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Adult Themes
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Version: 1.4.2




Hypnosis is an Adult Visual Novel where you play as the protagonist that discovers his pocket watch can cause physical changes.

He uses this to grant wishes for the girls in his life, usually to change their physical attributes.

Although starting with good intentions, the temptation to use the power of the watch for selfish reasons becomes more appealing to the protagonist as the game progresses.


Game Trailer

(Also available through Itch.io)

You moved in with your best friend and his family under one condition:
That you don't hook up with your friend's cute little sister Leah who has a crush on you.

The game begins with Leah complaining that her boobs are too small, so to make her feel better you pull out your grandfather's pocket watch and wave it in front of her, telling her that her boobs will grow. This somehow works, and soon all of Leah's friends are asking you to hypnotize them also.

Choose between being the nice guy and the asshole with each girl.

It is possible to date multiple girls at the same time, but you will find that girls in small private schools tend to gossip. 

Navigate wisely, both with choosing how much truth to share as well as keeping an eye out for which girl has malicious intent.

The Girls:

 There are five main girls with story lines to explore romantically.

Your best friend's little sister that he is very protective over. How good are you at saying no?

Leah's best friend. Leah set you up at first but later seems to regret being your wing man.

A girl from your past you don't have fond memories of. Has she turned a new leaf?

Laura's best friend will refer to you as her enemy or her boyfriend, depending on your choices.

The other girls are mean to Jenn. You decide if you want to help her or take advantage of her submissive nature.

Image of Jenn (NSFW)

Each of the five girls will introduce you to a new girl. There will be:

Leah's twin sister who was adopted when she was younger.
Grace's foreign exchange student friend.
Laura's older sister who is engaged.
Jenn's best friend.
Ashley's Mom.


The guys:

Your best friend Cory


Find the walkthrough here

New in v1.4.2:

This update continues the main story branch where Episode 13 left off and contains the first half of Episode 14. 
It also offers a new path at the end of Episode 10.

Review by radarcolorwall

Version reviewed: 1.2 on 06/22/2024

Not usually a big fan of the harem VNs, but this one perfectly utilizes breast expansion and hypnosis as well as a decently interesting story and characters to really level it up.

Review by TheMagicalGurl

Version reviewed: 1.2 on 05/21/2023

A wonderful, well-made game!

Review by awokenchange

Version reviewed: 1.0.9 on 04/03/2022

Really excellent, absolutely worth the download and some play time if you like BE at all. I actually found myself enjoying the storyline and characters quite a bit, so that is always a bonus too. 

Review by AGoldenGirl

Version reviewed: 1.0.9 on 08/18/2021

Hypnosis is pretty great, if you like what its offering you. The transformation aspects lightly exist in altering one's body through hypnosis, but really aren't the main focus of the game; they seem to be a vehicle for this game to tell its story.

The interactivity of the game is good, even though it can often be hard to see the impact of some choices until later on in the story. This is both a good thing and bad, since it gives choices long lasting effects but can screw you over if you change your mind once you reap what you sow.

Its a long one too, took me 6 or 7 sessions of playing to get to the beginning of the only ending currently in the game. This does give you a good amount of time to get to know the characters though. I look greatly forward to any story developments that may be released in the future.

The big strength is the games portrayal of its women - they are all unique and developed characters and the visual medium chosen to expose them to you works really well for this game.

If you like dating hot girls, fucking them and balancing your inner self around making choices which benefit you or others and the morals involved, then you will definitely love this one. 9/10.

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 02/28/2021

Not a review of the whole game, but the "auto" text function in this game is bad af.

With most penpy games I can set the auto text speed pretty close to my actual reading speed, but with this game, even on the fastest setting it is so slow, that I can read the text at least 5 times without exaggeration/hyperbole until it finally skips to the next.


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