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Game Information
RPG Maker MV
Release Date
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: .0073

Version: .0071(C) Linux

Version: .0071(C) Mac

Version: .0071(C) Win 7

Version: .0071(C) Win 10

by Novin

Important note: Pre-.007 saves are not compatible with the latest version. 

Important note 2: The Patreon reward has changed from 1 week of early access to having a cheat menu. This cheat menu allows time manipulation, giving yourself money, an EXP multiplier and a toggle for resist common state effects.

There's a discord link in the first post of the discussion thread.

This is the second of two projects I've been working on(Blood Magic being the other). This game has a Persona 3-5 day structure where there is limited time between major story events. The game is made in such a way as to maximize player customization(Through TFs, outfits, different classes and otherwise), and quite a bit of that is already present. Bear in mind that seemingly innocent choices will have an effect on things like your initial transformation and class.

As for a (very) short summary:

After accidentally running into a demon our protagonist ends up dead. Unfortunately, that's only where his problems begin.


If you don't mind I'd appreciate any feedback in the game's thread that you can provide, negative or positive I won't take it personally, though I'd prefer to get specifics on why X is bad or good. Oh, and if you find a bug feel free to beat me over the head over it, I won't mind. There shouldn't be anything major in this version.


Known bugs:

    • If someone on windows 7 uses the windows 10 version battles will be super zoomed in and hair color changes won't display (it'll default to blonde)
    • Sometimes when skipping text in a few of the cutscenes, movement routes can be broken causing the game to no longer be able to advance. This happens very rarely, but it CAN happen.
    • The cloud dungeon can occasionally cause a game-breaking glitch causing the user to be unable to move.

Broke and having lost an opportunity at a job in his field, our protagonist does the only thing that makes sense: goes to get shitfaced. Of course, things don't always go as planned. Soon he will find out what life after death is like.


Patreon version only:

-Added cheat options to the menu.

-Added option to change how much experience you get from each encounter.

-Added option to resist common status effects.

-Added option to receive certain cheat items that allow you to control time and give yourself money. NOTE: Time control can break the game if used improperly!

Everyone else:

-Added a packed save game starting in week 2 optimized for a tranformation run.

-Added a packed save game starting in week 2 optimized for a no transformation/soul depletion run.

-Added function to these save games to change name, clothing and class.

-Fixed super skip to actually function properly throughout your run.

-Solved the case of the transforming red and pink couches.

-Solved the case of the decapitated stuffed animals in a very particular set of circumstances.

-Solved the case of the free pink curtains.

-Fixed various karaokee related glitches.

-Fixed various textual errors

-Fixed various troop encounter related errors (I know I left a minor one in)

-A lot lot more bug fixes


-Adjusted base satisfaction gain (decreased).
-Adjusted decoration satisfaction gain (decreased)
-Decreased mission payout a bit.
-Properly added elemental weakness/strength to bound spirit of earth and earth elementals.
-Nerfed earth elementals in dream catchers lair.
-Slightly nerfed thrall swordswoman
-Nerfed Dream Catcher
-Added cooldown to depressive grasp skill.
-Fixed Alia staying in the party if a certain choice was made in the optional dungeon, causing some... problems.
-Fixed packing error in windows 7 version.
-Fixsed some collision issues.
-Fixed, during initial cutscene Ray(male) displaying rather than player's chosen name.
-Fixed non-skip female name not being applied to textboxes (retroactive, though you'll probably have to toggle the menu name on and off to get the female name in the menu).


-Added new intro skip that skips to just before you buy furniture.

-Fixed party order issue when starting in new versions.

-Fixed frilly black dress disappearing after an upgrade.

-Fixed various typos.

-Fixed double shoulders in mirror picture when slim shoulders tf is on.



-Fixed Win 7 version arena fight 2 crash (Probably, I don't have a windows 7 machine to test this with).

-Fixed some textual issues.

-Fixed a soft lock in the karaoke event.

-Fixed shoulder size variable not being pushed.

