menu have been fixed
  • Bad ends for losing to the Shopkeeper and Shady Wizards now trigger on loss again
  • Spells and specials that hit more than once will now check to see if the target has been defeated after each hit, and will end early if so
  • The “Reduce RNG in transformative items/quest acquisitions” has been fixed
  • Combat/Crimson manuals now update the list of learned specials when used
  • The Succubus Princess's “Curse of the Slut” transformation will no longer trigger if the player can not be transformed (ie. During a self polymorph, etc.)
  • The Kitsune mask's description has been updated to be less vague.
  • Magical girl/Valkyrie transformations have been debugged
  • Spells/specials with longer names should be cast-able
  • Equipping a magical girl wand during combat is a little less janky
  • Transformations that equip the Succubus Garb/Regal Gown on the player will now add the respective item to the player's inventory so that it can be later equipped
  • Backing out of the “Take your body back?” dialog after defeating the fourth floor boss will no longer crash the game
  • Floor 4 should no longer break save files
  • If a save file is missing the respective image (or if there is an issue loading it) a default will be used rather than creating an error message
  • All transformations should now carry over after the game is saved and loaded
  • The alraune Mesmeric Bloom spell has been reworked to prevent the weird interactions with transformations during the fight (see Balance Changes below)
  • Since the last snapshot...
    • Pressing any key during the time traveler's (part of the Out of Time quest) dialog box will no longer prevent the player from moving
    • Golden gum's description has been updated to be more clear
    • Backing out of the Hypnotist teacher's class selection dialog no longer crashes the game
    • Mayue's fight and spell has should be less janky
    • Mimics no longer try to throw a potion if they are out of potions
    • Bovinomancers should be a little less janky
      • If the player is turned into a cow when defeated, the defeat transformation goes into effect rather than not
      • Cattle Prod now applies a fixed transformation pattern
    • Added the “Out of Time” floor to the list of floors that mimics can not spawn on
      • Also added a check to prevent the other quests from activating on this floor

New Features:

  • Quests (progress can be found on the “examine self” description):
    • Help Wanted
      • Obtainable by talking to the Shopkeeper on floors 3 and above
    • Dark Pact
      • Obtainable as a random event if the player's level is 3 or above and they are under the effect of a Self Polymorph - Succubus
    • Due for an Upgrade
      • Obtainable by talking to the Weaponsmith on floors 3 and above while the player is wearing a transformed armor set
    • Breaking an Egg
      • Obtainable by talking to the Food Vendor on floors 4 and above
    • Out of Time
      • Obtainable as a rare random event after the player has been to space
    • Nine Lives
      • Obtainable as a random event on floors 6 and above if the player has at least one restore potion
  • Dungeon Setting Presets
  • Cleric Class
  • The selection dialog has been updated to support more than 26 options and to have pages
  • Hypnotist Teacher updates
    • Offers a basic class change to change the player's class to one of the starting classes (Warrior, Mage, Rogue, and Cleric)
    • Offers an advanced class change to specialize the base classes
      • Added Paladin/Necromancer classes, in addition to the existing barbarian/warlock
      • These new classes are not complete to the same degree as the existing ones
      • Future updates will add new classes to specialize


New Items:


  • Old Snips
    • Removes a collar from a thrall, breaks after 10 uses
    • Can not be used to remove a collar from the player
  • Collar Snips
    • Removes a collar from a thrall without breaking
    • Can be used to remove a collar from the player
  • Paleomancer's Diary
    • Teaches the “Trilobite” enemy polymorph form
  • Marissa's Notes
    • Teaches the “Catgirl” enemy polymorph form
  • AAAAAA Specification
    • Teaches the “Summon Battery” spell
  • Phase Vibrator


  • Roc Drumstick
    • Sold by the Food Vendor after the “Breaking an Egg” quest
  • Dragonfruit S of Gum
    • Sold by the Food Vendor after the “Breaking an Egg” quest
  • Nature's Kiss
    • Sold by the Food Vendor after the “Breaking an Egg” quest
    • Has the potential to cause a transformation
  • Better Medicinal Tea
    • Sold by the Food Vendor after the “Breaking an Egg” quest
  • "Normal" Steak
    • Sold by the Food Vendor after the “Breaking an Egg” quest
    • Has the potential to cause a transformation
  • Golden Gum
    • Causes a bimbo transformation that is triggered simply by holding the gum
    • Added to the player's inventory if the player loses to a mimic
  • Ice Pop
    • +15 Stamina, -25 Lust


  • Adventurer's Clothes
    • Default clothes option 8
  • Cow Print Armor
  • Platinum Armor
    • Sold by the Shopkeeper after the “Help Wanted” quest
  • Platinum Adornment
  • Time Cop Clothes
  • Regular Clothes
    • Default clothes option 9
  • Crimson Cloak
    • Sold by the Shopkeeper after the “Help Wanted” quest
    • Cultist's Cloak
  • Skimpy Clothes (G)
    • Part of the golden gum transformation
  • Lime Bikini


  • Platinum Axe
    • Sold by the Shopkeeper after the “Help Wanted” quest
  • Platinum Daggers
    • Sold by the Shopkeeper after the “Help Wanted” quest
  • Platinum Staff
    • Sold by the Shopkeeper after the “Help Wanted” quest
  • Accursed Blade
    • Each hit carries a 1 in 4 chance of an additional attack, and a 1 in 4 chance of backfiring
  • Bewitched Wand
    • Each hit carries a 1 in 4 chance of an additional attack, and a 1 in 4 chance of backfiring
  • Jinxed Whip
    • Each hit carries a 1 in 4 chance of an additional attack, and a 1 in 4 chance of backfiring
  • Phase Pistol
    • Scales to the user's SPD, not ATK
  • Phase Rifle
    • Scales to the user's SPD, not ATK
  • Phase Hammer
  • Phase Drill
    • Ignores target's defense at the cost of a AAAAAA batteries
    • Cuts through walls at the cost of AAAAAA batteries
  • Large Stick
    • Starting Cleric weapon
  • Magical Mimic Wand
    • Equipped if the player loses to a mimic
  • Staff of the Tidemage
    • Becomes more powerful if its wielder is wearing a bikini
    • Grants access to the "Aquageyser" spell


