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Game Information
RPG Maker MV
Release Date
Last Update
0.071 BUGFIX
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.071 BUGFIX

Version: 0.071

Version: 0.070 BUGFIX

Version: 0.070

Version: 0.061 BUGFIX

A New World

So Cass was broken, this update is really just me fixing some skills and making Cass capable of killing things.

I AM SO SO SORRY ABOUT ALL OF THE BUGFIX UPDATES! I really don't want to update this much.


You wake up in an unkown research lab with little to no memory of your past.

You must find a way out and figure out what happened to you, where you are, and make decisions that directly affect this new world.


The story is being designed (to the best of my ability) to be fairly up to player choice with a main goal directing you along and the actions you make on your way to that goal will affect the development of the world around you.

Planned Features:

-Citizen happiness management

-Settlement expansion

-Further MC tfs

-Party expansion

-Individual character storylines



https://discord.gg/XJjENH8 (for anyone wanting to just chat about the game and ask questions)

You wake up in an unkown research lab with little to no memory of your past.

You must find a way out and figure out what happened to you, where you are, and make decisions that directly affect this new world.


Inspired by games like:

Magical Camp (my favorite game on this site), Lust Doll (another great RPG Maker game), Bandits Assault (also a good RPG Maker game), and Fallout 4

0.071 BUGFIX (Special thanks to Technomagus for bringing this to my attention)


-Cass can now kill enemies and doesn't make them immortal

-Some skill were updated that weren't performing properly


0.071 (Special thanks to Nerina & SharkyNebula for helping me find these errors)


-The whole scene of returning Cass to Danielle

-Some skills have been adjusted

-An item was fixed

-The level up system has been edited a bit

-Some spelling errors


0.070 BUGFIX (Special Thanks to TechnomagusAldric Mannes, & JoeW for helping me fix these errors)


-An Oasis tile to the Desert Temple



-Can now go back through mine

-Drunk mechanic

-Can no longer get to the Desert without activating the Wine Side Quest (I hope)

-A few spelling/Gramatical Errors




-Search for Sister Mission 1

-Wine Side Quest (Unlocks all Desert Content & only accesible through Bandit Route)

-Destroyed Village Side Quest

-Hidden Notes Side Story

-Dojo Challenge (Extremely Hard)

-Vita Nova City


-Oracle's Temple

-Desert Temple (No quest related to this yet)

-Barmaid Job

-Companion Affection System (No real affect on game yet)

-Lightheaded TF

-New Weapons & Armor

-New Skills

-New Temporary Party Member (Unless you're rude/want to cheat you horrible person!)

-Horny TF now affects how some scenes play out

-Submissive TF now locks collar on neck



-Revamped Respawn System (You can now change where you spawn easier)

-MC can't use magic skills unless certain choices are made

-Arousing enemies is now harder but gets easier depending on your equipment

-Can no longer arouse certain enemies (mostly monsters, animals, and children)

-Editted some Equipment and Skills

-Made it a little more annoying to use the cheat attack


0.061 BUGFIX (This is more of a bugfix than an actual update as the sex scene with Anthonio I just happened to add)


-Sex scene with Anthonio

-More money earned from general enemies to make grinding easier



-Some scenes that weren't allowing people to progress without certain optional party members

-Some cutscenes that weren't playing properly




-More money from fighting Bandits (to hopefully help make grinding easier, please let me know if you have any suggestions/problems!)



(Special Thanks again to Eschation & Seleroan for all of the help finding bugs & suggestions on my game)


-Settlement can now be upgraded

-Settlement Happiness now affects certain interactions with settlers

-2 new side quests from Settlers

-1st time TF's and past choices affect your ability to make decisions

-Enemies now wander parts of the wasteland

-Fast Travel area (Must be unlocked under specific circumstances)

-A little bit more in game lore

-Player tent at Village



-Some minor things I've been wating to in the camp

-A bunch of minor bugs/annoyances I've had with the game along with some other ones that were pointed out to me


0.050 BUGFIX (Special Thanks to Eschation for all of the help finding bugs and extreme exploration of my game)


-Suicide item (for seeing battle loss endings)



-Infinite items in first dungeon

-Certain characters stayed in Bandit Camp after attacking the camp

-Turned off a Plug-In that might have been causing problems with respawning (this may cause problems in the laboratory if you lose a battle)




-Rough Draft of Settlement Mission (It probably moves too fast, but let me know what you think)

-1 new TF ending (its a secret ending and probably hard to find, if noboby can figure it out I'll hint at it later)