-Fixed some reversed variable checks in sybil 2 and 3

-Fixed a reversed check in Ceta's free massage check.

-Fixed a soft lock that occurred if you decided to quit the optional dungeon early.

-Fixed a floating body being visible in a cutscene.

-Various other bug fixes.


-Added full version of Reunion song to Abyss of Clouds.
-Fixed being able to use skills outside of battle that should not be used outside of battle.
-Fixed being able to five finger discount some Ellis stuff if you're broke
-Fixed instances of shower picture persisting after the event.
-Fixed certain instances of a soft lock happening if using any event in your room on the second to last day of content.
-Added a party order fix to the sleep event so party order problems won't spiral out of control. 


-Fixed issue with loading into math minigame causing a black screen soft-lock.
-Fixed some collision issues.
-Really really allowed for infinite days mode to be accessed. For sure this time.
-Fixed some issues related to files not available.
-Fixed bug related to save files going/reading from the wrong place in certain versions.


-Fixed the ending so it now properly goes into infinite days mode (Also added a debug npc to the fire forest if that's your only save to teleport you out so you can access
the current end of content).
-Fixed minor error where the first time the main character says their male name it would come out as Ray(Male)
-Fixed putting eth in the empty vat problems.
-Fixed Geomancer's hair in mirror messing up when longer
-Fixed soul depletion state not removing itself once fixed (You might have to sleep on it).
-Fixed missing audio
-Various typo fixes.


V.007(F) (non-exhaustive changelog):

-Definitively broke saves, for reals.

-Approximately 375,000 words written, up from approximately 210,000 words.

-Made the Dream Catcher's Lair a little brighter.

-Nerfed some things.

-Added a chest here and there.

-Nerfed monetary gain from killing enemies a smidge.

-Erased the invisible do nothing enemy from the week 3 first visit boss's encounter.

-Fixed Sybil's upgrade event causing a black screen.

-Fixed Delia 2 event

-Added new dungeon (accessed by having done Erin's first two events before 4/26 and 5/4)

-Added Karaoke Outting.

-Added Beauty mark tf.

-Added glasses related hair/coordination tf. (Only accessible by wearing glasses to karaoke, with the voice tf, while making a particular set of choices on the solo path)

-Added a new Marksmanship event with a new class-dependant skill at level 10

-Added a new specialization training with a new class-dependant skill at level 10

-Added Delia repeatable

-Added third Delia event.

-Added new optional dialogue options for Delia.

-Added quest entries to track character affection and progress.

-Added options entry to turn off text noises (Only works when within the game, not from the starting menu)

-Added option to swap the menu name of the main character between male/female

-Added message log. Press shift during dialogue to bring up a log of previous messages (slight glitch where a random number appears in text that the MC speaks)

-Added ability to hide windows by pressing the "1" key.

-Revamped icons

-Added tooltips for states (It's a bit wonky when in the skills menu, WIP).

-Added ability to reveal weaknesses of enemies when you hit their weaknesses.

-Performance increase.

-Weakness pop up.

-Fixed all furniture-related glitches.

-Made many couches have backs that cover the sitter.

-Added calendar system with 9 days weeks and graphic overlay. Shows free days as well as the section of day you're in.

-Added Dream catcher compulsion and fusion.

-Added Earth Spirit Echo fusion and compulsion.

-Added Beckoner Fragment fusion intitial event (no more past that atm).

-Added gardening free time event related to the echo.

-Added soul degradation system. Fusing with fragments (except the dream catcher fragment) and echoes now increases the amount of time you can go without running into soul collapse event.

-Added game over potential with soul degradation. Depends on satisfaction, minimum satisfaction needed to prevent a game over increases depending on severity.

-Added soul collapse event with a potential tf from it.

-Added cat eyes tf. This TF also makes the dream catcher dungeon much brighter.

-Added event in spiritualism shop.

-Added side quest within Dream Catcher dungeon that can also be helpful for navigation (Miiiiigggggghhhhttttt have some performance issues for the moment).