  • Cynn's Mark
    • Part of the “Dark Pact” quest
  • Mark of the Ox
    • Transformation triggered by equipping
    • Increases Max Mana based on stamina
  • Phase Deflector
    • Automatically reverts all changes to its wearer at the cost of one AAAAAA battery per use
  • Hallowed Talisman
    • Starting Cleric accessory
    • Damage Deflection Effect
  • Tome Of Knowledge
    • Triggers the “Opposite Day” quest
  • Imitation Cowbell
    • Equipped if the player loses to a mimic
  • Summertime Shades
    • Triples the defense of any bikinis that its wielder is wearing


  • AAAAAA Battery
    • Fuels the set of “Phase” items
  • Armor Fragments
    • Part of the “Due for an Upgrade”
  • Extra Life
    • Consumed when the player dies, prevents the death/defeat from taking place

New Abilities:


  • Cynn's Disguise
    • Transforms the caster into a human approximation of their current form
  • Summon Battery
  • Flames of Amaraphne
    • Learned by Bimbos at level 4
  • Benediction
    • Removes a number of curses from its caster
    • Learned by Clerics at level 3
  • Smite
    • Deals a medium amount of magic damage Guaranteed to hit critically against demons and the undead
    • Learned by Clerics at level 4
  • Hellfireball
    • Deals a medium amount of magic damage, and increases in power based on its caster's lust rather than their will
    • Learned from Crimson Spellbooks
  • Reductive Mending
    • Heals its caster for approximately 66 HP, at the cost of bust/dick size
    • Learned from Crimson Spellbooks
  • Summon Apple
  • Tentacle Crushcannon
    • Deals an amount of magic damage scaled to its caster's lust with a low chance of missing altogether
    • Learned from the Magical Mimic transformation
  • Flash Heal
    • Heals its caster for approximately 85 HP and is guaranteed to be cast first, with a low chance of missing altogether
    • Learned by Clerics at level 2
  • Aquageyser
    • Deals a heavy amount of magic damage The closer the mana of its caster is to full, the more damage is dealt
    • Learned by equipping the Staff of the Tidemage
  • Hydrodart
    • Deals a medium amount of magic damage The closer the mana of its caster is to full, the more damage is dealt


  • Pluck
    • Steals an item at random from the target's inventory
    • If the target's inventory is empty, this Special will fail
    • Usable once per combat at no cost
    • This has replaced “Bounty's Collection” as the default Rogue ability
  • Cleansing Light
    • Reverts between 4 and 12 changed attributes
    • Usable once per combat at no cost
    • This is the default Cleric ability

Balance Changes:

  • Mana regenerates slower
  • Added a setting that prevents common monsters (ie Arachne/Spider, Slime/Goo Girl) from overwriting the base form
  • The following enemies now cast an offensive spell that scales to the player's WIL instead of an attack that scales to the player's DEF
    • Enthralling Sorcerer/Sorceress
    • Enthralling Half-Demon/Demoness
    • Enraged Sorcerer/Sorceress
    • Marissa the Enchantress
    • Marissa, Aspiring Sorceress
    • Hypnotist Teacher
    • Shady Wizard
    • Masked Magical Girl
  • Charm can be used outside of combat, and raises the players lust
  • The “Mesmeric Bloom” spell cast by alraune no longer makes the player mindless, and instead “mesmerizes” them for 3 turns
    • Mesmerize is a new status effect for players that will add a 50% failure chance to all actions in combat

Image Updates:

  • All images for the Hypnotist Teacher have been updated with a slightly new design
  • Many, many, many clothing/armor images have been re-centered


  • Updated health bars on the combat menu
  • Removed Spell/Special dropdowns from the combat menu
    • The Spell/Special combat buttons now open a selection dialog, similar to pressing a key
    • A new selection menu was created that displayed a full description for spells and specials
    • The new menu is slower to use than the old one, and so it can be toggled from the setting menu
  • Pressing backspace on a yes/no dialog will now select the “no” option
  • A setting was added to toggle the inclusion of the Spellcyclopedia and Big Book O' Specials in the player's starting inventory
  • If a save image is missing, a placeholder will be used rather than an error being thrown
  • Added or updated reversion descriptions for the following classes/forms
    • Barbarian
    • Bimbo++
    • Cow
    • Frog
    • Half-Dragon (R)
    • Horse
    • Maid
    • Paladin
    • Princess
    • Rogue
    • Sheep
    • Thrall
    • Tigress
    • Warlock
  • A lot of text passages have been updated/reformatted


Update Log 10.1.0:

 Bug fixes:

  • NPCs should no longer occasionally load in between walls for saves going forward
  • Going from floor 5 to floor 6 no longer crashes the game
  • An exception is not thrown by using the Midas gauntlet on shopkeepers
  • The game should force the correct order when loading images rather than using an OS dependent alphabetical order.
  • Misc. Text/Formatting issues have been corrected.
  • Misc. Smaller Bug Fixes



  •  Succubi are now less likely to drain levels and raise lust, and a loss to a succubus will now drain 1 level rather than reset to level 1.
  •  Fusion now has a menu to make it easier to use.
    •  Characters with the same name can no longer fuse.
    • Spot fusion now has a cooldown to prevent it from comboing into spot fusion.
  •  Transformative mystery potions have all been shifted to the rare rarity and stat boosting mystery potions have all been shifted to uncommon rarity, and all potions other than the "Mystery Potion" have had their potential effect pools narrowed. This should make the average mystery potion found more useful.
  • Curses and other status effects are now displayed in the players description.
  • Mana Potions are now more expensive, and less common in chests.
  • Anti-Curse talisman will now remove cursed armor on its use, not just on unequip
    • The order of operations is (note: only one of these will be performed per tag):
      • Revert "slut-cursed" armor
      • Remove cursed armor
      • Remove cursed weapon
      • Remove cursed accessory
  • Misc balancing changes to spells and specials.

