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Version: Release 1

Futaland V3
by Mord



Hello everyone. This is Mord here, the creator of Futaland. I’m excited to bring you this immersive visual novel full of science, intrigue, torture revenge, shemales, chases, escapes, true love, miracles… Wait, it sounds like I’m describing another story I know. Anyway, your parents were killed when you were young in an accident. Or so you thought! Now that you are older, you have discovered that they were actually killed by the company they worked for. You swear upon your father’s grave that you will find the six-fingered… No, that’s not right. That you will make the evil company pay for robbing you of your beloved parents. Easy, right? WRONG… To do so, you will have to transform yourself body and soul into a woman and back into a man and then into something in between. Please enjoy Futaland with all its action and intrigue and side quests along the way.

New releases will go to my Patreon subscribers first. Public releases will follow several weeks after. Please join my Discord server where you can chat with me and other players of the game. If you enjoy Futaland, be sure to play my other game as well, The Last Hope.


The Last Hope - Link

Discord - Link

Patreon - Link


This is a fully reworked version. At the moment there is no online or android version.


I am looking for a writer to work with me. I can give some share from my Patreon income. You have to have enough free time to work on the game texts weekly. If you are interested, find me on my discord, please.


Release 1:

The whole game is reworked with high-quality content and with the Renpy engine. The new releases will take longer than before, but there will be more content.

Review by sexylollypop1979

Version reviewed: 0.4.6. hotfix1 on 05/29/2022

Love this game so far keep up the good work. 

Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 0.4.6. on 05/10/2022

The content is meh, there is some variety, but it is mostly just MM and trans content. Everything about the delivery sucks though, you wake up too early and need to waste time before starting work, and there isn't much work content, or at home. Even the limited sexual encounters are rather boring. So, you are pretty much required to waste time in between activities, which leads to tedious clicking that achieves nothing. I also hate the color scheme of the background.

So, really, an uninspired unebelievable story, generally unlikeable characters that have a one dimensional sex fiend personality. If this game were to get rid of the pointless time wasters and just do the sex scenes, well, at least you could argue that it's a sex storyboard and forgive the lack of meaningfull content, but now that you are required to grind for no reason, there's no excuse.

So, overall, a bland game with a modicum of content. The writing is average at best, the scenes aren't hot, and it's just a big waste of time with no reward. I'm very disappointed.

Review by Dranylis

Version reviewed: 0.4.5. on 04/20/2022

Great game!!! Absolutely love the story. Definitely Keep it up.

Review by TfMaster2

Version reviewed: 0.4.1. on 09/07/2021

It's a good game. However, the images do not always show up when you are playing on mobile. I hope that that can be fixed!!

Review by harleythompson

Version reviewed: 0.3.0. on 04/30/2021

generally a fun game, i jsut want to be able to access the womans clothes store earlier

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