-Dramatically decreased number of encounters in Dream Catcher dungeon.

-Rebalanced Dream Catcher enemies and encounters to be less grueling.

-Did a complete stat rebalance for all characters and a ton of pieces of equipment.

-Added head equipment for each character so their stats won't trail the MC so much.

-Companion characters now have their stats scale slightly more so they can keep up/exceed with the MC's training and otherwise.

-Made healing items have their healing scale a bit with max HP and level of target so they don't fall behind.

-Increased Sybil's healing scaling.

-Fixed Delia's partake to no longer give flame cloak, instead properly gives her a buff.

-Fixed syntax error in equip requirements making equip requirements not apply.

-Added option to add choice noises.

-Changed way hair color works.

-Tons and tons and tons and tons of typo corrections.

-Tons and tons of plugin edits to make life easier in the long term.



-Fixed the first subway car traveling bits. Deleted something I should not have.


-Fixed the difficulty slider also decreasing/increasing health restored.
-Fixed the first arena day's train trip having some unintended tag-alongs.
-Fixed the second dungeon first visit day skipping over a cutscene (so, technically there's new content, but it was actually there all along), for sure this time.
-Fixed some linux version case errors.
-Various other bugs.
-Various typos.
-Various balance tweaks.
-Added Delia 2 to free version

V.00642/[Patreon] V.00065:

-Added difficulty changer to the options menu, with a prompt that it exists.

-Made the Dream Catcher's Lair a little brighter.
-Nerfed a bunch of things.
-Added a chest here and there.
-Took out a few encounters
-Nerfed monetary gain from killing enemies a smidge.
-Erased the invisible do nothing enemy from the first visit boss's encounter.
-Fixed Sybil's upgrade event causing a black screen.
-Bunch of typo fixes.

Patreon only (Until next week):

-Added Delia 2 event with ability that heals attached to it.

V .00641:

-Added week 3 ending 1 day before arena fight.
-New dungeon, first visit and subsequent visits.
-Delia event 1.
-Delia new ability.
-Ellis upgrade system (only for the cloud thread atm).
-1 out of three outings. This one outing has 9 choice branches with some minor variation stacked on top.
-More TFs. Like, one event has a ton of possibilities for TFs along the lines you've already seen.
-Hard to get, missable, skin color change tf (paler).
-More mental tfs.
-Added idol tier 2 compulsion and way to manage it.

-Added idol tier 2 abilities (depends on fragment).
-Coincidentally, remodeled the building east of the Necropolis Bureau District's subway entrance. It is now a karaokee joint.
-Added the compulsion for tier 3 Avarice and way to manage it (There will be another way added later).
-Coincidentally, the barber's shop now also sells stuff. You'll only be able to buy a nice hair clip at first.
-Added new NPCs around town.
-MANY MANY bug fixes, too many to list. But, here's one example: when doing the Seki/Kita joint event, if you chose to wait for Seki, your satisfaction would be set at 4(or whatever number) instead of being added to your satisfaction amount. That is no longer the case.
-Reached 210,000 or so words.
-Laid more ground work for choice noises.
-Dotted more i's and uncrossed some T's. 

-Party change system.

-Very light Encryption


-Fixed Sybil stealing accessories if you equipped them during the shopping trip.

-Fixed being able to get on the train after the first avarice visit.

-Fixed various other bugs.

-Various grammar/typo corrections.

.000576(A) Win:

-Fixed the windows version missing necessary files.


-Added new arena fight

-Added curtains, rugs, posters and style change to furniture store.

-Added Sybil event 3.

-Added Sybil repeatable.

-Added Ory response to Sybil event 3

-Added Felix Event 3 (accessed through a call after using an underwear item).

-Added Trixie event 3.

-Added 3 new physical TFs.

-Added 2 new skills (1 companion, 1 player)

-3 outfits(not to be used outside of an event, for now)

-Satisfaction system rebalance (Should be harder to get to zero and harder to get to an absurdly high number).