New Stuff:

  • The player now starts with two Misc. books, the "Spellcyclopedia" and the "Big Book O' Specials" that contain descriptions for all currently known spells and specials. Depending on pending spell/special menu updates, these may go away.
  • 5 new uncommon mystery potions:
    • Chilling Potion (lowers lust)
    • Mental Potion (restores mana)
    • Potion of Benediction (removes curses)
    • Potion of Dodging (dodge next attack)
    • Incandescent Potion (makes the player glow)
  • 4 new rare mystery potions:
    • Ass Shrinking Potion
    • Dick Shrinking Potion
    • Hyper Health Potion (Permenant health buff)
    • Hyper Mana Potion (Permenant mana buff)
  • Arachne now learn the "Snare" special at level 2. There is also an extra potent venom that causes immediate transformation into an arachne.
  • Webcaster Arachne should start showing up on/after floor 4.
    • Spidersilk Bonds: Similar to ropes, this is another armor that binds the wearer.  Unlike ropes, they break when damaged and have a slut variant.
  • The Cursebroker can now remove all curses on the player with a "Blight Dismissal".
  • The Hypnotist Teacher now teaches "Focus Up", a special that reduces lust.
  • The Frock of Night now turns into a new item, the Familiar's Costume under specific effects.
  • Bunny Girls learn a new special "Mirage Dance" at level 3




Update Log 10.0.2:

Lowered Succubus spawn rate
- Anti-Curse talisman will now remove cursed armor on its use, not just on unequip
  - The order of operations is (note: only one of these will be performed per tag):
     * Revert "slut-cursed" armor
     * Remove cursed armor
     * Remove cursed weapon
     * Remove cursed accessory
- New Item: Dragonfruit
  - This is only accessible via the debug menu (for now), and applies a version of the "Half-broodmother" transformation
     * There has also been a engine change related to this, and player forms now also have the ability to set custom body overlays which allows for more physically distinct forms.

Bug Fixes: 
- The slut curse should no longer be applied on gender change
- Magical Girl (and other tfs) apply the complete mtf transformation
- Save/Load icons become temporarily disabled on click, which should prevent double clicking
- Other misc fixes


Update Log 10.0.1:

Bug Fixes:
- Lust should no longer be able to go negative when using clear potions
- Bunny Ears trigger on lust
- Equipping Ropes no longer throws a stack overflow exception
- Other misc fixes

Update Log 10.0.0:

New Items:

- Common Clothes, Skimpy Clothes, and Very Skimpy Clothes now have inventory entries
- Clear Potions now also lower lust
- Cow Cosplay: 
   - The slut variant of the cow bikini
- Dark Magical Girl Outfit & Wand: 
   - In preperation for eventual player teams and because magical girls were not that differant from mages gameplay-wise, there are now a few new forms and variants.
- Pro Magical Girl Outfit & Wand:
   - Pretty close to base, but with a few new skills and better stats overall
- Pink Magical Girl Outfit & Wand:
   - High HP and a focus on enemy TF based magic
- Red Magical Girl Outfit & Wand (and pro variant): 
   - High attack, and a focus on physical attacks that deal spell damage
- Gems of Progress, Darkness, Sweetness, and Flame:
   - Used to upgrade the existing magical girl wand to one of the new ones
- Kisune Mask & Vial of Flame:
   - Pretty much a better version of the blindfold, because it puts you out if worn while on fire. The vial of fire can start you on fire, as can Fox-Fire elementals.
   - Fire is a status effect now. It BURNS!!!
- Bimbell:
   - One of the back-end changes I've made is going over the various bits of code that repeat and don't need to, and this lead to some consolidation of similar TFs. Bimbo TFs, Magical Girl TFs, and Cowbell TFs now all WAY easier to make than before.
- Attack Charm:
   - "Now wait", I hear you say, "...there's already an attack charm!" True, but now you can buy one on the cheap from your friend the Curse Broker! On a completely unrelated tangent, there are a couple new cow themed transformations in the new version. Well, "cow" may not be the right word for the one associated with this charm...
- Demonic Whip & Archdemon Whip:
   - High attack, deals critical hits more frequently, and also raises lust on attack.
- Fox Ears:
   - Like the Cat Ears item, but more...foxy
- Bunny Ears: 
   - Like the bowtie item, this provides a conditional bunny girl transformation. However, unlike the bowtie, this transformation is based on lust level
- Crimson Spellbook & Manual:
   - Succubi-written skill learning items

New NPCs:
- Masked Magical Girl:
- Sells magical girl related items, and only appears if the player is also a magical girl

New Enemies:
   - The boss of floor 7, and a shapeshifter
- Succubi:
  - There are now three classes of enemy succubi, and they are more common the higher the player's lust is...  Lust does something(s) new too if you get cursed by a succubus princess!

Major Class/Balance Changes:

   - Warrior, Mage, and Rogue now learn skills on levels 2-4
   - Levels can also be removed (along with their associated buffs)
   - Bimbos require half as much XP to level up as other classes, but also do not gain stats (other than the standard health buff) or as many skills
- Succubus: 
   - The succubus form now has a drain ability that increases XP
- Magical Girl & Valkyrie:
   - In addition to the above sub-classes for magical girls, both weapon-based transformations now consume mana and stamina (respectively)
   - General buffs to both classes while transformed
- Will boosts spell damage, and provides spell damage resistance.

