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Version: Pretender

Version: 1

Back Again

 The firstborn son of a noble daimyo has fallen from grace and suffered grievious losses help him to pick up his losses in this text adventure with pictures.

This is a game in the same setting as Bulls' Run, but a lot less heroic and starting quite different.
I think it is only fair to warn every potential player that the main character starts after being castrated as a punishment.
The character will not remain crippled, of course, but the start is not a happy one, and the horror motives are much more in display than in Bulls' Run.
Basically Bulls' RUn is the high fantasy approach to the setting, and this is the horror (as in chtulhoid) approach. I am not a purist when it comes to cthulhoid horror, so the game is about survival and becoming whole (in a transformed way), not suffering, withering and dying in despair.

Regarding the Patreon link: A couple of people have asked me in the last few years about a patreon link for my games. I cannot accept any money for games, or I would have to ask my boss for a special allowance to work in my spare time: I live in a country with special job regulations. 
Pervy Sage is an artist who will illustrate all my games in due time. Pery has a patreon: 

Perversity is a one man operation working on art commissions, while also working on different projects of his own creation. When dealing with commissions he's willing to undertake any kind of art request. While the projects he works on tend to usually sit in the science fiction, or superpowers genre of games. His projects tend to look more reflect real life situations, than fantasy outlooks (IE: the real world is a pretty bad place, and he doesn't see any particular reason to hide that, or lie about it) the real world is a grimdark setting, and his projects tend to reflect this.

Survive a grieveous loss, recover from your wound and find your place in the town where you may very well spend the rest of your life: it's a backwater hovel in stinking salt marshes; but what can one do? 


Your handler from the Trading Consortium

Your samurai, servants and bodyguards

That mean Geisha madame

A Gatekeeper

A somewhat evil crone

Several VERY evil others

Review by JaradLichLord

Version reviewed: 1 on 07/17/2020

I am rather a fan of Blauz's games. They have a very unique approach to storytelling that I find very engaging. I particularly enjoy their darker creations. This is no exception.
The begining is a bit abrupt but once you get going the world is rich and colorful even if those colors are darker than one might expect. The characters are believable in that they do not act except from some motivation or interest in the events unfolding. There are some bugs and some issues with English, but on the balance the game outshines these issues. I am eagerly waiting to see where this progresses to.

Review by willnotwork

Version reviewed: 1 on 05/29/2020

This is a classic Blauz story. An interesting concept, linear delivery with painful typing inconsistencies. I don't know Rokugan well, but so far I'm enjoying this.

Review by Khajiti

Version reviewed: 1 on 05/29/2020

Very enjoyable!  Nice handling of the internal voice.  Adept at presenting worldview.  Very charming in its dark, bloody manner.... ;)

Review by Zoeylicious

Version reviewed: 1 on 05/27/2020

Really liked what I played so far. The world setting is amazing and I always find it interesting to play a story not in our current setting. It feels more like a story with limited choices and sometimes I felt like I missed some part of the story, replayed it and couldn't find any mention of  the part I read. But overall it's a great game/story and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

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