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The Anax: Call of the Cursed One

This is the COMPLETE INTERACTIVE NOVEL (227,000 words long) - Happy Halloween (2017)!


I have added an HTML ONLY  version for those watching their bandwidth!  Please scroll over the little yellow note next to the download link and make sure you are downloading the version you intend to!


To be clear- ALL CHARACTERS are unlockable!  There are no bugs in this game!  (Some folks are not reading everything, if you skip any part at all, including the character sheets themselves, you won't be able to unlock everyone).  Only by reading almost every page I wrote, can one unlock them all and get their cheat code for my future video games!


This is an interactive novel/experience, like my other titles, that set the foundation for future video games (likely Unity). If you think my hard work is worth at least a dollar, please support me on Patreon!


ALSO!  Some people have been "reviewing" my novel without reading very much of it.  SO ignore that lot.  There are 20 different endings and three special endings,  Dom, sub, and canonical.  There is a huge epilogue (Chapter 9), so if you review this, at least get a few of the ends first or something.  One should set up the story before mucking it up with a bunch of choices.


Please be advised, this is not just mindless porn, if you want just a bunch of porn, do a Google search for porn. This is erotica, art with depth. In this project, one plays as a young necromancer named Evelyn Addams. All of my interactive novels fall under the same story arc, this title, chronologically, is the 3rd title in the series. Hope you enjoy this, and please "like" any of my projects you enjoy on here!


In this novel, you come to the island where I, The Anax, originated. You and your friends must try and survive the entire night on Ghost Nook Island- or become my mind slaves for eternity! Along the way, you shall unlock lore through immersion props. For example, there is a "maps" choice, and it exists for immersion only, but teaches you background about the island. The Anax universe is huge, and my fans know I go to great lengths to give it a massive amount of Lore. On this title, there is 70 character unlocks! So, if you enjoy the story- see if you can unlock them all to win a treat!


I will be releasing these in an order that best makes sense for my needs right now, though, my titles chronologically happen in this order:

Phantom: Revenge
Giggle Night: Trixie's Trial
The Anax: Call of the Cursed One
Desideratum: Blood Bonds
Of Sex and Souls: Noir Nights
Cult of Corruption: The Summoning
Cereborg: Inception
Slugs and Bugs: Invasion


Fetishes in this title include- Male Dom, Female Sub, Female Dom, F/F, M/F and M/F/F Sex Scenes, Rape/Non-Consensual, Mind Control, Corruption, Masturbation, Anal Sex (M/F), Occult and Ritualistic/Satanic Images, and images that some may find disturbing including blood or gore, and features me, The Anax! While I like to make people have an erotic experience, I also want that experience to be disturbing in a creepy way. For myself, there is almost no separation between eroticism and horror! Avoid this project if any of these fetishes are too much for you to handle! Thank you!

Evelyn Addams and her paranormal team have come to Ghost Nook Island- and their lives shall never be the same again!

Evelyn Addams, Brittany Addams, The Anax, and more...

Review by lord_rashiel

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/02/2017

"The Anax" is yet another very solid story from Anaximanes, and if the cast of characters, including the protagonist, can get a bit bland and two-dimensional, the villain makes up for it. The Anax is a very well crafted monster, and if he ultimately might not be that scary, his personal story is very well made. Both the photographs and the sound are of the highest quality, and the game has an open ending that somehow doesn't make me want to strangle the developer.

Full review can be read here: https://beliar-cos.blogspot.lt/2017/11/the-anax-call-of-cursed-one-review.html

Review by Higheh

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 10/27/2017

Absolutely superb piece of work. Very specific fetishes, as is often the case with The Anax's work, but amazingly well told and such depth throughout. The various ends are good and the ability to replay very easily after reaching a bad end is a nice touch. The amount of music and voice acting makes it really special. The presentation of piece goes well beyond anything I ever expected and I have to say I was hooked from start to finish and will play through all the avalible content when I have time. Looking forward to you finishing your other pieces and it has been a pleasure to see what you can achieve after watching your works for the past 18 months. Keep up the amazing work. I will also sacrifice my soul to The Anax if you manage to complete Giggle Night next.

Review by themscra

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 10/26/2017

What a pleasure it was to play this game. I've been looking out for anything by Anixmanes since the equally enjoyable Slugs and Bugs, so have spent a fair few hours immersed in this. I've unlocked all the endings to Eve's story and am now going through the Epilogue/Anax's story, unlocking all the characters.

It really stands out how much time and effort the author has put in to writing this story. If you've played Slugs and Bugs, plus all the previews of his other stories, you can appreciate how he's tied them all together in a shared universe. When you consider all this work has been put into games that are released for free, I'm amazed. Plus this game has been released in finished format, no releasing a bare bones concept and asking for funding to produce more.

Others have mentioned the lack of sexual content and that is probably fair. If you enjoy corruption and mind control, then there's plenty here for you, the same if you are a horror fan. There's not so much in the way of outright porn. There are plenty of different fetishes catered for in the epilogue, not all of which are my bag, but Anax has made it clear what's coming and made it easy for you to skip if you wish. Personally, I loved the epilogue focusing on twisting someone's political beliefs, both because it was well-written and mind control is a fetish of mine. I'd suggest it's not the game to play if you want to get off quickly, but as long as the themes included interest you, I can't see why the game wouldn't arouse you.

There is a lot of choosing one branching path, then reloading to an earlier point and choosing a different path to see everything, but the author makes it easy. I do the same in RAGS games and find it much easier to do so here. The various story paths and endings are interesting and the manips are all of a very high quality to my untrained eye.

I put this game up as one of the best on the site, not least because it's very different to the majority of the content here (which I also love) and it's nice to enjoy a change of pace now and again. Thanks Anixmanes and I look forward to future releases.

Review by soldatoflife

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 10/25/2017

I admit I didn't read through every page and probably skidded at blazing speeds at time, but I cannot diminish the whole. The fonts, the magical text, the diversified characters (mostly and pleasingly women), the depth of corruption, the many endings, the mysteries unraveled and occasionally kept at bay, the eerie and time pieces that form an atmosphere of horror and finally the well polished and complete work. Bravo!

Review by manarak

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 10/25/2017

nicely made interactive story, yet it's not the style I like.

I played the first story, the adult content is rather tame, there is no cock in the entire story.

the story would not lose anything if nudity and lewdness was removed, it feels like pasted on a horror story.

again, nicely made and I'm sure many will enjoy it.


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