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Battle Mage Royal
by Tinon

Enroll at a competitive magic academy and venture into the secret world of perverted fantasies and erotic transformation, where students are encouraged to use their powers however they see fit in order to succeed. Fight to maintain your independence and maybe even your humanity, in a battle to see who will make it furthest in this world.

Battle Mages is a visual novel styled adult MMORPG with roguelite elements where players can play out fantasies together or go on fantasy adventures of their own. In the magical world of Battle Mages, becoming who you always wanted to be is easy, but staying that person becomes an ever growing challenge as you venture deeper into a world that seeks to tempt you with an easy life of pleasure and shape your mind and body to its whims.

1.0.4 Prepatch

Tutorial Improvements

Game hints have been added to the game, which will appear as players progress in the game and help players better understand what they can do in the game and how.
There are more than 20 hints already, and they can easily be disabled. Players can also reset hints from settings, which will allow already-seen hints to be shown again.
Hints have been introduced to make it easier to introduce new players and expand the game's tutorial as development progresses.
In the future, the prologue scene will have a much stronger emphasis on introducing players to the game's story and universe, while relying on hints to introduce the player to the game's mechanics.

Action bars

Action bars have been added to the game so players can cast their favorite spells and use items without constantly having to open their spellbook or inventory.
There are two types of action bars: standard and floating. Standard action bars appear within the game screen, while floating action bars appear outside the game screen.
For players with extra black space surrounding their game screen, either due to a particularly tall or wide screen, floating action bars can be used to make use of the space not otherwise occupied by the game.
Floating action bars also come with the option to oversize them, which can be useful on small screens and mobile devices.
To place a spell or item in your action bars, you simply have to drag them to an action bar.


Spells dragged to your action bars from the spell list targeting your own character will have an explicit selfcast modifier, which means the spell will always attempt to be cast on yourself. Otherwise, spells will attempt to target your opponent before your own character.


Players can now write custom macros for the game. Some spells don't yet have their own distinct icon, and you can instead use a macro to select a custom image or name for the spell that you see fit. Macros also allow you to combine messages with spells, prepare spells with predefined input, and use conditions and modifiers to alter the target or spell of a macro. Clicking an item or spell using the Left Mouse Button while pressing the Shift key will insert the item or spell in the macro. If the macro ends on a blank line, it will also write the standard command for casting the spell or using the item.

You can read more about macros from the guide at: https://battlemageroyal.com/macros.php

Text Formatting

Link items and spells in chat and profile

Players can now link items in local chat, private messages, and on their profiles!
Players can link spells and items in-game by clicking them using the Left Mouse Button while holding down the Shift key, or by pressing an input field while holding the spell or item. This will create a link that can also be pasted into profiles to display the item. Spells cannot be linked in profiles.
Formatting text for item links created using in-game input is already prepared for use with profiles and you generally don't need to understand how they work unless you are trying to link to an item that isn't owned by your account.

You can read more about linking items and spells from the text formatting guide at: https://battlemageroyal.com/formatting.php

Link items and spells in chat and profile

  • Character bios can now be previewed before being submitted or accepted.
  • Added a new table attribute: 'fillavailable', which fills available width without distributing width equally between columns.
  • Added support for vertical alignment of text formatting tables.
  • Added "em", "me", and "e" as aliases for "emote" to text formatting.
  • Added "o" as an alias for "ooc" to text formatting.
  • The image size attribute can now be set as a reference for profile text formatting.
  • Fixed an issue with header style inside a details element for text formatting.
  • Fixed a rare issue that caused text formatting syntax to move around unpredictably.
  • Fixed some issues with text formatting and input fields for Firefox.

Extra inventory space for confirmed users

Players can now confirm their account to receive an additional 3 item slots for their heirloom container. Any player who has a confirmed account will receive the extra item slots immediately. Players will continue to be able to have an anonymous account, but having a confirmed account is important for preventing account and game progress loss. I'm happy to grant all players an additional 3 item slots, and I believe a time when the extra space becomes useful is a good time to consider securing your account.


Solo Mode

The game now has a solo mode that allows players to play the game without the risk of encountering other players, whether animate or inanimate. Avoiding encounters has also been changed to avoid any encounters while changing location, specifically.

Character Specific Settings

Players can now set character-specific settings for content filters, roleplaying, and solo mode, allowing players to better customize their game experience between different characters.


Emote Commands

Added support for emote commands that are recognized by the game. Emotes include kneel, stand, giggle, moan, bounce, dance, drool, shake, shimmy, smile, and smirk, among many others! For the full list, please type /emotes in-game.