-Experience rebalance (the game should give you additional experience if you've already completed a or both dungeon(s) to reflect these changes)

-Stat rebalance (Agility gains severely nerfed, all characters now have different initial stats)

-Enemy rebalance

-Fixed Ellis cafeteria event putting the player in a time warp if done in the afternoon.

-Fixed Ory event leaving picture up.

-Fixed Ory handjob iteration not actually being finished(Whoops)

-Added combat fast forward feature

-Fixed various typos and textbox overruns.

-New NPCs around town

-Changed flame cloak so it now effects all attackers.

-Various collision problems solved.

-Other bug fixes



-Fixed the problem where the player would get stuck in cutscenes caused by an Abyss of Clouds fix in the previous version.

-Removed the debug room start. You saw nothing.


-Added a couple of NPCs around. One has varying convos based on when you talk to them.

-Added Delia's Portrait.

-Added healing functionality to the in-dungeon crytals for a fee of 150 points.

-Added yet another fail safe to the Abyss of Clouds that constantly runs when you're not on a cloud.

-Fixed a case where talking to Ory about random stuff without doing something else first would not clear hidden choices, causing the bureau's 25f to disappear from the elevator (Should work retroactively)

-Fixed a glitch where you're able to do marksmanship class 2 infinitely if your acceptance is less than 3 (However, I cannot apply this fix rectroactively, so you'll have to do it again and get the stats again if you want the bump.

-The above glitch caused a glitch where you couldn't ask Ellis for a corset after marksmanship 2 was finished because the game didn't recognize that marksmanship 2 was finished. That should now be fixed. Again, though, not retroactively.

- Other bug fixes.

- Some typo fixes.




-Added branching repeatable event for grinding affection from Ory after second event.

-Added the ability to ask ory various questions about people and things after second event. Can have additional side-effects later in game(not implemented side-effects, mind)

-Added choices to tf reactions that will bump certain variables that do certain things(not much atm).

-Added first sex scene.

-Added three additional tfs. You can only get one or the other of two of them in current content, though.

-Added paperdoll for mirror look in bathroom/vanity. Accounts for hair changes(not including hair tie), two other tfs, and butt changes.

-Changed Seki and Kita's ears. Credit to Icarue for ears.

-Changed menu layout to allow for pictures.

-Added full body/half body pictures for Sybil, Erin, and Ory where appropriate. Art by Noiz.

Bug fixes:

-Made cell phone inaccessible during dungeons and important days.

-Fixed tf reactions

-Found issue that would tank performance when the game is tracking player location.

-Made it so Kita meeting with Seki option doesn't appear early.

-Removed end of content message from the Hospital.

-Typo fixes.

-Various other bug fixes


-Fixed Esper medium hair coming out as short.

-Fixed Sybil's second event to react properly to player choice in the first event(The conditionals were swapped)
-Put yet another fix for cloud jumping. This one might even work! (From testing I couldn't get it to fail, so, yay!)
-Fixed the variation in Erin's second event not firing for clothing(Because the game was checking to see if the player was wearing Ory's outfit rather than the Bureau resident outfit.
-Added an additional point of variation to Erin's second event.

-Fixed the subtext in the cell phone to change when calling Sybil to go somewhere is an option.

-Fixed the switches for long hair not going off when getting a hair cut, causing you to be able to wear the yellow ribbon at different hair lengths.

-[LINUX]Fixed (!?) the linux version crashing on new game. Not quite sure how it was fixed but I tested on a linux install so it should work.



-Finally fixed the train! No more missing tile and it's... Somewhat smoother.
-Various typo fixes.
-Fixed massage session overlapping player with NPC.
-Fixed short hair not appearing properly on the ESPer's sprite.
-Fixed graphical bug in Eternal Rest
-Added a fail-safe to escape event. Was occasionally not properly applying i-frames.
-Fixed a bad scene transition in a cutscene.
-fixed a locked off iteration of Erin's second event should the player have gotten rid of the Wisp compulsion by that point.
-Fixed Delia conversation proccing when it is not supposed to.


