Inspired by the movie Jumanji (the original) four players embark on a game where anything can and will happen. The game is in heavy development at the moment, there are expected to be quite a few main path's with many branches. The game uses an element of randomness coupled with the player's choices to attempt to give a unique playthrough every time.
The game is heavily inspired by games like humpin' and The Change Games.
You are forced by the school to tutor your bully, your best friend decides to help. Your mom is at home when you arrive and all four of you are sucked into playing this weird game.
You - You, should be simple enough
Evan - Your high school bully
Lena - Your best friend
Kathy - Your mother
xpac 1.2.24 -
Fixed -Mom after following "Snaked Away" after you click "Bimbofy Lena" goes dead. Mom10 is missing from the image pack
Fixed-"Anyone Will Do" is listed as inside "images\UI\Perks\anyonewilldo.jpg" capitalize the I in images (capitalization matters on linux browsers)
Fixed-"Undo" image is a gif and should have .gif not .jpg
Fixed-On Walktrhough List you have "</td>" between Mimic Mom and Snaked Away(Linux OS issue, should be resolved)
Added-Walkthrough for current update path, will be renamed when path ends and then should be continued on the new build path going forward to make finding the content easier.
2 pages of content added to path currently in progress.
xpac 1.2.22 -
3 pages of content, better tracking for changelogs going forward (aside from this one)
Expansion - 1.1.6
changed versioning information to something that makes sense (x.y.z, x = current expansion, y = current completed paths, z = pages done in incomplete paths)
Content additions
Expansion - 1.0.0
Initial release of xpac 1.
Changelog - 1.0.0
Due to a large amount of feedback regarding content directions the game is being completed as is. Stay tuned for an open world sequel where you can play as you like..
Changelog - 0.1.0
Changelog - 0.0.10
Changelog - 0.0.9
Changelog - 0.0.8
Changelog - 0.0.7
Version 0.0.6
Known issues:
Version 0.0.5
Added a cat for that one guy (You know who you are)
New Pathing splits
New Endings
Version 0.0.4
Custom name variable implemented
a few spelling fixes
converted webm to mp4, for ios compatibility
Endings renamed so you can tell if you get them all
Current Endings
Return things to normal (boring stuff)
No Deal
Momma's Boy
Kage Bunshin
Blowjob King
Cumshot King
Cum Cow
General of Bimbofication
Mom's in Charge
Version 0.0.3 - Figured out I need better changelog management
Version 0.0.2 - First endings added, branching begins on completed path
Version 0.0.1 - Initial launch
This game is definitely great for its sex scenes and videos. Honestly, some of the best on this site. I just hope that we get to continue seeing more story branches in the future that lead to all sorts of unique endings and interactions.
I am a bit disappointed that the dom paths turned out that shallow. Would have loved to turn Even into a little sissy slut or smth similar. Or at least a scenario where you don't do bimbo cum but still are 'winning')
Update 20210201:
Like that this is still beeing worked on. You never quite know what will be up on the next page. looking forward to see more paths completed.
This is not a game in any sense.
There are very few paths and a tiny number of choices.
There's quite a lot of writing, and a lot of movies. You can enjoy the movies ... or not ... but that's really what this is about.
There's never a moment where you feel like you are in control of anything or making a real decision, but there is a sort of - very minimal - story you can read that links up the different sex movies.
If you want to watch the sex movies, there are worse ways to go about it, but the replayability here is very limited.
On the plus side, there is no grind and no time sinks. You just click through each stage and watch a movie or two.
I am SO bummed this game is basically canceled !
I loved it, and hoped it would grow into a large game...
Honestly, good concept, good execution, good images... The only problem is that there are really few choices !