- Hunger has been renamed "Stamina", and now is consumed rather than increased
- The main game UI has been updated to more clearly represent the player's health, mana, stamina, and XP
- Highlighted items on inventories now use a custom rendering function rather than the default .NET highlight
- An issue with item comparison has been resolved, and now dungeon generation and shop load times have been improved
- Dungeons should generate with less disconnected chunks

- Scaling should now be more consistant across resolutions

- Full body images for nearly all (save for 3 of the holiday) clothing options and lower body transformations
   - Auto-generated size/buff lists for armors


Image Packs for versions 0.8 and earlier

LazerLite142's Image Pack: Strawberry Version: [link]

LazerLite142's Image Pack: Charcoal Version: [link]


Update Log

This is a patch for the equipment bug in the last version, some more minor bugs, and gives the Anti Curse Tag a new description that explains how it works.

Update Log

This is a patch for the major bugs surrounding saving, disconected chunks, and new games present in the last version.  I am looking into the bug that prevents all equipment from being changed; in the meantime saving and loading resolves it temporarily.

- The debug menu has been moved to the main menu bar

Update Log 0.9:

5th Floor Boss : Medusa

- Curses:
  - "Cursed" equipment (ie. Thrall Collar) is now impossible to remove without the use of a special item, the Anti-Curse Tag
  - Anti-Curse tags can be bought from the shopkeeper at a markup, or from the Curse Broker, a new NPC
  - The Curse Broker deals with various curse related things.  Attack them at your own peril...
  - Cursed Defence Charm & Dragon Broodmother transformation

- New Class: Rogue
  - Starts with a dagger that hits twice per combat and Stealth Gear that both lowers encounter rate and buffs speed
  - Special ability "Bounty's collection" that lands a boosted reward for anything it hits.  If you try to collect a bounty on a foe that it can't kill though, be careul...

- New Games now allow playthrough of the same dungeon, and "ghosts" are now fixed.  Expect ghost stuff ASAP.

- New Monster:
  - Alraune, found in the forest area, associated TF

- Scale Armor/Bikini

- Using the Disarmment Kit on a cursed coupon trap now drops a Cursed Coupon that works on basically everything in the game so far.  Sex doll transformations for all!

- New art for a lot of things.  We're making progress on our way to a 100% functional full body view!

- Character presets and first seed specification

- Bug fixes, optimizations, and probably some other stuff too.  Check out the "Every New Item" and "Broken Remote" items in the debug menu for all the new stuff.



Update Log

This is a patch resolving some save issues with floor 4, as well as the past and future special stages.

Update Log  

Fixed an issue with divide by zero exceptions when player stats are too high

Update Log  

Fixed a couple of bugs with the goo girl, it figures that some stuff with slimes slipped through the cracks.

Update Log 0.8.9 (Anniversary):


We’re rolling up on the 2nd anniversary of Dungeon Depths, and I’d like to thank everyone for their patience, for their support, and for playing our game.  Thank you for reporting bugs, thank you for telling me what you like about the game and making suggestions, and especially thank you for telling me what you don’t like.  I’d also like to specifically thank Houdini111 and Lazerlite142 (aka Kiera) for their work on the development team, and Marionette and BigIronRed for the scenes they’ve written.  Please take a look at the in-game about menu for a more detailed list of contributions.  I’m proud of the progress that has been made since the original release 2 years ago and I’m grateful for the creativity and patience of this community.


Version 0.9 is still in the works, although I’ve wrapped up most of the major engine changes and at this point I’m working on new in game content.  So, consider this a sort of v0.9 lite release, even though it’s technically numbered as version 0.8.9.  So, that begs the question, what’s all changed?



Engine Changes:


- The dungeon system as a whole has been refactored.  While there is a lot that’s changed behind the scenes, this boils down to a couple of visible things.


  • New dungeon generation algorithm:  The dungeon area has a new algorithm, and the forest area uses the old one.  Right now, this is to compare/contrast, but there should be a noticeable improvement to dungeon area floors.  Also tiny floors no longer crash the game.
  • Floors are tracked once you leave them.  This means you can go back (via portal chalk or the new grappling hook), even across saving and loading.


- Monsters are now individual objects.  This allows me to make them more distinct from one another other than by stat changes, and this can be seen by slimes (and goo girls too I think) now having an absorption special.  I plan on updating other existing monsters in a similar vein.


- Full-body images in the self-inspect!  By popular demand (this is the most requested feature I’ve had ever), Kiera and I have begun working on getting the game’s art set up to support a full body description and image system.  While we’re still a ways off at this point (this will be my focus for the version after 0.9), the game is now technically capable of it and a fair amount of art assets have been converted over to reflect this.


- New event box that displays the longer passages in a better, more readable way.



New content:


New Items:

  • Will Charm:  Mana regeneration has been switched over to a system that restores a percentage of the mana cap every tick, with the time between ticks decreasing based on the player’s will.  To support this, there are now charms that boost will like any other stat
  • Grappling hook: Allows the player to go up a floor at any stair case, and does not disappear on use.
  • Cat Armor:  Based on a design suggested in the Discord community, this is something new from a technical level, an armor only obtainable by anti-slut-cursing the cat lingerie. 
  • Anti-Curse Tag:  This is only here as a stand in until I add in a “curse” NPC, but this allows one to anti-slut-curse their equipped clothing and is purchasable from the Hypnotic Teacher.  How convenient.
  • Mana Hibiscus:  Available (naturally) only on the anniversary day, some folks say that using this accessory will lead to…special content

Changes to existing items:

  • Omni-Charm: Now also boosts will
  • Braced Headband: Now is worth gold.
  • "Every New Item": Updated for the new-to-0.9 stuff.


