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Version: 0.5

It Must be Karma
by Chesha


After you absentmindedly pee on an anthill, a passing witch with a penchant for karmic irony transforms you into a little black ant. You must spend three days helping the ants rebuild what you've destroyed... or, if you want to change back a little early, the witch says that all you have to do is get another person to say your name...

It Must be Karma is a "choose your own adventure" style text-based game, with a focus on an insect's perspective of a world that continues to keep moving regardless of its actions, as well as exploring the bodies of young women who are unaware of the player's presence. The current build of the game consists of the complete Sisters branch of the story, and contains the following:

  •     28,000+ words
  •     Branching and interconnected paths
  •     5 size-related erotic scenes
  •     11 unique endings

I currently consider this to be somewhere above 60% of the game's total content, with two more shorter scenarios planned. The finished game may be longer or shorter than this, depending on how these scenarios end up playing out in the writing process.

If you see any typos or inconsistencies, particularly things phrased in the past tense when they shouldn't be, please let me know! This is my first time writing fiction, and writing everything in present tense from a third person limited point of view is... Well, it's not easy.


If you want to avoid bad endings, keep in mind that the story follows a fixed chain of events, which as an ant you have very little impact on. If you see a character doing something that your actions didn't directly cause in one branch of the story, they will be doing the same thing in all other branches, and only your own perspective of the events changes. With this insight into what they'll do next, you may be able to avoid unwanted outcomes.

Review by Perri

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 04/25/2018

I played through a couple of the branches of the story, and really enjoyed what I read. I think this taps into a whole world of Transformations that are not very frequently explored. It felt like reading a more innocent adventure novel in the same as the old Choose Your Own Adventure books. For what it does, it definitely gets two thumbs up from me, and I'm eagerly looking forward to the next updates.

Review by jjars898

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 04/24/2018

Well, this is a mildly more believable take on the "karmic gypsy curse" TF story. That story has been done to death and back, and then to death again. This time, however, the "curse" is an actual punishment instead of being turned into a bimbo for a hilariously sexy romp.

Unfortunately, the lack of "hilariously sexy romp" definitely reduces my interest in the concept overall.

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