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You have just installed a new messaging app on your phone when a colleague sends you a message.

You talk for a bit when he suddenly decides to hypnotize you.

The game revolves around sending messages to your colleague and getting hypnotized by him. The game used to feature a chatbot integration that got discontinued, to persist the game I have removed the integration. Sending simple messages will now automatically trigger the next event without a conversation in between.

The game contains adult graphics and is centered around hypnosis.

Link to the Hypnopics Collective thread: https://hypnopics-collective.net/smf_forum/index.php?topic=23836.0

You have just installed a new messaging app on your phone when a colleague sends you a message.
You talk for a bit when he suddenly decides to hypnotize you. As you continue the conversation he will start adding more and more suggestions and triggers to you. Eventually making you his plaything.


The game is primarily focussed on mind control but contains other transformation content as well.


Your colleague, Shawn

Chat using the text box  Shawn should try to hypnotize.

If the chat box says "You start typing without noticing" just press "send" or enter to continue



Removed chatbot integration


Small update:
Fixed issue with image name
Limited content-screen size on firefox


Small update. Added a BE event


Hotfix. Should fix repeating event and screen issue


Added mobile frame to make game pc-friendly instead of mobile focussed

Rewritten scripts to allow "storyline" based events
Rewritten scripts to allow transformations
Rewritten scripts to allow triggers

rewritten all existing events to match new code


New event added


"Very nice" message corrected
Enter can now be used instead of pressing "send"
Text and image scrolling should be improved
Event getting stuck should be fixed


Game can be accessed by browser


New version.
Fixes timestamp on messages.
10 new events added.
Bad End added.
Decreased chance of repeating events.


Base game.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.6.0 on 11/20/2022


Writing for the game is basic fare. Images used in the game fit the purpose for what's been told. Interactivity is almost zero: you're completely railroaded and I found myself just pressing the SEND button to let the game automatically answer for me, since the game will answer anything.

There is no transformation in this submission using the Play Now: it is exclusively mind control and a story being told to you. You'll click a button to continue the story and that's it. After further investigation I can see that the author had problems with the loss of the API Bot, which is why the submission is in the state that it is.

A real shame. But for me it's a hard pass.

Review by Atnako

Version reviewed: 1.6.0 on 11/09/2022

One of my favorite games on this website is finally back!

This version is much shorter than the previous one since all the actual dialogue between hypnosis scenes was removed due to technical reasons. I hope that this game will shine again and I'm happy to see it even in this cut state.

Review by SluttyDanny89

Version reviewed: 1.5.3 on 06/03/2021

I loved this game! It's very short, very simple. Interesting conceit, as I've seen little explored in this site.

Review by Trollsmyth

Version reviewed: 1.5.3 on 11/26/2019

Nice!  Lots of potential here and a very interesting topic.


Right now, there's not much here.  The chat bot isn't up to the standards of where ELIZA was in the '80s.  Worse, it doesn't really seem to matter what you do or say.  The game has a handful of set modules that will play out (though the order seems somewhat randomized).  Most modules are a single session while others are two sessions, but you'll go through all the modules and the game ends.  There doesn't appear to be any way to really interact with the story, to influence the order of the modules, or the outcome of the game.  


That said, what's here is a wonderful little tease, and the art is randomized as well, so there is some (little, for now) reward for replaying it.   Would love to see this expanded, and it would make a very nice core for a larger life-simulator type game.

Review by Lillandril

Version reviewed: 1.5.2 on 11/26/2019

Nice game so far with one big problem the texte for Shawn are unreadable because of the texting bar (i have playe on firefox if it is an useful info)

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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