The Christmas Presents is a transformation text adventure created in the Inform 7 engine by Birion.
You are Jeremy Stevens, a 15 year old boy with blond hair, an inquisitive mind, and no steady girlfriend. It is Christmas morning, time to open your presents! But it seems Santa has come and gone and left you only three.
A short text-only Z-machine game about a certain Jeremy and his three completely unsuspicious Christmas presents.
The transformations are reasonably detailed, and there's plenty of "self-exploration" going on. Given that the writing was decent and the various scenarios fairly funny, it's a shame that the game is so short.
There are four possible endings (three unique and one common), and they are all quick to reach. For those who are stuck at "guess-the-verb-game": consult the discussion thread, most problems have been answered.
Like most inform 7 games, this one has no help and no introduction. The game is to try and work out the game commands. Having some experience with BMB and Trap Quest, I can tell that L I D open are some of the commands you will need to get to the presents. Not my type of game.