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Quest Soft Player
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Adult Themes
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Version: 0.0.3.fix

by wide

Made A thing
you inherrite house with AI and wierd wig


Requires QSP with video add-on. Sonnix version is the most reliable currently:

Available here


0.1 Mad
0.2 added:
Password caz saves never work on updateing

More days

fixed some grammer hopefully or made it worse

.3 added:
spelling fixes
Lowered some numbers
added nothing to the first 5 days

Review by Vane

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 03/15/2018

pretty barebone sissy game concept that reminds me of the old unfinished "home-Ai" game you can find on this site, very similar. don´t like the instant transformation, like the wig idea though.

Review by exprmntle

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 03/15/2018

OK, there are aspects of this game that could be OK.  All the elements are there:  There are places to explore and ways to develop the character.  However, this is DEFINITELY a very early version of the game.  

It is riddled with spelling errors and grammatical/punctuation errors.  Perhaps if the author edited the text in a word-processing program that corrects the grammar/punctuation/spelling automatically?  There are a few homophones, too, like "lye" instead of "lie".

Because of the lack of content at this point, the game feels very grindy, with lots of repetition of the same activities and reminders that you can't do things until you've done one other specific thing.  Girl Life, the best of the QSP games, makes up for the grind by offering LOTS of pictures and descriptions and TONS of people and places for interaction.

I guess my main digs against this game have to do with the recycled material and the insta-girl effect.  All the sissy hypno clips have been used before, notably in the far superior Perverted Education.  Surely there are other sissy gifs that could be slotted into the game.

The insta-girl effect (you put on the Wig, you become a girl) is about as arbitrary and silly as it is in all the other games but, since putting the wig on is voluntary, I don't really understand the motivation of the character to continue wearing the damn thing rather than simply wanting to be more girly.  That's fine, as far as I'm concerned, but the game doesn't allow you, at this point, to figure out what is going on and change things in the computer-controlled residence nor does it allow you to simply sleep in a part of the house where you aren't subject to the wig transformation.  If you want to play a game with an involuntary transformation, again, try Girl Life, at least until this game has been developed significantly.

Review by dedale101187

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 03/15/2018

promising start, enough image, I'm not seen bug which is rare for a start, it should develop the story and correct the spelling.

I am also waiting for more

Review by jfrancois323

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 03/14/2018

QSP doesnt need to be on C: hard drive, so if needed, install it on an usb flash pen

Review by fantasy17502

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 03/14/2018

Plenty of errors in spelling that I could complain about, but the game looks really promising so I won't.


Can't wait to see more.

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