-Files now Zipped (for easier/faster downloading)

-Linux Download link Added



-Bug where guard blocks tent exit

-Combat system so even when using the *cheat* you can still see all text conversations/story




-Can now enter the settlement

-Can get 1 more TF

-Camp Upgrade System (not really anything major tbh)

-Notice for where to pickup keycard (bc I noticed a lot of people having problems with that)



-Can now properly talk to Chief after failing/completing his first mission

-A bunch of minor bugs I noticed while testing




-The game files have been properly uploaded




-Can now talk to Arthur for mission



(Sorry for taking so long, I have had no time to work on this and tbh the time I did spend on it I probably should have been doing work or studying)


-Able to finish the villager chief's first mission
-If choose the correct path, you can spend time in the bandit camp
-Can ally 1 of 2 new party members
-Can enter a new area
-1 new sex scene


-Fight scenes with village guards and other combats




-Multiple bugs either stopping player from activating certain objects, problems going down certain routes, etc.

-No longer allowed to keep the orignal name of the player (i'm sorry) as the way I have the transformation setup, the player name cannot be kept to my knowledge, if you want to keep your original name, please just reuse that name, i'm sorry for the inconvenience.




-Bug where couldn't type in the correct password on the computer

Review by Altimos

Version reviewed: 0.070 BUGFIX on 02/20/2020

Things of note, one being that the game is done in RPG Maker MP, which I don't have too much of an issue with as it can do some wonderous things; but because everything is default assets, it stands to make you feel wanting more.


As far as gameplay is concerned, the storytelling is interesting only up to a point. The concept of the MC out of time is great when the elements surrounding the story are utilized to support it and the storyline does support it to a degree. Much can be improved to bring it full circle, but I'm sure that will be built upon over time as the game is progressed.


Now the points I'm not very happy with... One, I chose to give this game a go, because I love slow TF. This, was absolute NOT the case. The TF was instant within the first section of the game. The Slow part I believe is the additional stuff that happens to your character on both a mental and physical level. But really, it's the mental part... I mean, some physical things happend, but you're ALREADY a girl now, so really it's the mental aspect hitting the MC. So, feminization is a yes while slow transformation is not.


Second, the combat was by far the most annoying to have to deal with. The structure is like an pendulum, you don't really know which way it will swing. The good thing about the version I tried, is that it has a cheat in the combat allowing you to kill things instantly and move on. The problem, is that some combat for an area can be suuuuch a grind. Case in point, clearing settlement of four legged furries, was grueling. If I didn't have that cheat attack, the time spent dealing with those monsters would have been triple the time... Reduce the amount needed to kill to 4 outside, 1 per floor on the inside, and THEN the boss. Because in order to finish, you have to kill ALL the wolves in order to open the way to get to MORE monsters before moving on.


There is a lot of work that needs to be done and I look forward to seeing what comes about. But right now, with how the game is structured, the use of default assets, and the fact that the TF is instant and NOT slow (it should be changed in the game genre), I'll give it a 3/10.

Review by Seleroan

Version reviewed: 0.050 BUGFIX on 12/17/2019

There is some interesting backstory and worldbuilding going on here, but there are also a lot of things that need to be addressed before this game will be worth playing.

1.  The combat balance is skewed too easy, atm.  The slimes in the first area are incapable of damaging you.  The spiders in the second area do too much damage to you - at least until you find a single piece of armor.  Then they become trivial.  The wolves, again, you can one-shot and cannot damage you.  In short, the combat is unsatisfying.

2.  Some of the areas are quite barren, while others are full to the brim with unnecessary interactable objects.  If the only thing the description has to say about, for instance, a telephone is that it is 'a telephone', and it is visually evident that it is in fact a telephone, then you do not need the discriptor.  If you have something clever to say about it or if there is a reason I should be clicking on it, then put in a description.  Otherwise, don't bother.

3.  There is a connection between certain found items, the AI, and your mental state.  What is not clear is why any of that is.  It just happens.  Sometimes, this even leads to changes in your abilities, though I only found out about it because I happened to notice the addition in my skills list.  This is a storytelling problem.  

4.  The storytelling is generally... janky.  Sometimes there are lots of details to be found with good backstory.  Other times, things just happen with no discernable reason.  

I'm sure, or at least I hope, that all of these things will be addressed in due time.

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 0.002 on 10/07/2019

A good start.  Not much here, but definitely a good start to what could be really awesome some day!  Like the bracelet-statue idea...  good luck!  =^_^=

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