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Version: 0.1.0

Venus & Despoina: A Student's Corruption
by nabnab2

Venus & Despoina: A Student's Corruption is a mostly linear Twine game made with the popular SugarCube 2 story format. There are branching/alternate paths which affect your progression and provide opportunities to role-play, but they all converge around the central story of forced feminization, sissification and corruption. 

I've tried my best to make every choice fun, with it's own unique content. It is assumed that if you're playing the game, you want to see your character feminized and transformed, regardless of your in-character choices. Therefore, "resisting" changes and activities is never code for simply skipping a sexy scene or becoming some boring asexual virgin. In general, the more you "resist," the more will be forced involuntarily on your character.

Feel free to make the choices to fit whichever role you want to play, without worrying about accidentally skipping 90% of the content. Personally, I recommend making the choices you personally would make if you were in the main character's shoes. For a first playthrough anyway.

See 'Plot' tab for plot details.

Currently, the game is unfinished with the full story not yet written. However, it should be fairly easy to play through what is there without running into countless dead ends and half-finished stuff. You'll know when you've reached the end of the current content.

You play as a young, brand new university student who finds himself lucky enough to be the center of attention between two smoking hot female friends. One as sweet as an angel, the girl of your dreams. The other? Dangerously devious.

Innocent and unprepared you find yourself coerced, and caressed, into a number of humiliating, arousing and even romantic situations.

And that's before one of the girls finds themselves with an unreasonable amount of leverage over you. You'd better play along or you might find yourself leaving university with a whole lot more than you bargained for.

Oh, let's be honest. Your destiny is set in stone. The only thing for you to decide is how much you try to resist.

Matt (that's you!) - An 18 year old, brand new University student. Naive and not really cut out for dealing with the likes of...

Amy - A super sweet girl (but not without a dominant streak) that you end up living in a house with during your stay at university. She really wants to do what's best for you, even if you don't...

Rachel - Amy's best friend, and a dangerously sexy young woman. You are no match for her teasing and schemes as she moulds you into the perfect playtoy.

Review by boycalledsue

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 01/27/2022

I adored this game. My biggest disappointment was reaching the end of the content.

I encountered no glaring errors, no spelling or grammatical mistakes, and the story logic held up well even with extensive use of the back button to explore alternative outcomes.

I like the direction of travel, and the ability to be both enthusiastic or have the outcomes imposed - my personal preference - is well-handled. The two main NPCs are believable and enjoyable to interact with. And it really helps that the scenes so far were all right up my street. I can see that this story hasn't been updated for a while but, should that change, I will be absolutely thrilled. This is one of the best ones.

Review by Froehike

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 04/30/2021

An interesting, believable, and very well written story.  I mean, the suspicious drug sounds a little fanciful, but not too much of a stretch just yet.  The characters are compelling and I didn't mind too much not having portraits of them or scene backgrounds.

I would have preferred a little more interactivity.  Reacting to and optionally resisting the story was good, but there could have been more options without actually branching the plot.  What about accepting, or gradually coming to realize that it really is what you want?  I like to think it would have grown out like that if it was ever continued.

It very much is what it says right there at the top.  If that sounds like a story you want to read, do it.  It's a great story, albeit a short one. 

Review by AGoldenGirl

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 09/28/2019

This is probably the most well written story i've ever read on this site. There is something so well done here with the characters, progression of plot and choice making that it's instantly a classic for me. Nabnab2 has created a lovely base ground for an amazing game. In my opinion, the choices are varied enough to make it feel interactive and more than just erotica. A very accurate and careful balance of story, connection with character and 'the good stuff', even if you are left with blue balls!

If you are looking for a game that will tantilise and keep you interested and aroused, give this one a go. I sincerely cannot wait for another update to come, and congratulate Nabnab2 for their excellent work. 9/10 (would be a 10 if it was finished!)

Review by aifgamer

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 10/20/2018

Just re-discovered this game. Played it when it first popped up here and it stuck in my mind for months. I couldn't remember the name but found it by searching the foums. Upon replaying it, the writing here was even better than I remembered -- some of the best of any game on the site. The set-up is simple but well thought-out and the scenarios are creative and fun. Some other reviews have complained about the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" style of the narrative, but I love the choice for this game as it fuels the building tension. This story is a gem and I sincerely hope the author picks it up again soon.

Review by cheekypig55

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 05/08/2018

out of the games i am played this one is very well written it has an intriguing story, i would of like to see a bit more aggressive approach to being basicly blackmailed into a M2F situation as you have to choose yes or no, theres no, ill do it for now and ill get back at you for it. other then that i found the game very fun to play

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