- There’s been a host of bug fixes, and due to the new dungeon system old save will not work with this new versio

Update Log

Bug fixes:

  • Gold is now loaded from saves (note that this applies to all v0.8 saves, not just new ones)
  • Clicking the "use" button with nothing selected should no longer throw an exception

New Content:

  • I'm working with Marionette (aka Bloop) to improve some of the writing for the game, and our first target is the slime TF.  While the new text for the whole transformation has yet to be written, the starting passage for a standard loss did!  Check the #nsfw tag on the discord for an extended sneak peek at that!

Update Log

Bug fixes:

  • Resolved issue with off-center (and terrifying) portraits
  • Mystery potions are now drinkable/sellable in all menus
  • Shop discounts now apply
  • Other misc bug fixes

Update Log

Bug fixes:

  • Sorcerer Robe's now center properly
  • Saving in space no longer corrupts the save file
  • Combat units are recognized as "mechanical"
  • Uvona's blessing now will...well, work.
  • Shops display 17 character named items properly (no more compass description/infinite sell potential)
  • Clicking an empty space in the player's inventory window in the shop no longer throws an exception
  • Scepter of Ash actually adds to the inventory when bought (oops)

Update Log 0.8:

Wow, it's been five whole months since the last update.  Version 0.8 is by far the largest update this game has recieved, and with a wait time that long it had better be, right?   So, without further ado, this is version 0.8.

New Content:


Both new spells can be found in the advanced spellbook


  • Warp: Randomly teleports the player to another spot in the dungeon, and ends combat if used during.  Chance to backfire, sending the player ... somewhere else*.
  • Uvona's Fugue: For the new warlock class, I've introduced the first named deity to the game: Uvona, Goddess of Fugue.  As her "signature spell", this wipes the mind of whoever it hits, including it's caster if it backfires.  If one has the ring of Uvona, however, this can be benificial in the long run as she will boost your stats slightly once you get your mind back.


  • Combat Manual: Contains 5 new specials dedicated to combat.  Specials with "Focused" in their name only consider your base attack stat (prior to any weapons / armor / accessories), and the "Ki Wave Blast" used all of your mana combined with your base attack to deal a LOT of damage, at the cost of a LOT of hunger.
  • Utility Manual: Contains 4 new specials dedicated to general use.
    • Ritual of Mana: Converts hunger to mana, gets progressively less effective the more mana one has.
    • Cleanse: Reverts transformations (slightly)
    • Spot Fusion: Performs a temporary fusion.  Note that this is the opposite of the fusion crystal fusion.
    • Uvona's Blessing:  The second Uvona thing in the game thus far, Uvona's blessing causes the player to forget a spell or special at random (including Uvona's blessing) to learn another.  If you have a ring of Uvona equipped, this won't forget Uvona's blessing.


We've got two new NPCs, both with a couple of rare encounters that come with a discount and new profile art, so keep an eye out for them!

  • Hypnotist Teacher:  Allows the player to change classes/forms, buy spellbooks and manuals at a reduced price, and provides a few other useful services.
    • Classes:
      • Barbarian
      • Bimbo (New art)
      • Warlock
    • Forms:
      • Half-Gorgon (sold prior to floor 5)
      • Amazon (sold after floor 5)
  • Food Vendor:  Sells food.  Some of the food has effects.  I'll cover that in the "Items" section.


Prior to this version, there were roughly 85 items in the game.  This update adds 58.  I'm not going to cover all of them in detail, but hopefully there's a little something for everyone.

  • Dissolved Clothes: Part of the new slime tf (see more below)
  • Bimbo Lesson:  Lessons are used by the Hypnotist Teacher to do her thing.  None of them do anything unless bought, and this particular one turns the player into a bimbo.  A new bimbo.  Arguably a better bimbo.
  • Combat / Utility manuals:  See the specials section.
  • Panacea:  Sold by the food vendor, reverts all changes and restores all health.
  • Vial of Venom:  Progresses the spider/arachne bad ends.
  • Anti Venom: Stops the spider/arachne bad ends.
  • Blinding Potion:  A new mystery potion that blinds the player.  While this may seem like a stricty bad potion, just remember who I'm hinting the floor 5 boss is going to be.  
  • Valkyrie Armor / Sword: Kind of like the magic girl wand, only for physical fighters!
  • Bowtie:  If you're a fan of bunnygirls, add yourself a bowtie from the debug menu because this item supports a the new Bunny Girl class.  This is a class built around dodging, something the bowtie enables.  After enough dodging you'll turn into a bunnygirl, and if your armor provides enough defence you'll get the new armored bunnysuit.
  • Spatial Shroom: Bought from the food vendor, this simulates the warp spell, albiet poorly.  It still has a chance to send you ... somewhere else*.
  • Flavored Gum:  Different flavors of gum, different flavors of bimbo.  Arguably better flavors of bimbo.
  • Omni Charm: Dropped by bosses, this charm boosts all of your stats.
  • ... And more!  There are so many new items, adding them all would delay the release even further so I'll get to them later.  Add a "Every_New_Item" from the debug menu to get one of each.


  • Slime and spider bad ends:  No more placeholders, now all of the common enemies have unique transformation bad ends!  While the slime one isn't wholely finished yet (I'm working on giving armor durability), it's better than the I.O.U that was there before.
  • Magic Girl as a Starting Class:  I was annoyed jumping through hoops to debug the magic girl wand, so I set up a magic girl starting class, and have yet to remove it!  
  • Engine Improvements:  The game should run smoother that ever, thanks to a whole lot of minor optimizations I am too tired to record.
  • Bug Fixes: OHHHHhhh yeah.  Lots of bug fixes.


 * Somewhere else might be a space dimension with future stuff.  Neat future stuff.

