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Version: 0.3

A Spirited Evening
by lenal

A Spirited Evening is a transformation game created in the RAGS engine by Lenal.

Here's what's going on: It's Friday night, and your parents are holding one of their lame parties where all their old friends show up and drink and listen to awful music. The last time they did this, you were stuck babysitting your little sister Amy and all the offspring of every one of your parents' guests. You weren't about to let that happen again, but your parents don't want you out all night either.

The solution: a little party of your own with four of your best friends. It sucks that you're basically having a sleepover like you're still in middle school or something, but at least it keeps you away from diaper duty and your little sister. Plus, you picked up something at the mall last Sunday that should be good for a few laughs, anyway.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 04/11/2021


A difficult puzzle game in its current state with so much uncompleted. There is a solid story here, but the game is (from my own attempts) impossible to complete due to the missing options you need to fulfil all of the end goal requirements.

Interactivity in this game is high but there is a lot of nothing going on as you roam the game world. So far I've found a few bad endings but most are avoidable if you are careful and thinking through your actions properly (use the damn Examine option!).

Worth checking out, but I can't recommend it until it is more completed.

Review by Avery7900

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 03/19/2017

Love this game. And i mean that i love it but from what i can tell the game isnt fully complete and i am mad about that. I was hopeing that this amazing game would be updated every once and awhile but it has been a few years and i honestly hope that you continue this amazing piece of game. I will keep checking on this game and i would love it if you finished the game.

Review by themusicman900

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 09/25/2013

I really enjoy this game and looking forward to an update

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