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RPG Maker MV
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Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 1.8.0


Team SARA is my OC-centered fanfic for the RoosterTeeth show "RWBY", written in game form because I have no confidence as a writer and need visuals to convey my meaning.

Posting this here is kinda stretching it, so to address some concerns right off the top:

  • Knowledge of RWBY (as well as RWBY: Chibi, Red vs. Blue, and Camp Camp) is expected and helpful for getting the references...but shouldn't be required for enjoyment.
  • Physical TF content is currently limited to 2-3 characters, and the 1 with the most changes is currently a very minor character (planning to upgrade that).
  • "Mental Changes" apply to some degree to most characters as they are teenagers dealing with budding sexuality and highly stressful/traumatic events.
  • Version number is starting high because it's been on game jolt for over a year, and in development for about a year before that as well.

The game is VERY long...estimated 30-50 hours to complete the "original" storyline start to finish.  There are 5 additional storylines ranging from extremely different to not very different at all.

No Patreon yet because I don't feel this is even deserving of donations.  No art because of same...plus, if I had 3-D models to make renders with, I wouldn't be mucking around with RPG Maker.

Team/Character Name (Inspiration)

Starring: Team SARA (There has to be some normal people, right?)

  • Sarah Wolfe (Big Bad Wolf - 3 Little Pigs version)
  • Ashley Cheslock (Little twin with a shield is the attacker?!)
  • Rachel Noire (Paid to be friends with Weiss)
  • Amy Cheslock (Big twin with the big sword is the tank?!)

Co-Starring: Team CLEN (Squeaky clean, over-reaction to someone saying the story was too dirty)

  • Candi Crush (Make the most annoying character ever)
  • Lucy Fir (Common fear/hated of big dogs/pitt bulls)
  • Erin Black (Needed an "E")
  • Null Void (Someone who blends into the background)

Featuring: Team WILD (Was going to be the team for the open world game that became Chibi-Quest)

  • Willow Wisp (Chesire Cat)
  • Indra (Angry/not cute Neo)
  • Lola (Indra's translator)
  • Deeda (Religious zealot - Species-fluid)

Also: Team SPAZ (Team RWBY's stand-ins, became Team RWBY with a twist)

  • Sapphire (Ruby as a dog/puppy)
  • Pearl Drive (Cold-blooded)
  • Amethyst Knight (Vampire/Nympho)
  • Jade Zeal (Yang as a litteral fox)


  • My habit of having a separate map for every scene (even if near-identical to one from a different story line) caught up to me and a LOT of map consolidation was done...this may mess up old saves.
  • 1 new volume 3 scene (right/shortly after 1st tournament battle).
  • New story arc (~35 scenes): Team SPAZ's vacation...placed VERY late in the game at the moment.
  • Slew of errors as a result of above map consolidation.
  • Several of the alternate scene versions view-able at endgame would cause serious issues if viewed after playing the "Honor Among Thieves" variant.
  • The usual fixing of glaring typos that have been around since early versions...


  • Nitpicking/debugging/balancing.


  • Team SPAZ's scenes from Volume 1-3 filled in.


  • Team WILD's scenes from Volume 1-3 filled in.


  • Most of the plugins from ChibiQuest...resulting in a large-scale visual overhaul of combat.


  • Calibered gun skills and mid-power skills from ChibiQuest.


  • Adjusted random encounter rate (based on feedback from ChibiQuest).

v1.6.0 (1st tfgames.site posting)

  • A lot of proof-reading.
  • Removal of game jolt plugin/trophies.
  • Removal of hit accuracy plugin (works fine, but not what I wanted).
  • Addition of knockdown/stun/etc effects to several skills.

Review by Firestar4555

Version reviewed: 1.7.9 on 10/19/2020

great game, the different paths are rather intresting and fun

Review by Craven

Version reviewed: 1.6.1 on 11/27/2018

A really good story driven game. RWBY Knowledge make it more fun but it isn´t necessary!


So if you like fun, humor some puns and don´t mind lesbian and punny humor about that play it!

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Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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