Update Log v0.7/

New in v0.7.0.1:

Issues fixed:

  • Losing to the 4th floor boss with the whole map revealed will no longer crash the game.
  • Exception should no longer be thrown when accepting or rejecting the enthralling sorcerer/ess's offer after not breaking your collar.
  • Restore potions should no longer throw exceptions, or pop a dialog box up.
  • Ear images should layer with the rear hair better.
  • Explorer body swap should work as expected.
  • Some "Hat" related changes work correctly now


QOL improvements:

  • Some more description passages have been added.
  • Added a check for the ability to equip that blocks it when the player is petrified, or when the player is in a polymorph where the clothing is not reflected on their portrait (dragon, cake, blowup doll, etc.).
  • Numpad keys are now valid options for custom controls (in theory, I don't have a numpad).


Welp, it's been over a month since the last update.  Here's a new one.  I priorotized fixing a lot of bugs, and thanks to a host of engine improvements, the game is more stable than it has ever been.  Thanks to a pre-release and feedback from the community, I've also nipped a lot of bugs with new stuff at the bud.

So, what's new?

Bugs fixed:

  • Cowbell, gum, and thrall collar effects aren't interupted by combat any more.
  • Fusion crystal no longer doesn't update equipment
  • Equipping the magical girl wand now stops the thrall tf. While it would be cool for this not to be the case, at the moment the two transformations have a whole heap of issues that conflict with one another.
  • Magical Girl/Gum work (note: this interaction is triggered by eating the gum as a magic girl, not the other way around).
  • Error 2: Unknown cause of death should no longer pop up in regular play.
  • Various typos fixed (found out I mispelled intellect, which is kind of funny).
  • Various inventory fixes.
  • A whole lot of other misc. bug fixes.

New content:

  • New default player images!
    • The randomization methods have also been updated to reflect this
    • Images can now be loaded into the default image folders without breaking the game (see exeptions below).  This allows for an infinite number of custom clothes, facial features, etc. to be added.
    • The algorithm detecting breastsize doesn't work for additional body images, and new ones will default to -1.  This creates issues, don't load in additional body images.
  • New bronze armor/weapons
    • These replace steel stuff as the starting loadout for warriors.  Steel stuff has also been buffed
  • Updated the skimpy clothes images to have a more cohesive feel, as well as to better reflect a mideaval/fantasy style.
  • New potion system:
    • The old mystery potion system was pretty technically awkward, from my perspective. Each potion, as well as its effect, needed to be tracked outside of the inventory, which made them weird to save/load. So, when I saw some requests to update them, and I was already working on re-doing the inventory, I decided to do just that.
    • Mystery potions now have a completely unique effect every time.  Each variation of mystery potion has a individual effect table, and this adds variety to all of them.
      • Some variations are rarer (and more valueable/potent) than others
    • Restore potions now only revert some changes, unless there are minimal changes to revert.
    • A Clear potion has been added, while at the moment this is just a slight hunger reducer, in the future it will be used for brewing
    • Various other potions have been added
  • New Spells:
    • These were added towards the end of testing, so there's nothing too crazy here so as to not break anything.  Several existing spells have been tweaked as well (mainly mana costs, turn to cupcake has a backfire now).
    • For adv. spellbook
      • Magma Spear: Backfire-less spell that deals a signifigant amount of damage. Also costs 10.
      • Petrify II: A faster version of petrify. Careful though, it can also backfire.
      • Major Heal: A better heal. Pretty straight forward.
  • Valentines day stuff:
    • Added a couple new uncommon "armors" found in chests.
    • Added a rare ring found in chests with a couple of unique effects.
    • These items will only be availible in the vanilla game on Valentines day.
  • LOTS of engine changes: There were a bunch, here's a brief summary
    • Players, Monsters, Bosses, and NPCs are now the same data type.  Before, players were their own thing and monsters, bosses, and NPCs were all variations of monster.  Now, all of them are Entities. This allowed combat, damage, inventory, etc. standardization
    • Inventory data type:
      • Inventories got a new data type that allows for easier save/load and management from a code perspective. There should be no visible differances
    • Image Collection data type:
      • I've moved the image libraries from static lists in the charracter generator class to a data type, which allowed me to simplify their access.
      • The hair and skin color applying methods are WAY simpler now
    • Other misc improvements.



Update Log v0.6.5.1

This is a bug fix that targets many of the bugs reported in 0.6.5, as well as some balancing.  There's a new damage function that should assign damage more accurately to the attack and defence of the targets.  As a result, I also re-balanced the Ooze Empress encounter as well, and now the player starts out with ~4 random items in addition to their weapons and armor.

Compasses also now have a trail that is visible on discovered tiles.

Update Log v0.6.5

This is a combination of a bug patches and optimizations, hopefully the game should run smoother now.  Floor 4 also now has a proper boss scenario.


Update log v0.6.2.5(.1) - Anniversery Edition:

So, its been a year (on September 10th, for those in different time zones).  Thanks for all the feedback, support, and patience over the past 365 days!  Its been slow at some points, unbearably buggy at others, and I appreciate everyone who's stuck with the game thoughout it all.  I'd also like to thank everyone who's contributed to the game in both large and small ways, without you all this game would be a lot less interesting.  I would also like to specifically thank Houdini111 for their contributions as a member of the development team, they were responsible for such features as the debug, dungeon generation, and second shop menus, as well as a lot of other, smaller improvements.  

Going back over version 0.1, I'm amazed at how different a game D_D has become!  So, without further ado, here's a patch that hopefully takes care of some of the more pressing issues facing the game.