-Fixed Corset event appearing when it should not.
-Fixed some minor textual things
-(MAC)Fixed save bug due to deactivated plug-in.


-Fixed new fragment fusion choice to actually show up at the proper times. For real this time.
-Added a hidden variable to allow for some possible retroactive new fragment progression in later versions.
-Fixed minor missing text.
-Fixed being able to jump a staircase.

-Added patreon link to title screen
-Fixed issue where, if the player left the stairwell area near the end of the abyss of clouds they would not be able to re-enter because the key was broken.
-Added failsafe to prevent issues after jumping off of moving clouds
-(LINUX) Fixed font name syntax error.
-The red velvet sofa should no longer transform into a pink one after leaving eternal rest again. This will not transform
your pink sofas back into red. Sorry.
-Fixed esper medium hair showing up as short.
-Added content for what happens when you fall into the void without any mana.
-Changed Sybil's cell phone subtext based on whether you have something planned with her.
-Fixed some dialogue in the new dungeon.
-Fixed the new fragment's fusion dialogue. Should now be accessible to everyone.
-Added more mirror text based on tfs.
-Made it so that you can go back to the dungeon without the end cutscene looping.


-Added week 2.
-Added story cutscene after old end of content.
-Abyss of Clouds now finishable.
-Avarice tier 2 is now possible to achieve
-Initial part of fragment fusion(It cannot be advanced or regressed in this version).
-3 new Ellis Events (all of which have prerequisites).
-New Kita event, found by hanging out in the cafe.
-New Seki Event, she's hanging out on the first floor of Artemis.
-New Sybil Event.
-2 new outfits.
-New underwear.
-New hair accessory with new hair style.
-Reconfigured dresser system that allows you to change multiple slots and
-Reopened Bureau Shop on the 25 floor
-Made an item vendor accessible on the initial Abyss of clouds visit.
-Added a massesuse.
-Added some missable, though not particularly important, content.

-Added 5 more save slots.

-Added a patreon.

-Fixed longstanding bug with custom fonts not loading properly.

-Fixed bugs with decoration score calculation sometimes adding up wrong.
-Fixed syntax error with equipment requirements.
-Fixed various cloud issues and sped up some clouds.
-Fixed a variety of errors with the bureau training center.
-Fixed bugs with Trixie's cafe not allowing repeatables after getting done with unique content.



  • Fixed some reversed logic in the hang-out event. A random dice roll to determine which event you get in week 2(that is inaccessible) was firing in week 1, causing there to be a 2 in 3 chance that the day would be wasted.



  • First day of new dungeon(Includes 2 minibosses, a questline-ish, numerous cutscenes).
  • Sybil's first event(Only available after Ory's first event).
  • New gun trainer event(Only available at level 7. Which is hard, but not impossible, to achieve in current content).
  • Additions to Terry's Arsenal shop(Accessories and weapons).
  • Minor graphical changes to arena cutscene(The first cutscene)
  • Some background changes to how hit rate works through a plug-in


  • Fixed a few issues.



  • Arena fight aftermath added
  • Ears of MC no longer clip through front hair.
  • Various errors and grammar mistakes fixed.
  • Bonus day added.
  • Possible TF added(Only available if lost final arena fight).
  • Very beginning of first day of 2nd week added.
  • Option to continue to explore without saving added.


  • BETTER file path fixes for linux.


  • File path fixes for Linux


  • Mac Version fixed!
  • New laptop MMO event
  • New specialization training event(Accessible at level 7.



  • Fixed problem with intro skip causing the first barrier to not appear in the dream dungeon.
  • Various other small fixes.


  • Fixed memory leak that causes regular crashes.
  • Fixed all macros.


  • Event to increase a party member's stats and abilities.
  • More bug fixes.