Combat Changes

Added persistent delta values for body, mind, lust, and effect timers

Previously, characters would remain online until they had recovered from all damage taken and all timers had finished, since neither was saved to permanent memory. Characters can now be removed as soon as the character is out of combat, and damage taken and timers can be resumed on login. This allows me to introduce much longer timers without characters potentially staying online for hours.

Ailment Triggers

How ailments, like diseases, are triggered has been revised, and no longer considers your body health. Each ailment has an internal cooldown of 60 seconds, and when you spend an action, a random ailment not currently on cooldown will be triggered.


Nameplates can now be displayed for characters in the scene. You can control when and for whom nameplates are displayed from settings. Nameplates allow players easier access to the names of their opponents and can also be clicked to collapse status effect icons. When a player is inanimate, nameplates are used to divide status effects into those for you and your owner, so inanimate players can properly see timers and effects for themselves and that of their owner, separately.


Other changes to combat

  • All characters now know how to attack.
  • Players now automatically kneel when defeated.
  • Quadruped can happen earlier while kneeling.
  • Action cooldown is now reset after a spell fails.


You can see the full patch notes on our Discord server at https://battlemag.es/discord

You enroll at the Mage Academy of Transmutation and Alteration, a school specialized in the perverted and deprived uses of magic. You are shown around by another student for your first day, where you learn about the different locations on campus and what to watch out for, but by the end of the day, you will have to look out for yourself.

It's a harsh school, where the strong raise to become battle mages and the weak become their playthings. No matter which group you fall into, there is a place for you at the academy, and you may find that your appropriate place in life is much different from what you set out to become!

You can see the full patch notes on our Discord server at https://discord.gg/G2QWuEE

Review by DiaperedJasmin

Version reviewed: Prepatch on 09/21/2024

It's a good beginning for a game...

I'm not being into roleplaying that much, so the game has to grow much. Or it wouldn't suit for solo-gamers.


First of all: The game throws you into a situation you can't figure out on your own, how to do... Or it takes much time.

There is a clock running down and days passing by... Later you will notice: Doesn't matter. It has no effect on anything.

Only the every daytime you can use or do something, like attend a class. You can find 1 Loot per daytime and 1 receipe (or spell or whatever)


After a while I realised, that I only have to stay in one room, wait for the next daytime and Explore the room twice until I found everything I can find in this room.
Then I switched to the second room and so on... Then attend all the classes, some several time and maybe they unlocked new spells to discover, so explore again...

And thats it... After you've done this, you can cast spells on yourself (or to others, if you play multiplayer). But your avatar doesn't change. There are many things I never managed out, how to get them.


There is one thing I don't understand that much: Getting an object... You can't do anything in the game anymore. Maybe you'll be used (if you was transfromed into a sextoy) but after you were used hard for the first time, there is nothing more to see. And if you get transformed into clothes or a ring... There's nothing interesting left.


There is so much potential is this game... But it really has to grow in PVE/Solo content...

Review by DarkDruid

Version reviewed: Prepatch on 05/06/2024

Oh boy... Where to begin. This game is in need of a lot and I do mean a lot! What I thought was just a normal game turned out to be a roleplay game. I for one have no idea how to roleplay and honestly don't really like it. But that's all you really get, it's so bare bones. I traveled between six different rooms and collected some things and that's it! if I didn't run into someone trying to roleplay with me and beg me to do stuff to them, I ran into people who either tried to just attack you also thinking this is a normal game or they just leave as soon as you meet. (Thank goodness for that.) If you're also like me and don't really enjoy interacting with people this is not the game for you! Found out the hard way. The game if it can even be called that is just really bad. I do not recommend this "game."

Review by Feylamia

Version reviewed: Prepatch on 03/12/2024

Tbh, I do not really know what to do in this game. You can wander some around with a timer and collect some things with action points, sometimes meet another player that then vanishes again. At the moment there is mission something like an aim the player has or a plot.

Review by Sharl

Version reviewed: Prepatch on 02/14/2024

This is a game badly in need of some PvE content. As is so common with multiplayer TF games, the playerbase seems to be about 99% people who log in and constantly beg for other people to do things to them. Unfortunately, and unlike other multiplayer TF games, this particular game doesn't really offer anything for you to do outside of dealing with these needy people. Your days are going to be spent searching the same scant few locations over and over again to tediously build up your known spells and items, perhaps do some crafting, and then... do a whole lot of nothing with all of the stuff you have learned.


Unless some effort is made to address this, I just don't see any reason to ever play this game over any of the other multiplayer TF offerings out there. But hey, at least there's an ignore option implemented so that you can easily shut down the too-many people who just can't take no for an answer and think you are there to indulge their every fantasy.

Review by hathios

Version reviewed: Prepatch on 12/25/2023

How to find more clothes?

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