New Stuff:

  • Harder Difficulty - I've re-balanced basically all of the basic enemies to be harder to kill, as well as a few other minor changes to make the game more difficult.  Included in these changes are a revision to the Sword_of_the_Brutal to make it less of an unstoppable weapon without making it completely useless, and a change to the Ruby trap that makes it drain mana and increase hunger to simulate the several days spent as a statue.
  • If you want to make the game easier from this version's default, I recomend reducing either the encounter or trap spawn rates or increasing the chest richness settings from the dungeon generation menu.
  • Chicken suit - I've re-added the chicken suit as an item that is found in chests only on the anviversery day (it can also bo obtained through the debug menu).  Unlike the previous chicken suit, this one focuses exclusively on the stick-of-gum and chicken transformation combo, which was the only part of the old chicken tf that I regret removing.
  • Bug Fixes - I've fixed some minor bugs, and I think I've also got the save bug nailed down (If it was only being caused by the things I think were causing it)
  • fixes a bug that threw an unhandled exeption when talking to shopkeepers above floor 5


Check out this awesome image pack made by LazerLite142!  To quote her;

How to Use it:

1. Extract the .zip
2. Move the new folder to the folder that says D_Dv(whatever version)(also if you have two folders with the same name, with one inside of the other, place it into the inside one)
3. Click replace files in this destination, if you don't see this message you might have messed up, sorry

Download link:

If you have any problems, ideas, and/or questions either ask [LazerLite142] or reply on the forum ...!



Update log v0.6.2/

More bug fixes. ( re-enables dungeon traps)

Update log v0.6.1.1:

Whoops, left somthing in the last one from my patch that made only dart traps spawn, this changes that.

 Update log v0.6.1:

Whoops, left somthing in the last one from my debugging that made only ruby traps spawn, this changes that.

Update log v0.6:

Oof, it's been a while.  Houdini and I have both been working on some stuff that affects the core engine of the game, and we wanted to be thorough with our bug testing this time around.

So, what's all new?

  • New shop UI:  The shop interface has been revised to be more user friendly and adds the ability to search for items, as well as inspect the items in the shop.  Special thanks to Houdini111 for taking the lead on this, it turned out great.
  • Accessories:  The third wearable item catagory has been added.  These will provide minor buffs to stats, though some may have some side effects. There are a few fully added to the game at the moment, including the:
    • Red Headband
    • Ruby Circlet
    • Cowbell
    • Thrall Collar
  • Dungeon Generation Menu:  Another of Houdini's improvements, a menu allowing detailed customization of the dungeon has been added!  This menu can set the starting dungeon size, chest frequency and richness, trap density, and encounter rate, as well as listing the seed of the starting floor.
  • Thrall Loss Revision:  I've finally gotten around to adding a transformation to a loss to one of the generic enemies, so lose to a thrall or enchanter(tress) at your own risk now.
  • Title/Form/Class Update:   Prior to this version, the player's form and class were held in a single title variable that had no real impact on the players stats.  Their stats were bumped up and down along with transformations, but this created a jumbled system that didn't always work.  Now, however, the players title has been split into form and class objects, each of which contain stat multipliers
  • Health is a ratio now
  • The compass routes a path to the exit instead of just marking it as "seen"
  • I've moved the game from demo into the alpha catagory on the site, since its been out almost a year now and I think its expanded far enough from where it was when I first posted it.
  • Unfortunatley, due to a few of the engine changes old saves couldn't be salvaged, and will no longer work.
  • Tons of minor optimizations/improvements
  • TONS of bug fixes


Anti-Virus software was flagging versions 0.5.1 and, so those are both taken down.  Version is the same gamewise as, however the application has been re-signed and is no longer a single instance application.  If this problem continues, please let me know.  Sorry for any inconvinence.

Update Log

I recompiled the game file and removed the underscore from its name to avoid it "false-positiving" Windows Defender.

Update Log 0.5.1:

This is a bug fix for the problems with the magical girl and dragon transformations, as well as that the heal spell occasionally healed for greater than maximum health.


Update Log 0.5:

I've been on a bit of a hiatus, but I am back to actively developing the game.  This is primarily a patch to fix the major bugs left in the last version, though it also contains some of the work I've been doing on the spell system.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Save/Load:
    • Saves created past floor three should now load
    • Saving will no longer darken the characters skin in the portrait on the load menu
    • While some old saves (from v0.4/v0.3) may not have loaded on the previous version, they should load on this one 
  • Custom Controls:
    • The custom controls system has been altered to pull the key name directly, rather than by putting the character it generates through a table.  This should mean that it runs smoother.  If the controls file is corrupted to the point where it prevents the game from loading, a fresh one can be found here.
  • Other misc. minor/trival bug fixes

New Stuff:

  • The spell system has been rebalanced, along with self polymorph forms
  • Some spells can be used outside of combat using the magic key ('z' by default)
  • Potions are now sorted alphabetically
  • Advanced Spellbook - This item is rarer than a normal spellbook, can not be bought from a store, and contains the more broken spells in the game thus far.
    • Turn to Blade and the goddess Self Polymorph form have been moved to the advanced spellbook
  • New Spells:
    • Normal Spellbook:
      • Heal
      • Dowse 
      • Illuminate
    • Advanced Spellbook:
      • Turn to Cupcake

Update Log 0.4.4

This is mainly a patch for v0.4.3 and its offshoots, with a few quality of life improvements.  

Known Bug:

  • There may be a problem with some saves that has been car

Review by Kyrus

Version reviewed: 12.1.2 on 01/04/2024

This is a fun, solidly made roguelike game focused around body TF content. It doesn't waste time with a bunch of backstory you're going to scroll past anyway - there's a dungeon, you're in it, go explore and get transformed. There's about 13 floors with scripted events before it turns into endless procgen dungeon, but that's fine - that's still a solid amount of gameplay.

The built-in debug menu and the ability to change enemy spawn rates in the settings are immensely helpful in seeing everything, and you can turn off certain enemies entirely if they annoy you(although this may lock you out of certain equipment and quests).

It is, however, very light on actual erotic content, which makes a lot of the TF stuff feel a bit flat. Sure, you can change breast size/dick size/etc but it doesn't do anything other than change what armor you fit into. It also falls into the trap of making some of the TFs hard to encounter unless you go out of your way to play badly, like the slime TF.


tl;dr: If you want a quick, basic roguelike and don't mind that it's not really focused on being sexy, give this a whirl.