  • Various bug fixes


  • Removed ability for magic to miss.
  • Added ability to run away successfully in the dream of avarice dungeon.
  • New Erin event.
  • New Ory event.
  • New(incomplete) location 
  • Bureau shop opening up. Expensive(point-wise) but effective consumables.
  • Terry's Arsenal Point Shop opening. You'll be able to buy some accessories and stuff for points.
  • A way to amplify a compulsion.
  • Tons and tons and tons of back-door stuff.
  • Caught a bunch of typos and the like as I was fine-tooth combing stuff for other reasons.
  • Likely tons of bugs(No, really, so much changed in the background that bugs are expected, sorry)
  • Old saves fully broken beyond recovery(Like, I added a bunch of backdoor variables so even if you wanted to recover your save through save-editing it'd still be broken).
  • Now possible to get the maxed out physical tf for the will-o-wisp compulsion.


  • Fixed various issues.
  • Added more save slots
  • Magic can now miss.


  • Fixed intro skip.
  • Minor textual corrections.
  • Minor adjustments to Cloak of Flames.


  • Added a new event with Ory/Sybil.
  • Added an intro skip option(Will not appear with no save games present).
  • Modified laptop event to include pictures
  • Added a barber shop(With a new hairstyle option)
  • Fixed a variety of errors
  • Fixed a LOT of typos.
  • Added a LOT of commas.
  • Buffed Cloak of Flames(Quite possibly too much)


  • Fixed the case of the disappearing laptop and vanity.
  • Fixed not getting an increase in MP from butt size increase.(If you did this in a previous version, just go to your room and it should apply).
  • Fixed more typos.
  • Added a catch-all fix for not being to go anywhere on subway car.
  • Fixed not being able to buy furniture if the cost exceeds the amount you have without your trade-in value.
  • Other bug fixes
  • Added a crazy beggar to explain class differences and choice relation at the beginning of the game.


  • Fixed some typos
  • Slightly lowered requirement for Avarice fragment compulsion.
  • Sprite displayed in subway car should match player sprite.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Fixed a variety of things.
  • Added two new physical tfs.
  • Added a new relationship event.
  • Added fusion event with Avarice Fragment.
  • Added compulsion related to Avarice Fragment.
  • Added mirror descriptions of new changes
  • Added Faceset changes for new tfs
  • Added a couple of NPC reactions to new changes(Only applies to one character atm, but more character's reactions have been written).
  • Nerfed and buffed some abilities(Cloak of fire still sucks though)


  • Fixed not being able to interact with laptop if you bought the pink or white desks.
  • Fixed Vanity disappearing if you go furniture shopping again(If it already disappeared, then it's gone for good till you buy a new one. Sorry).
  • Added automatic trade-in of furniture that is being replaced for half-price.
  • Fixed a few small things


  • Probably fixed color lady event.
  • Minor collision fixes
  • Minor transfer fixes


  • Undeleted something properly


  • Fixes galore
  • First 3 free-days including several events to spend them.
  • First Arena Fight
  • Dream of Avarice Dungeon completed
  • Training center events to get new skills up.


  • Put Magic.ogg back in place. Whoops.


  • Debug room? What debug room. There's no debug room.


  • Fixed accidental backwards time-travel by going into the wrong room at the wrong time. For sure this time. I hope.
  • [MAC] Fixed an issue where saves for RPGmaker MV games were all saving in the same spot. Coincidentally, this actually makes this version more conveinent as far as saves go(No need to manually move them around).
  • Fixed game-breaking issue from .00024.


  • Undeleted something that should never have been deleted.


  • You may no longer visit the bath house.
  • Put the weapons folder back in the game.
  • Unbroke game. For sure this time


  • Fixed(For sure this time, tested) getting time-travel by going into Soul Fusion room after the first time.
  • Fixed some collision isssues.
  • Fixed not being able to walk over a bar customer after they've left.
  • Made station fence impassable. For sure this time.
  • Potentially fixed Subway problem(two stations tested)
  • [LINUX] Fixed(Probably) bug with case-sensitivity.


