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Unreal Engine
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Changing Room

Changing Room

You are a young man trapped in a room by a crazy, albeit very talented, genetic scientist. She also happens to be a vengeful ex girlfriend. You can see where this is going.

• Escape the room meets the TFGamesSite
• I wanted to play a TG game with artwork through the eyes of the protagonist, but I couldn't find anything satisfying. So I made it myself.

• Finished. I'll try to fix any major bugs, and will DEFINITELY try to get a Mac version out if the opportunity presents itself, but otherwise I prefer to concentrate on my next project.

• Full 3D, first person game
• Roughly 10 min playtime

• My first attempt at a 3D game - so this is half a game, half an experiment to see if I could actually pull it off. So it's a pretty shallow premise and story, sorry!
• To Mac users: I'm sincerely sorry, but this game is currently only for PC. I want to make a Mac version, but Unreal won't export to Mac without an Apple computer. I'm trying to find a solution and will get a Mac version up if at all possible!


2021/Mar/26 Update

1. Added a Linux Version (untested)
2. Added Gamepad/Controller Support
3. Added a pause/quit menu
4. Locked out guessing name too early (with bonus transformation!).
5. Cleaned up texture issues (z-fighting)
6. Capped max framerate to avoid running too hot
7. Fixed some screen-tear v-sync problems
8. Spelling corrections
9. Various UI improvements
10. Changed Patreon Link to itch.io


2020/Jan/28 Update

1. Minor bug fixes (See Changelog tab)

2. Added screenshots for people who want to see before downloading (See Plot tab)

3. VR NOTE - Some users reported that the game was making Steam VR launch when it was loaded up. To avoid this, I removed VR support from version 1.0.1. If you'd like to try the game with VR controls, please download V1.0.0 instead. Just note, it has the default Unreal VR settings, but I don't have a VR rig at home, so that feature is completely untested!


Links (Win 64 v1.2.0) 600Mb:
Itch.io: https://desidee.itch.io/changing-room
Mega: https://mega.nz/file/3KYzDIRZ#qBGMWgKFOkYVrCcrUmMRfcNcxycWdrXY6FaZwC-LD7s

Links (Linux 64 v1.2.0) 600Mb:
Itch.io: https://desidee.itch.io/changing-room
Mega: https://mega.nz/file/uaYUgLKa#cJ4_XmRx9e6-v3AIyvt-AdDZYIrUS2Z6hsqXrdAHP3w

By request, here are some screenshots, so you know what it looks like before downloading a massive 600Mb file.

Changing Room 1

Changing Room 2

Changing Room 3

Changing Room 4

Changing Room 5

Changing Room 6

2021, Mar 26 V1.2.0  Various bug fixes & upgrades

1. Added a Linux Version (untested)
2. Added Gamepad/Controller Support
3. Added a pause/quit menu
4. Locked out guessing name too early (with bonus transformation!).
5. Cleaned up texture issues (z-fighting)
6. Capped max framerate to avoid running too hot
7. Fixed some screen-tear v-sync problems
8. Spelling corrections
9. Various UI improvements
10. Changed Patreon Link to itch.io

2020, Jan 28 V1.0.1  Minor bug fixes

- Removed Steam VR support, should keep Steam VR from launching
- Hopefully fixed the movment bug that was freezing some players
- If you guess the name early, it should show the correct textures now. No more boobs with a hairy chest.
- Hide the junk after a certain number of changes so it shouldn't peek out when moving quickly.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.2.0 on 08/31/2023


Writing for this game is minimalistic, but serviceable: you'll know what's going on and why. Interactivity in this game is moderate for the engine that it is using; while there are a limited number of items you can interact with, there are multiple "body state" endings for the game depending on if you have to use every item before completing it or even just go nuts and look at every item multiple times to push the transformation to the maximum level. Graphics in the game are good for this engine, but you're not going to see A-Grade developer work here if you're expecting something from a publishing house on Steam: what you see works and is entertaining. Transformations in the game are strictly on the MtF progression and the ending is the same no matter how far you go with it; the only difference is the narrator commentary.

It's an interesting short proof-of-concept game that's good while it lasts. And it's completed without any game crashing bugs.


Review by ragemasterz1

Version reviewed: 1.2.0 on 06/24/2022

This is so good. It's short and amazing!

Review by awkwardcultism

Version reviewed: 1.2.0 on 08/03/2021

More of a tech demo or proof of concept than an actual game.

There are serious optimization issues, no graphics controls to help you fix them, and the craftsmanship is shoddy at best even in terms of 3D sex games made by a single person.

If the gimmick interests you, you have very little to lose from trying it out, but Changing Room doesn't really offer anything you can't get from any first person game from the last twenty years with character creation.

Review by joeberan

Version reviewed: 1.2.0 on 07/13/2021

Brilliant little game. Does everything it needs to do. Sort of reminds me of a 3D point-and-click adventure in terms of game play, but the graphics and PoV are super hot :D 

Review by chibikami

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 11/04/2020

Brilliant as a proof of concept, can easily be the foundation of a larger escape room type of game (sequel set in the hallway, when?).

Biggest complaint: even if you aren't fully transformed, you will be for the ending, even if you got her name after just one clue. As a game this is a poor design choice, invoking the failure state even if the player beats your system

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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