Review by DancesForNickles

Version reviewed: 12.1.2 on 09/21/2023

Dungeon Depths is, to my tastes, the best game on this site. It's a fairly basic dungeon crawler with random turn-based battles, you use equipment you find and consumables to increase your power, you find stairs and go down them. It's a format of game I'm very familiar with, so that aspect of it fit like a glove.

It also happens to have a wealth of transformations in it, with varying mechanical effects or short plotlines associated with them. Some of the transformations are a lot more common or accessible than others, even if you disregard the many that you can easily trigger on purpose (It's very easy to end up as either a half-spider woman, or a bimbo, or a half-spider bimbo without intending it!) but there are plenty of more esoteric ones that are harder to find and trigger. There really is a tonne of TF content in this game if you want to go looking for it, and happily I did! It's been nearly 3/4 of a year since the last update and I'm still finding new little things that I've never encountered before on my occasional forays back into the dungeon.

If you're looking for a game where you do a lot of suckin' and fuckin', this aint it. There are a couple of (text only) sex scenes with certain encounters, but I think actually only a couple, meaning 2 unless I'm forgetting some, and they're very brief. On the other hand, there are TFs and sexy clothing abound and a lot of the text descriptions you get of the TFs are definitely erotic.

The game does have its share of bugs, but most aren't particularly noticeable. The one bug in particular that stands out to me in the current version is that Magical Girl and Valkyrie transformations sort of break the game. They cause your profile to say "Your form is unstable" after the first time you transform, which is normally supposed to make it so certain big transformations can't happen to you and you can't reset your base form and I think is supposed to be related to temporary transformation so they can't be fucked with. Unfortunately with the Magical Girl and Valkyrie transformations, it just never goes away. Worse, certain Magical Girl transformations can occur suddenly without your input, so you could step on the wrong tile and suddenly for the rest of the game you can't cast your polymorph self spells. Whoops!

Dungeon Depths is a solid recommendation for me, unlike a lot of games on this site it's very quick to jump into, there's not tonnes of reading involved, and even for a dungeon crawler type game there's really not much going on. It's simple, sexy TF adventure fun with lots of surprises.


EDIT: I've been informed of a workaround for the Magical Girl and Valkyrie unstable bug. To plagiarize from user draayder, "For anyone stuck with being permanently unstable after a magical girl tf, go into the debug and change the perk "tfcausingwand" to -1 and you'll no longer be unstable."

Review by Saprophyte

Version reviewed: 12.1.2 on 02/24/2023

I enjoyed this game quite a bit, and it has a lot of potential for growth. 

Mechanically, it's a classic rogue-like, resembling ADoM or Stone Soup. As such, it takes a bit of getting used to if you are unfamiliar with the genre, and my advice to newcomers is using some of the mechnically simpler classes - particularly Warrior, - instead of whatever the game randomly assigns you at chargen. 

There are a few ways to tranform - both from quests, items worn, enemy abilities, and spells and abilities your character uses themselves. So the core tf theme is well implemented - I only wish the transformations had more mechanical impact than making some items unwearable and maybe giving some abilities of incredibly limited utility. 

Otherwise, the character options are not exactly balanced as of yet. There are some pretty cheesy options that are essentially "I win" buttons (Polymorph Self - Goddess is an obvious example), and the classes are not meaningfully separated in their abilities (so the aforementioned Warrior can easily cast most of utility spells, no worse than the caster classes, should they equip the MP and WIL-boosting items - which give a bonus much more significant than the class abilities). 

The first dozen levels of the dungeon have a few scripted events, interactions and quests to make exploration more engaging, and I enjoyed these, even if a few of them are pretty buggy yet (for instance, there's a floor on which your character is forceably polymorphed and has their class changed until they clear the floor - cool, if not for the fact that being forcibly polymorphed back does not enable the Polymorph Self spell back; similarly, when you negotiate with a certain floor boss, if you're under the effects of the Polymorph Self spell, peaceful resolutions might produce a game state in which the game saves successfully, yet can't load these savegames).

Sadly, from what I gather, after these first dozen levels, the dungeon is procedurally generated, and there is yet too little variety to randomly encountered enemies, stuff you can pull from chests, and items the vendors sell to keep your attention for more than a few more levels. 

The exploration could be kept fresh for a while by more reactivity with items dropped by the rambling enemies or forcibly equipped onto the character by traps, or spells the character learns (the way Polymorph Self - Succubus gives a quest chain). But, sadly, not yet, either. So, as I said, a lot of potential for growth there, too.

And, of course, the one thing the game appears to be sadly lacking is a detailed wiki, the likes of which all self-respecting roguelikes have.

As of now, a nice way to kill an evening, solid 7/10 - but a game to watch update.

Review by thatguylog

Version reviewed: 12.1.2 on 02/18/2023

This is probably one of the best games on the site, theres a huge variety of items, tons of weapons and enemies. The tf part feels fast but not too fast, which is good, which makes replayability fun. Theres also so much tf variety, sometimes I even find some I wasn't aware of until this point! Theres so much to see and do, everytime I play I rarely even get bored. I also like the style, I can see lots of work was put into it. By the way, thank you for adding a cheat menu, it can help get troughout some areas of the game and get items easily, its just really cool.

So, for future updates, I was thinking of adding more modern items. I mean, theres already futuristic items but it would be cool to just run around with an assault rifle. Oh and, there should be more helmets since theres a great lack of them available. I just think it would be really cool.

So other than that, really good game, 10/10 recommend if you enjoy M2F. Its easy to play and fun to play.

Review by joseisme

Version reviewed: 12.0.2 on 11/17/2022

This is one of my favorite games on the site!  The core mechanics are fun and the tranformations are wide and varied.  I am also super excited to see that it has had some recent bug fixes.

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Total Adult Themes: 10
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