  • You may no longer desrespectfully walk on Laha's desk.
  • Fixed some cutscenes firing when they shouldn't
  • Really fixed this time the issue with some japanese characters being in a sprite sheet name caused an error.
  • Fixed Erin calling a spirtulaism shop a barber shop.
  • Hid bodies in the void(Probably)


  • Took away ability to walk on some walls
  • You may no longer walk through stumps
  • You may no longer walk under some fences.
  • (Hopefully)Fixed rare issue where the name of one character sheet would cause an error(Only one reported instance of this, so not sure if fixed)
  • Changed the strength from Erin's barrier ability to 180 from 140.
  • Changed the description of Erin's barrier ability to no longer say it's only worth 100 points.
  • Changed the first Fiend fight's stun ability so that it actually wears off after one turn.


  • Closed trap doors.
  • Probably fixed subway glitches. Maybe.
  • You may no longer burn all your fire talismans outside of combat.

.00021: Fixed resource not present for self-destruct.

.0002: Initial IGDB release

Review by norgaria

Version reviewed: .0073 on 03/18/2025

loving everything so far hope to see more soon

Review by SadieRose2311

Version reviewed: .0073 on 08/15/2024

Honestly, one of the best games I've ever played on this site. It was a unique story concept for the time, although there are now several games that have drawn inspiration from it so not that unique anymore, the dialogue was hilarious, and it seemed to have a genuinely interesting plotline ahead. Shame that it will likely never get another update. Novin if you can read this, I honestly just hope you're still alive because no one has heard anything from you in nearly 4 years. To the people who are considering playing this; I want to say absolutely do play it, but like I've said the game hasn't been updated in ages and the current version isn't all that much in terms of content. The content that it does have is extremely good, I can promise you that. But it's going to make you want an update, an update that is probably never going to happen.

Also User210, the guy who made the review right before me, the name of the game you were talking about is The World Ends With You. Another absolutely amazing game, and I also recommend playing it to anyone who hasn't. You won't be disappointed.

Review by user210

Version reviewed: .0073 on 04/22/2024

This is not an hentai game in general, there are only few erotic scenes spaced in 20+ hour game, so few that you can even miss them and never knew that they exist unless you look at walkthrough. Yes M2F is there, yes there exist some level of corruption and mental changes, but this game is more focused on being a "game" than an erotica.

In fact this seems to be based on another cult classic game from Squre Enix and I forgot its name, its criminal because I really liked that one. Anyways, story there was you died and you then went to an alternative Shibuya and fought for some pins for a chance of survival. This game is similar in the sense, that you die, you lose something which made you complete, and you need to fight or you will die.

And currently game has 3-4 dungeons. Which can reach to B level, supposing I reached C level one and then gave up on the game after seeing Hentai scenes walkthrough. I would have continued playing if at least there were more dungeons but nope. Still, I can hope that this game gets completed. Premise is good enough for it to be even go to Steam and get good number of buyers. And if Author or Dev is looking at this comment, please add Erotic scenes, or completely remove them. Your game is in limbo.

Review by BlueBic

Version reviewed: .0073 on 01/06/2024

Finished the game, alot of work was put into it, sad once it stopped, hope the author comes back to this

Review by Saprophyte

Version reviewed: .0073 on 08/18/2022

It's overall rather unimpressive. Like, bland, takes a long time (2+ hours) to take off, much longer to take to anything H-related. Just all in all a run-of-the-mill RPG maker game with trace amounts of H-content peppered on the top as an afterthought.

The setting is original, so the game has that going for it. However, that potential has not been realized in an interesting story that I'd find gripping: "the protagonist is dead and so now has to fight in the arena and clear out dungeons while pretending to be a girl", ugh.

One good thing to be said for the game's mechanics is that the difficulty option at least allows the incredibly bland standard RPG maker combat not to get in the way too much. It adds nothing, either, though, and thus the gameplay overall is a slog.

The game's not kinky, it's not sexy, so between the bland mechanics, the underwhelming story, and the oh-so-quirky characters there's no reason to care about, I found hardly any reward for powering through hours of said slog.

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,102,302

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